I am not sure exactly what you are trying to say here..........................................
What GIA seems to be trying to 'say'....is that he'll take any biblical comment out of context to support his own gnostic beliefs.
What is interesting is that he out cherry picks and out out quote mines the most fundamentalist of fundamentalists I've had the experience of debating.
Sophistry and contextual abuse are about all you're going to experience from him in his 'I hate God' rants.
GIA appears to be some sort of 'gnostic warrior/priest' and currently, Christianity is his target.
rob.....ask GIA what he believes in.......especially topics involving his support of legalizing drug abuse and addiction, Lilith and her many demon spawn, his bizarre take on Eden where he denies scripture in the Christian Bible but uses out takes out of context to prove his own version with no explanation for the differences..... and of course the secretive gnostic favorite I'd like to hear more of (
Trust me, after a while, it all sounds like barking