If God is the most powerful being...

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It's not about God, but it's a paradox nonetheless.

"This statement is not true."

It's it's not true, than it is true, and if it's true, than it's not true.

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it is not following, it is the grandest thought of all! i dont think they teach this stuff anywhere. it is both, because it can, can u not sit and meditate on that for hours, i mean, two seemingly contradictory things here, may just make total sense there, im not even there, and its already starting to get clearer to me. i am here, but i am not.....does one have to be right and one wrong, since they contradict, i dont see why not. can it not be beyond what we can think. since existance makes all, our thoughts included, cant there also be an x factor that can make both things as real as the other? stretch the mind out. think about it, because i actually do, every day. its like saying the unknown is known just through the word, thus nullifying it, therefor nothing is unknown, because it is known by being unknown, know what i mean? its like the chicken and the egg with fate and free will. like fate knew what was going on before, but it needed the free choice to be known, im not sure if im getting this across, prehaps i'll put something together for u, then i wont sound as blind as u think i am

that post tickled my brain. sure it could be some sort of limitation of the human mind, and sure it could be one in the same. plus there's always the idea of how you define god and omniscience/omnipotence and whatnot. these kinds of paradoxes are a technicality, and i prefer nitpicking other parts of religion.


btw, i cant help but imagine you popping shrooms while writing that ;)


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It's not about God, but it's a paradox nonetheless.

"This statement is not true."

It's it's not true, than it is true, and if it's true, than it's not true.

"Everything I say is a lie"

Now there's a paradox.


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dude, wtf does that mean?

i mean, the fact that paradoxes exist in nature, is a good sign that the "yes and no, because he can" make a rock that big (james said that wasnt good enough, that you needed proof, like physics or something) could be true in that degree. one statement should cancel out the other, but they do not, because they are linked for that very purpuse (ie, god would be able to do both, because It is the impossible as well). maybe i should have quoted what he said before, sorry bout the confusion


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that post tickled my brain. sure it could be some sort of limitation of the human mind, and sure it could be one in the same. plus there's always the idea of how you define god and omniscience/omnipotence and whatnot. these kinds of paradoxes are a technicality, and i prefer nitpicking other parts of religion.


btw, i cant help but imagine you popping shrooms while writing that ;)

i havent eatin the boomers in years, but i probably would have written something similar then, but would have taken a lot longer to get down (between getting lost in the mental visual, and actually writting it down)


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Free Will, Wow what a discussion this has been, And It has made me do some reading and a bit of thinking. I avoid these topics for a reason, but this one just seems to knaw at me. So

Do we have free will ? Yes, but I dont believe it is in the sense yall are asking about, Reminds me of the parable of the Seeds.

Some of you believe that everything is pre-determined so there really can be no free will. but I think there is a point Missing here. Although our destinations in life, and the trials we face may be predetermined, how we face them, and what road we choose when we face them, Is our Free Will.

as long as there is a choice in the matter, then free will takes effect, Seriously without FreeWill we would all be just walking Zombies, there would never be a question of should I or shouldnt I, because the answer would be obvious to us.

Like, I Read this thread, And I have the Choice to believe that Free Will really does not exist and therfore everything I have learned and been taught in my Life is BS, Or I have the choice to Know that Free Will is there and Therefore My faith is not misplaced. And that Choice is What Free Will is about, As long as you have A choice, you have Freewill, Now you can tell me that my thoughts on that are predetermined, But that would be false,

Again it is just an opinion based on my faith and my beliefs, but there is no way to Prove which belief is true. Tests of our lives, having to repeat mistakes? What if's? those are all proof of free Will.

And Choosing to have this Debate is your FreeWill Kicking in, otherwise, why would you need to debate, it would be a given without anyone to Question you, because it would be fate that says, You have a mind to think, to debate, to argue, Why would you not think that mind also has the power of Free Will?

Facing this Thread and This Debate was the Given.. Choosing to post and Not believe that which I am being told, Is my Free Will.

Although I see what you're saying, it's still nonsense. If you have free will, you can choose to do what you want, then God ISN'T all-knowing and all-powerful, because he doesn't know what you're about to do. But religion has always labeled God as the all-knowing all-powerful being that created us, and that he knows everything we're about to do, so even if WE think it's a random action and we have free will, he knew we would do that.

Say you can go down road 1 or road 2. You may think you have the free will to go down either road, but in the long run, God already knows, "That person will go down this road", and since he's supposedly never wrong, and he's perfect, he's technically already chosen where you'll go. He has already created you to face this decision in life, and already predetermined what road you'll decide to go down. Therefore, that would mean we basically are zombies. God has predetermined everything, and we're powerless against that fate.

But like I said in the beginning, I'm looking way too much into this shit :D


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i think that if i could see into the future, id know what u were going to do, but i would not be influencing u, id just know where things ended up


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But that's different, you are not an all-powerful, 100% correct being that formed our universe. God is. And he is supposedly NEVER wrong, so he could say to himself, "Horses have 4 heads and 4+9=chair", and it would be accurate.


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if i knew i was going to hit one thing that would end up in a good way, then all the power is mine, and everything in between is a means. If I was God, and I knew that no matter what you did, in the end will end just fine, then my choice to control what you do in between is a mute point. If I choose not to interfere in small scopes, then I am still all powerful, because the choice to not interfere on that level would encompase all the power by choosing not to do so (did that make sense, that was kind of hard). Like the choice to stay silent, or non-violent, can be more powerful then acting.