Is becoming like God good or evil?

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Is becoming like God good or evil?

I would like to restrict giving God any other attribute except for knowing good and evil in this thread. Just for simplicity.

I have two quotes I would like you to consider.

“Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.”

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

Knowing good and evil is the same as developing or gaining a moral sense. This is something that all governments and religions wish to develop in us and seems like a good idea to me.

If being perfect like God means that we must have the knowledge of good and evil, then Adam and Eve had to eat of the tree of knowledge ---- if they were to accomplish what most seem to think is a worthy goal. Morals. As God says in Eden, such is to have your eyes opened. A good thing IOW.

In the Jewish view, A & E did the right thing and they name it our elevation. In the Christian view, they did the wrong thing and call it our fall.

Is becoming as Gods, in the moral sense, good or evil?

If evil, pl
ease explain what is evil about developing a moral sense and following scriptures that tell us to be as Gods.


Is becoming like God good or evil?
Mostly just impossible, imo.
You claim to be god-like...... and see the stuff you post?
I think the lesson is to improve ourselves as to what we currently are, not that we can achieve the status of God.
It would be depressing for me you have to accept you as a god......------> :D ( see me smiling, no worries on that issue :p )

I would like to restrict giving God any other attribute except for knowing good and evil in this thread. Just for simplicity.
Of course you would. You take specifics and address generalities as such.
You did this with evolution in another thread by equating evolution to competition and competition results in victims and thus evil.
A fallacy.
Sophistry and the abuse of context.
To make matters worse, along with your abuse of logic ( :D ) you claimed no intent to do evil resulted in no evil.
Horrendous contradiction with your claim evolution ( competition) was evil..
Generally, evolution is not the will of an individual, being consciously expressed upon itself.
Evolution is the success/failure of DNA to express favorable morphology in a changing environment. This has been seen as a population level event....... and is represented in the fossil records of Earth as speciation.
True, man and science has started to intervene in natural evolution.
But when discussing absolutes, evolution is not simply an evil concept.
So there are examples ( the majority of evolution ) where there was no intent of evil and there are examples of both good and evil intent. ( think crop improvements and animal husbandry versus the human eugenics of the last century )
Absolutes and sophistry seem to get you into trouble often in these debates.

Knowing good and evil is the same as developing or gaining a moral sense. This is something that all governments and religions wish to develop in us and seems like a good idea to me.
Sounds more idealistic than realistic.

If being perfect like God means that we must have the knowledge of good and evil.....
How would the knowledge of good and evil equate to the status being perfect?
It's what we do with knowledge that expresses our morality and ethics.
So......the concept of perfection wouldn't be the 'data base', it's what we'd do with it.

Is becoming as Gods, in the moral sense, good or evil?
You can't become god-like. I know, I claim it.....but with all the mistakes you've been making in just don't fit the imagery of being perfect or even close.
Don't take it personally, it's merely your delusion.
After all, you're only human :cool

( maybe :p )

End Of All

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To become like God is impossible.
To become one with God, is another matter.
Repent, seek forgiveness for all of your sins, it truly frees the mind, body, and the soul.

FYI- I am not that religious of a person.

Minor Axis

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To become like God is impossible.
To become one with God, is another matter.
Repent, seek forgiveness for all of your sins, it truly frees the mind, body, and the soul.

FYI- I am not that religious of a person.

Too simplified an idea coming from the imagination of man. Would it be more important to be forgiven or to see the error of your ways without the threat of punishment? The latter takes time, maybe several life times. After all, any actions you take based on the threat of punishment diminishes your true spirit.


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Too simplified an idea coming from the imagination of man. Would it be more important to be forgiven or to see the error of your ways without the threat of punishment? The latter takes time, maybe several life times. After all, any actions you take based on the threat of punishment diminishes your true spirit.

Where was the threat of punishment in End Of All's post?

any actions you take based on the threat of punishment diminishes your true spirit.
In your scenario, those actions wouldn't be sincere and likely made by someone that has previously diminished their 'true spirit' ( what ever that is in your context ) and lives in conflict.
This is what End Of All seems to be addressing.
'Repent and seek forgiveness' is an argument to resolve that conflict with/in sincerity, imo.

Too simplified an idea coming from the imagination of man. mean like your theory that your concept.......our existence in what you call 'Earth Simulator '.... is a prelude to a spirit world?
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Greatest I am

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A person responsible for a death could seek forgiveness from relatives and friends of that person.
It does happen.

That is the way the Jews had it at one time.
I do not know of any of the deals you speak of in modern times though. Unless it is a Muslim honor killing.
They are quite numerous.



Glorified Maniac
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Do you see this crap in the US NO so STFU!! already


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That is the way the Jews had it at one time.
I do not know of any of the deals you speak of in modern times though. Unless it is a Muslim honor killing.
They are quite numerous.


I do not know of any of the deals you speak of in modern times though. Unless it is a Muslim honor killing.

What 'deals' are you referring to?
Haven't you ever seen heard of a convicted killer begging forgiveness in a court room, of the relatives of the victim?
Haven't you ever heard of some one seeking forgiveness for an accidental death?
Are you so insulated from society that you aren't aware of the trials and tribulations that occur in life?

What the hell does honor killing have to do with forgiveness?

I truly don't have a clue as to what's going on in your twisted mind and until you explain it, I suspect few reading this thread relate to your above statement.

If someone does relate to it, please post a translation :D

The Man

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Is becoming like God good or evil?

I would like to restrict giving God any other attribute except for knowing good and evil in this thread. Just for simplicity.

I have two quotes I would like you to consider.

“Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.”

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

Knowing good and evil is the same as developing or gaining a moral sense. This is something that all governments and religions wish to develop in us and seems like a good idea to me.

If being perfect like God means that we must have the knowledge of good and evil, then Adam and Eve had to eat of the tree of knowledge ---- if they were to accomplish what most seem to think is a worthy goal. Morals. As God says in Eden, such is to have your eyes opened. A good thing IOW.

In the Jewish view, A & E did the right thing and they name it our elevation. In the Christian view, they did the wrong thing and call it our fall.

Is becoming as Gods, in the moral sense, good or evil?

If evil, pl
ease explain what is evil about developing a moral sense and following scriptures that tell us to be as Gods.

Is becoming as Gods, in the moral sense, good or evil

Since you have claimed to be god like and now pose this question/I think it is fair to say that any knowledge that was gained that day stopped at the turd.


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To answer the original question I would say that becoming like God is a goal that everyone should strive for, but trying to BECOME God is inherently evil as there is only one.

Greatest I am

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To answer the original question I would say that becoming like God is a goal that everyone should strive for, but trying to BECOME God is inherently evil as there is only one.

Hearsay and book say.

Or have you had an apotheosis?

Gen 3 [SUP]22 [/SUP]Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us,"

What you say is good, God punished A & E for doing.

Is that how you read it?



Active Member
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Hearsay and book say.

Or have you had an apotheosis?

Gen 3 [SUP]22 [/SUP]Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us,"

What you say is good, God punished A & E for doing.

Is that how you read it?


I am not sure exactly what you are trying to say here...but my answer...

We were also made in his image, which can be interpreted that spiritually we seek to obtain the perfection of God. However, God is a jealous god and has decreed that we shall have no other god or false idol. This means that we shouldn't try to be gods, but we should strive to perfect our spirit, and live purely to be like God!