Hey Christians! Why?

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It should make you sad that you believe in a god that created evil. God created Satan fully knowing that he would rebel and cause mankind all of his future evil plans, god cast him into hell (something god had to create because nothing is created without god), and later god is ultimately responsible for mankind's fall and original sin because he knowingly created humans who would betray him. Its funny because god shouldn't hold us to original sin at all considering he can't possibly be mad at his creations that did something that he foresaw and planned to happen all along. He created man knowing he would eat of the tree, so to hold us to sin is ridiculous.

But then again genesis is a culmination of middle eastern and Mediterranean regional myths that are very similar.
do you actually believe all that? :confused
Yup, it says in the bible that god knows the Past, Present and Future of every human. And that he has planned out their lives for them.
that question was for AEF, but since you answered it definitively, I will await his answer and get back to both of you guys. Just didn't want you thinking I was ignoring you, Joker ;)


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I'm just here to say what I believe and that is that there is a God and that I have faith in that. And, again, I do say that it does take faith to believe the opposite too.
This may explain it a bit more:
If you are positive that there is no God, then it is a belief, a faith that you have. Religious people believe in God, but
can not prove it. Atheists believe that there is no God, but can not prove it.
Religious people believe that God created us.
Atheists believe that God did not create us.
Both have faiths, they can't prove what they believe.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I'm just here to say what I believe and that is that there is a God and that I have faith in that. And, again, I do say that it does take faith to believe the opposite too.
This may explain it a bit more:
If you are positive that there is no God, then it is a belief, a faith that you have. Religious people believe in God, but
can not prove it. Atheists believe that there is no God, but can not prove it.
Religious people believe that God created us.
Atheists believe that God did not create us.
Both have faiths, they can't prove what they believe.

That is nonsense

You have nothing but faith.

The burden of proof is on you that believe.

It is irrational to expect people to prove the non existence of something.

Peter Parka

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I'm just here to say what I believe and that is that there is a God and that I have faith in that. And, again, I do say that it does take faith to believe the opposite too.
This may explain it a bit more:
If you are positive that there is no God, then it is a belief, a faith that you have. Religious people believe in God, but
can not prove it. Atheists believe that there is no God, but can not prove it.
Religious people believe that God created us.
Atheists believe that God did not create us.
Both have faiths, they can't prove what they believe.

The opposite of believing in god is not believing in god, seeing there is no proof of god, what the fuck are you talking about?

Peter Parka

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There is no proof that there is no God either Parker.....

That makes no sense whatsoever, there can never be proof of something not existing. I dont believe in the yeti, why? Because there is no proof it exists. As the believer it is up to you to prove the existance of something instead of twisting it round in this nonsensical way because you cant and you cant except there is no proof.


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There is evidence all around us Pete. The very fact that anything is anything is evidence of creation. The "How" question is dependant on a personal interpretation of the evidence. Non believers have no competing theory of creation, and yet tell creationists that we're "nonsensical."

Go figure.


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There is evidence all around us Pete. The very fact that anything is anything is evidence of creation

no....that's just evidence of our ability to percieve, and interpret.....
as you say
The "How" question is dependant on a personal interpretation of the evidence.
the evidence is only a function of HOW YOU ARE LOOKING AT IT.

Non believers have no competing theory of creation, and yet tell creationists that we're "nonsensical."

see what i mean? :p

Go figure.
something each of us needs to do :thumbup

Peter Parka

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There is evidence all around us Pete. The very fact that anything is anything is evidence of creation. The "How" question is dependant on a personal interpretation of the evidence. Non believers have no competing theory of creation, and yet tell creationists that we're "nonsensical."

Go figure.

Circumstantial evidence only, if it was in a court case it would never stand up.

I dont have a competing theory of creation because I can accept I dont know everything. I'm not gulliable enough to believe in something with no evidence though. However, I keep an open mind. If you find some evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there is a god, you get back to me, ok?;)

Minor Axis

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There is evidence all around us Pete. The very fact that anything is anything is evidence of creation. The "How" question is dependant on a personal interpretation of the evidence. Non believers have no competing theory of creation, and yet tell creationists that we're "nonsensical."

Go figure.

Scientifically there is the big bang theory but who or what is responsible is unknown. The problem with most religious dogma is that it says it knows the specific answer using a holy book written with no scientific basis by highly superstitious ancient people as the resource. While I might wish and hope for a wonderful existence in the next life, I prefer for lack of evidence to believe it's beyond our comprehension. :)


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However, I keep an open mind. If you find some evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there is a god, you get back to me, ok?;)
Yeah....glad to hear that your mind is open!!! The first thing I'd ask you to do is read through the bible, starting with the new testament. If you are open to it, the holy spirit will speak to you through God's word, your eyes will be opened to the truth.
There is so much in there that will allow you see that God is real....I promise:)

If you don't care to read the bible, then I'll just pray that God will be reveiled to you if thats ok?
If you are really open to finding God, you will find him.

All Else Failed

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There is evidence all around us Pete. The very fact that anything is anything is evidence of creation. The "How" question is dependant on a personal interpretation of the evidence. Non believers have no competing theory of creation, and yet tell creationists that we're "nonsensical."

Go figure.
lol come on, you're much more intelligent that that....and to be using this old, worn out creationist argument which has been refuted so many times?

Plus, this "evidence" of yours is not evidence of a creator at all, just evidence that things exist.

I mean, I could argue that since things DO exist, that DISPROVES god, seeing as how all creations are made out of want or need. Two things god cannot have because he is in the state of perfection, and to want or need anything is to not be god.

All Else Failed

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do you actually believe all that? :confused
Nothing can be created or conceived without god's knowing or will.

Think of it for a second:

God: "Ok, I'm going to create everything that will ever exist, including an arch nemesis to all of mankind and myself, who I willingly create in full knowledge that he will rebel against, but I'm going to create him anyways and punish him for something I already know will happen. Also, I'm going to create a place called hell to send him and all of his followers to burn for all of eternity because they don't follow my ways, I'm a jelaous god after all! Oh, and I'm going to create the first man and woman, and the serpent to tempt them. Whats that you say? Why create a serpent you know will tempt them and cause their expulsion from paradise and bring sin into the world? Well...um....thats a good question! I'm going to do it anyways and punish them regardles!"

God is defined by the statement God is, if it is said that God exists this implies he didn’t exist before and will cease to exist at some point but the statement God is does not imply anything, God will always be, and has always been he is timeless and eternal.

It doesn’t make sense to ask if God exists. If there is no God then where did the idea come from? Descartes argued that it is illogical to think of God without existence it is like thinking of a triangle and not a shape with three angles. God is a logical necessity therefore God must exist
Well, here is an attempt to candidly offer some of the reasons which suggest that God exists.
But first consider this. If a person opposes even the possibility of there being a God, then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away.
It is like if someone refuses to believe that people have walked on the moon, then no amount of information is going to change their thinking. Satellite footage of astronauts walking on the moon, interviews with the astronauts, moon rocks...all the evidence would be worthless, because the person has already concluded that people cannot go to the moon.
When it comes to the possibility of God's existence, the Bible says that there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God.
(1)On the other hand, for those who want to know God if He is there, He says, "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you."

(2) Before you look at the facts surrounding God's existence, ask yourself, If God does exist, would I want to know Him?
The brain of human beings. The same place Santa and unicorns came from.

Descartes was a hack.

I would not want to know a shallow, jealous, infanticidal, genocidal megalomaniac.

some reasons supporting God's existence... 1. Throughout history, in all cultures of the world, people have been convinced there is a God.

Could one say with any sense of confidence that all those people have been mistaken? Billions of people, who represent diverse sociological, intellectual, emotional, educational makeups...all came to the same conclusion that there is a Creator, a God to be worshipped.

"Anthropological research has indicated that among the farthest and most remote primitive people today, there is a universal belief in God. And in the earliest histories and legends of people all around the world, the original concept was of one God, who was the Creator. An original high God seems once to have been in their consciousness even in those societies which are today polytheistic."(3)

2. The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today. Many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end. But here are a few:
The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface.

If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.(4) Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.

The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up.

Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day.

And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet it restrains our massive oceans from spilling over across the continents.
1) all cultures have music, ethnic foods, art, and social norms which are common threads that join all cultures together. Religion is simply one of those anthropological accessories that humans developed through out their existence to explain things. Simple as that. No divinity or mystery there, just a feature of the human brain that makes things up. Religion is no different from early humans coming up with fire0side tales of fiction. Can all religious people be wrong? Of course they can.

2) Not even going to address that old, pathetic fallacy. I'm tired of refuting it and its ridiculous "evidences". The planet wasn't created for us, we simply evolved and adapted to it to live. Stop copy and pasting worthless BS from creationist websites and get educated.


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Nothing can be created or conceived without god's knowing or will.

Think of it for a second:

God: "Ok, I'm going to create everything that will ever exist, including an arch nemesis to all of mankind and myself, who I willingly create in full knowledge that he will rebel against, but I'm going to create him anyways and punish him for something I already know will happen. Also, I'm going to create a place called hell to send him and all of his followers to burn for all of eternity because they don't follow my ways, I'm a jelaous god after all! Oh, and I'm going to create the first man and woman, and the serpent to tempt them. Whats that you say? Why create a serpent you know will tempt them and cause their expulsion from paradise and bring sin into the world? Well...um....thats a good question! I'm going to do it anyways and punish them regardles!"
it struck me as odd that you would use that argument, what God created, as part of your platform that God doesn't exist.

Seemed a little contradictory...