God didn't create Hell to punish sinners, Hell is merely the natural result of death.....God created a solution....we either accept His solution or deny it.....its our decision to make. So you see, people do not “go to hell” because of their religion, race, sexual orientation etc, they “go to hell” because that is the state they were born in, except they accept The Solution of a loving Father. And furthermore, God DOES try to rehabilitate.....it's just that some of us refuse to listen.
The state they were born in? I hope you don't think babies deserve to go to hell. Actually there's no reason to send anyone there. The traditional Christian hell is a barbaric idea that should be done away with. And from your post, I gather you don't believe in the traditional Christian hell. That's good. Although you did equate hell with our natural state. That is way too pessimistic. Life for me as an unbeliever is fun, exciting, precious... nothing like I imagine hell to be, not that I believe in hell. I think it's pretty clear where that idea came from.
Richard Carrier sums up very well why the traditional Christian hell is evil.
The good judge others by their character, not their beliefs, and punish deeds, not thoughts, and punish only to teach, not to torture.