We must always weigh our individual rights against what is good for our society.
Originally I was happy when the draft was removed. It made no difference to me as I was going into the service to become an officer and gentleman.

But the draft is the same as required National Service, which I also support which may not be in the Armed Forces. Using a systematic method, it's demanding that individuals do their part to help their country. If the loop holes are removed, it's a fair process. While I won't begrudge Accountable his description of it as slavery, I disagree.
However from our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, those people in the Armed Forces, unless you know one, they are the invisible them, putting their lives on the line, coming back with limbs missing or brain damaged, regardless of the right or wrong of it. I would expect no less in that the Armed Forces are expected to carry out the orders of the President. However if the Armed Forces represented a wider demographic than primarily poor people, as a country we might think a little more about the validity of, what foreign adventures and goals we really want to kill off our sons and daughters to achieve. It would definitely have an impact if to achieve a military goal, we were going to sacrifice, or put in jeopardy the childrens' lives of those in positions of political/economic/society leadership around the country.