Honest veiws about you own LSD/MUSHROOM experience

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I will admit...I've done all of the above mentioned drugs at least once. I don't have much experience with crack, other than an "accident" one time...i thought it was something else...but anyways, drug addiction does change people. Not necessarily permanently, but while on the drugs. It makes them especially apathetic, and makes them lower their standards in some form. Drugs also make people very selfish. I have seen this in myself, and in others who were once close to me. The MOST addictive, evil drug that I have ever come across though...is DEFINITELY meth. I say it's more addictive than crack, and does far more harm to people's lives. You really REALLY can't say you know about addiction unless you have personally been through it. Even those around me didn't understand.

About the hallucinogens...they aren't QUITE the same...but they do have the capacity to be. They aren't as physically addictive as opioids or stimulants, but still have the ability to make you lose yourself in a sense...the risk in hallucinogens is the unknown...you could have taken acid 100 times, and on the 101th time, have a really bad trip and do something incredibly stupid to harm yourself, nad not even be AWARE of it at the time. That's the harm I see there. Also, LSD builds up in your spinal column, and can cause severe back problems. This isn't with everyone, but if you have taken a lot of acid in a short period of time you might notice your back really hurting, or your muscles spasming a lot...

All of the above is my personal opinion from my personal experiences, i dont claim any of it to be FACT per se but just what my view is.

I thought you were talking about ALL drugs. I don't think there are too many people who would say that hard drugs (ie highly addictive drugs) bring out positive qualities in people. Acid shouldn't be dropped regularly. That might be a once-in-a-blue-moon type of drug. Anyone who does it regularly is asking for trouble.

I still think pot, 'shrooms, and peyote do more good than bad, though. Some of the nicest, coolest, most intelligent people I know do them occasionally.
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