Gun registration?

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Joe the meek

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What is the purpose of this proposed registration? Getting shot is getting shot

For myself, the reason for gun registration is to ensure that any gun you buy, you bought "legally" and the government knows who that gun belongs to.

As a law abiding gun owner, I see nothing wrong with gun registration. You want to own a suppressor? The government is going to know your dick size anyways.

I've sold some guns myself as a "private sale" and I require anyone who buys a gun from me (as a private sale) to supply myself with the proper documentation that lets me know that legally, the person who wants to buy the gun from me is ok to do so by the state/government. Personally, it's a cover my ass step as well. If I buy a gun from a private individual, I also require documentation from their end as well informing me who they are. A bill of sale is always included in each transaction be it "buy or sell". Again, cover your butt.

I'm just getting a kick out of some of these government officials now trying to ban online ammo sale. Heck, I've gone through a thousand rounds a day on some shooting sessions. Then again, Walmart sometimes runs some good specials on Winchester (what I call "white box" pistol ammo) and I've been known to buy 500 rounds from time to time at the store. So what are they then going to do if they ban ammo sales online, start regulating exactly how much ammo you can buy at one time? Hauling even three hundred rounds will kind of make you stick out like a sore thumb.

Again, usually when gun owners give an inch, the government tries to take a yard. That is one reason why I believe gun owners get so apprehensive on any new introduce "anti gun" legislation, and rightfully so.
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Registration on original gun sale or through a dealer makes perfectly good sense to document that the gun was purchased. I oppose new anti-gun laws because the ones already in existence are not enforced.

I am all for mandatory sentences for the use of a gun in commission of a crime. I believe that should be non-negotiable if a gun is displayed in the commission of a crime a mandatory sentence makes sense.

The Man

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For myself, the reason for gun registration is to ensure that any gun you buy, you bought "legally" and the government knows who that gun belongs to.

As a law abiding gun owner, I see nothing wrong with gun registration. You want to own a suppressor? The government is going to know your dick size anyways.

I've sold some guns myself as a "private sale" and I require anyone who buys a gun from me (as a private sale) to supply myself with the proper documentation that lets me know that legally, the person who wants to buy the gun from me is ok to do so by the state/government. Personally, it's a cover my ass step as well. If I buy a gun from a private individual, I also require documentation from their end as well informing me who they are. A bill of sale is always included in each transaction be it "buy or sell". Again, cover your butt.

I'm just getting a kick out of some of these government officials now trying to ban online ammo sale. Heck, I've gone through a thousand rounds a day on some shooting sessions. Then again, Walmart sometimes runs some good specials on Winchester (what I call "white box" pistol ammo) and I've been known to buy 500 rounds from time to time at the store. So what are they then going to do if they ban ammo sales online, start regulating exactly how much ammo you can buy at one time? Hauling even three hundred rounds will kind of make you stick out like a sore thumb.

Again, usually when gun owners give an inch, the government tries to take a yard. That is one reason why I believe gun owners get so apprehensive on any new introduce "anti gun" legislation, and rightfully so.

For myself, the reason for gun registration is to ensure that any gun you buy, you bought "legally" and the government knows who that gun belongs to.

A legal gun can kill just the same as an illegal gun....but as far as a legal standpoint why single out the gun with legislation...sure it can kill but so can that chain saw as well as dozens of items around the common house.

I'm just getting a kick out of some of these government officials now trying to ban online ammo sale. Heck, I've gone through a thousand rounds a day on some shooting sessions.

I agree, as it will solve nothing.

IMO the govt needs to be more worried about why people are isnt because we have guns it is because because people have made the decision to kill....Gun deaths arent proportional to gun availability...sure gun deaths can be reduced slightly by more gun regulations but the change will be slight.

Joe the meek

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A legal gun can kill just the same as an illegal gun....but as far as a legal standpoint why single out the gun with legislation...sure it can kill but so can that chain saw as well as dozens of items around the common house.

A chainsaw is a tool that was designed and manufactured to cut wood. A car is a tool that was designed and manufactured for transportation. A kitchen knife is a tool that was designed and manufactured to cut. A gun is a tool that was designed and manufactured to kill.

Ever wonder why people who go on killing sprees with "assault rifles" never do so with SBR's or using suppressors with the weapon? Both are legal to own in the state I reside in, and I can't remember when someone used either one on a killing spree, let alone killing ONE individual. You don't walk in to a store or go online and pick up an SBR or suppressor if you have the money and haven't broken the law, and those that do have them MUST follow proper procedures if they want to sell them.

God forgive me for being a gun owner and realizing that to many idiots own guns.


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IMO the govt needs to be more worried about why people are isnt because we have guns it is because because people have made the decision to kill.........................


And it's obviously a complex mix of politics, economics, drugs and alcohol along with mental illness.

The Man

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A chainsaw is a tool that was designed and manufactured to cut wood. A car is a tool that was designed and manufactured for transportation. A kitchen knife is a tool that was designed and manufactured to cut. A gun is a tool that was designed and manufactured to kill.

Ever wonder why people who go on killing sprees with "assault rifles" never do so with SBR's or using suppressors with the weapon? Both are legal to own in the state I reside in, and I can't remember when someone used either one on a killing spree, let alone killing ONE individual. You don't walk in to a store or go online and pick up an SBR or suppressor if you have the money and haven't broken the law, and those that do have them MUST follow proper procedures if they want to sell them.

God forgive me for being a gun owner and realizing that to many idiots own guns.
A chainsaw is a tool that was designed and manufactured to cut wood. A car is a tool that was designed and manufactured for transportation. A kitchen knife is a tool that was designed and manufactured to cut. A gun is a tool that was designed and manufactured to kill.

A gun is not solely manufactured to can kill just like the above mentioned items.
Most ammo goes to sport you have stated you can pop a thousand rounds a day for recreation...the difference is you are not using the gun to kill humans...nor the chainsaw or the kitchen knife.
So I have to disagree with guns being designed and manufactured to kill....What they are used for is entirely up to the person that is pulling the trigger...just as the chainsaw and kitchen knife.
Guns are not sold for the purpose of committing crimes but rather for sport or hunting.
Ever wonder why people who go on killing sprees with "assault rifles" never do so with SBR's or using suppressors with the weapon? Both are legal to own in the state I reside in, and I can't remember when someone used either one on a killing spree, let alone killing ONE individual. You don't walk in to a store or go online and pick up an SBR or suppressor if you have the money and haven't broken the law, and those that do have them MUST follow proper procedures if they want to sell them.
IMO these arent as common being a factor...the other is why bother...if one is going to kill another we dont care if we ring his ears while doing such...shot is shot...also the long barrel packs a bonus its more intimidating ...I think some also have visions of shoving the barrel up the ass of the one they are going to assault so take big boy with em.

God forgive me for being a gun owner and realizing that to many idiots own guns

I think you summed it up....idiots with guns....its the people that are the problem not the guns.

Take rural America for instance where everybody has a gun...however murders are lower than that of highly populated cities with a much much lower ratio of gun ownership.

I believe Canada has a very high gun ownership ratio...but the murder rate is pretty low
This is a result of a different value system instilled within the individuals that carries on into later life.

Essentially America is failing at raising children at a higher rate than its Northern brother.

IMO we need to deal with our problem at the root rather than chip away at the results.

Joe the meek

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also the long barrel packs a bonus its more intimidating ...I think some also have visions of shoving the barrel up the ass of the one they are going to assault so take big boy with em.

Don't tak this the wrong way, but you have no clue what you're talking about.

Part of the problem with American society is that people think like you, they learn what they know from TV and the movies LOL

Have everyone take the mandatory procedures required to obtain an SBR or silencer, then you will only have civilians killing civilians with handguns.

Then again, I've got no problem if the government came out and said, "if you want to buy an "assault rifle", you must produce your DD-214's" LOL

The Man

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Don't tak this the wrong way, but you have no clue what you're talking about.

Part of the problem with American society is that people think like you, they learn what they know from TV and the movies LOL

Have everyone take the mandatory procedures required to obtain an SBR or silencer, then you will only have civilians killing civilians with handguns.

Then again, I've got no problem if the government came out and said, "if you want to buy an "assault rifle", you must produce your DD-214's" LOL

Sure I by the factors described the main being the ratio itself ....most people have plain ole simple rifles.
The other is the choice made when more than one is even stated yourself that crimes with SBRs or silencers was low.

Now if I was a liberal I would say lets take the common rifle as they are responsible for more crimes and push for SBRs and silencers :D

Joe the meek

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Sure I do...

Your comment about the long barrel looking intimating tells me otherwise for numerous reasons.

The reason you don't see people committing crimes with SBR's or silencers is due to the time and paperwork it takes to obtain one.
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V.I.P User
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Myself, I don't think of my gun as something to kill someone. I think of it as something to defend myself if the need arises. Yes it can kill, but I'm not looking to go out and assasinate anyone I'm looking to defend myself and/or my husband if the situation arises. As for gun registration, I didn't read all the posting, but elsewhere, I've been told I shouldn't comment on it :tooth

The Man

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Your comment about the long barrel looking intimating tells me otherwise for numerous reasons.

The reason you don't see people committing crimes with SBR's or silencers is due to the time and paperwork it takes to obtain one.

The bigger the gun the more imitating ....something else to consider...which would you rather throw in the river when finished...the ole common rifle or your pride and joy with a suppressor.

Not to mention more track-ability as per the papers you mention ;)

All Else Failed

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For myself, the reason for gun registration is to ensure that any gun you buy, you bought "legally" and the government knows who that gun belongs to.

As a law abiding gun owner, I see nothing wrong with gun registration.

"You only have to worry abut government intrusion if you've done something wrong!"


Joe the meek

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The bigger the gun the more imitating ....

Total BS if you know anything about guns, let along the fact that when you start hearing the noise of a weapon being discharged, the size of the gun NEVER crosses your mind (unless it's field artillery LOL).

I'll take the playing field any day in civilian life where I can see your gun and you can't see mine.

The Man

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Total BS if you know anything about guns, let along the fact that when you start hearing the noise of a weapon being discharged, the size of the gun NEVER crosses your mind (unless it's field artillery LOL).

I'll take the playing field any day in civilian life where I can see your gun and you can't see mine.

Total BS if you know anything about guns, let along the fact that when you start hearing the noise of a weapon being discharged, the size of the gun NEVER crosses your mind (unless it's field artillery LOL).

Its basic logic a little derringer is much less intimidating than than a large musket rifle for instance appearance wise
As far as the noise is one is out to scare em with the noise,,they are out to kill....but yes you are more apt to shit your pants over the sound from a large caliber rifle verses the toy sound of a 22 rifle.

I'll take the playing field any day in civilian life where I can see your gun and you can't see mine.

I agree...however most murders arent a showdown...but rather killing of the most of these cases a few inches of barrel wouldn't matter as to the outcome of the victim.


V.I.P User
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Me, if I see someone pointing a gun at me I'm going to be scared, don't need to know the caliber, the only thing I'm going to be more scared about is if they appear hopped up on something and it looks like I can't negotiate with them at all. "cause nothing I own is worth losing my life over.