Okay, this post ended up being a lot longer than I planned:
Well as anarchists we aren't supposed to force our beliefs on people but talking about it is fine. If we forced our beliefs we'd be like the Marxists, and even though they are an ally
sometimes, they ultimately just stab us in the back.
I think anarchy is the only way to go to solve the problems of the world, and that's not to say we can just go to bed tonight and then wake up and be in an anarchist society. Because that wouldn't work. People need to change themselves before we can make any real changes. We need to give society a complete overhaul. And that'll take yeeeeears upon yeeeeears to do.
Shit, I'll be dead. Maybe my kids will be too. And you know what? It may
never happen, and I've accepted that. But I'd rather try than not try, even if I bring a little positivity into this world then it's helping.
There are some things I don't like at all when people debate anarchy. I don't like when people follow a misconception of it. The dictionary definition of anarchy, well one or a few of them, is misleading as well so it can't really be followed. I hate when people think they're clever because they say that it would just bring on chaos without realizing that it's a gradual change before it would work. Anarchism is a
theory that has never been proved or disproved, as far as I know, in North America because we haven't lived in an anarchist society. And I don't think people are as bad as people think. I think that, while some are raised poorly or whatever, that capitalism is the reason why the world is shit. Capitalism is the umbrella term. Like, I don't think everybody would go murder everyone. And I don't think we'd lose our problem solving abilities if we did live in a society without law and government, among other things.
Anarchy is order and balance, the A that people like to spray paint to look cool means order.
And now I finally comment on what you said... I don't think LiberalVichy is going about this the right way. The posts aren't full of enough, for LACK OF A BETTER TERM, compassion. Like, people don't want to be hit over the head with things. It turns them off. Hell, I am an anarchist and I get a little annoyed at how some people handle their opinions. Arguments aren't the way to go, because people just end up thinking the other side are morons. Or that the basis of their philosophy is full of shit
I'm sure LiberalVichy just thinks that she's being assertive about her opinions but I'm willing to bet that people think it's gone beyond that. Right or wrong? I reserve the right to be either one of those.
I hope I worded that well, and I hope that the way I actually post kind of furthers my belief on how to discuss/debate things. And here's an example: My friend Joe once put in his MSN name, on Thanksgiving, "Congrats to [however many turkeys] slaughtered!" And I got after him. Yes, he was right. But I told him that being that aggressive with people isn't gonna shake them out of "apathy" or whatever you want to call it, it'll just turn them off of HIM and his opinion. So we argued about it and eventually he admitted that I was right. Some people do need to be shaken out of something, but there are different ways to go about it. I'm of the belief that people need to be judged on a case by case basis and treated in such a way that it's okay for them. One thing isn't gonna work for everyone.
Debates don't have to be emotionless.
I'm sorry this was long, and some of it may be jumbled because it was so much typing, lol. Bear with me, y'all. And keep in mind I'd gladly have a discussion about anarchy, but I will not have an argument. I'm tired of it.