Done shrooms twice, and in very limited quantity. Would love to try them again. LSD, I'd like to try, but I'm iffy on it because there are a lot more bad things that can happen, I'm more into the natural stuff...and that which doesn't last seemingly forever lol. But I'll describe my two shrooms experiences:
first time: I was in Indiana with my boyfriend, we took them, and chilled out on his boat (it was still in the dock, don't worry lol) and I saw a spider, which I do not like spiders to begin with. I pointed it out and he (a fairly regular drug user) asked if it really bothered me (he was helping me get used to it and all because I asked him to keep tabs on me since it was my first time) and I told him no...I actually was kind of intrigued by the spider, I just didn't wanna be near it, so I sat down farther away. I looked back up there and the whole top piece was COVERED in spiders, which i was sure was just a product of the trip, so I laughed about it. My boyfriend then tried to convince me that there was a giant spider in our shower, which pretty much detered me from going to the bathroom until hours later lol. But when we got back to the trailer, we had a glowstick catch game, and then I just stared mezmerised into the glowstick, turning it slowly because the little glass pieces inside looked to me like shit that would go on at cirque de i saw a woman in a large headdress riding an elephant, and a trapeeze artist, shit like that. then we watched the Matrix and went to bed. It was one of the better nights of my life (oh, we had 3D glasses too...that was a BLAST.
Second time: I was at the club and a friend of mine gave me two small stems, which i ate and felt nothing. i got dropped off back at my dorm and i dropped my keys on the way in. as i bent over to pick them up, the blood (and the trip) rushed to my head. I could feel my pupils widen as i walked through my hall, i opened the door and my roommie knew right away something was up, so i told her, then proceded to tell her i was going to watch harold and kumar go to white castle before calling it a i did. and it was way funnier, even though i love that movie anyways.
so both of mine were good experiences, and i'd give anything to do it again. unfortunately, my boyfriend doesnt want me to (for various reasons) and i don't trust anyone else to do it with. Although my boyfriend is going to a techno festival in May and leaving me home, so my friend and i are thinking of getting a bag while he's gone. he's gonna be doing shit i don't approve of that weekend too, so i might as well have some fun.