Want to bet that you have no empirical evidence to back that up?
Furthermore, where do you think that money came from? The government produces nothing, it only takes what others have produced. At most the government has developed technology and advances in areas where people did not want to put their money. I mean, for Christ's sake, all the rocket technology NASA used and even the atomic bomb were developed privately long before the government ever put them together, at enormous cost with no payoff except robbery and death. This myth is a favourite among the incompetent of academia, who want funding for their pet project and have their vanity hurt because people think their own lives are more important than some monomaniac's absurdly expensive and non-productive schemes.
I might, if I was desperate, but I'd rather contact a private company or take care of it myself. Unfortunately the government has made this all but illegal. Honestly, how hard is it to understand that what I fundamentally object to is that I'm not allowed to disagree with your opinion as to how 'awsum' these jack-booted thugs are supposed to be at protecting me, much less protect myself from them.