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the thing is.....if you look at the world today and the conflicts that are happening,most are religion based.....if there was no religion war would be uncommon.........john lennon was right
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I have literally no idea how you managed to make 'people born into one religion will always think they are right above others' into 'I like hitler!'

Can you explain your logic? Or by asking that, did I reveal to you in code that I agree with scientology?

Did I ask you that question about Hitler???

Scientology or dianetics may suit your New Jersey climate but it's not worth Hubbard's salt elsewhere!


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Did I ask you that question about Hitler???

Scientology or dianetics may suit your New Jersey climate but it's not worth Hubbard's salt elsewhere!

You posted the question on a public thread so you may as well have done. So you can't explain why you said that?

I'm not from New Jersey, nor am I actually a scientologist. I said that to try and show you how ridiculous your link from skyblue's quote to your question about hitler looks. Not that it worked, obviously.


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the thing is.....if you look at the world today and the conflicts that are happening,most are religion based.....if there was no religion war would be uncommon.........john lennon was right

Nope, today's war are not religion-based, they are meant to grab resources of others! Why the heck no other nation other than the coalition headed by the US is interested in the so-called phantom war on terror???


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You posted the question on a public thread so you may as well have done. So you can't explain why you said that?

I'm not from New Jersey, nor am I actually a scientologist. I said that to try and show you how ridiculous your link from skyblue's quote to your question about hitler looks. Not that it worked, obviously.

nonsense. Let the one who first mentioned him answer the question!

Do you hate Hitler??? Why did my query about Hitler make you jump off your chair???
I care a hoot about whether believed in scientology or sexology!! That's none of my concern....


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nonsense. Let the one who first mentioned him answer the question!

Do you hate Hitler??? Why did my query about Hitler make you jump off your chair???

I asked you about it because your question makes absolutely no sense and I wanted you to explain how you managed to get to that place. I think I can say with some certainty that skyblue is probably not a fan of hitler (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong skyblue!)

Yet again, you've been asked a direct question about your reasoning and you have refused to answer. All this says about you is that you don't have anything to back up your arguments except bluster.


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Doesn’t this sound like America today?

''Scripture makes it perfectly clear that nudity outside the privacy of marriage is a sin. Anyone brought up accepting a sinful lifestyle such as nudism, homosexuality, pornography, pedophilia are more comfortable living in those sinful lifestyles, but that doesn’t mean its right. From a biblical perspective, there isn’t any difference between being a thief or a nudist. They are both sinful lifestyles in the eyes of God and are wrong. The problem with today’s society is that so many of these sinful lifestyles are not only becoming more socially acceptable, but there is a concerted effort to force them onto everyone else. They do whatever they can to get their sinful lifestyles to be acceptable and made legal. Hollywood is definitely a part of this effort. As a nation starts to embrace these things, the more they are placed under God’s judgment. Romans 1:18-31 says:
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness, and unrighteousness of men, which withhold the truth in unrighteousness.
19 Forasmuch as that, which may be known of God, is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him, that is, his eternal power and Godhead, are seen by the creation of the world, being considered in his works, to the intent that they should be without excuse:
21 Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their thoughts, and their foolish heart was full of darkness.
22 When they professed themselves to be wise, they became fools.
23 For they turned the glory of the incorruptible God to the similitude of the image of a corruptible man, and of birds, and four footed beasts, and of creeping things.
24 Wherefore also God gave them up to their hearts lusts, unto uncleanness, to defile their own bodies between themselves:
25 Which turned the truth of God unto a lie, and worshipped and served the creature, forsaking the Creator which is blessed forever, Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.
27 And likewise also the men left the natural use of the woman, and burned in their lust one toward another, and man with man wrought filthiness, and received in themselves such recompense of their error, as was meet.
28 For as they regarded not to acknowledge God, even so God delivered them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient,
29 Being full of all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, of murder, of debate, of deceit, taking all things in the evil part, whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, doers of wrong, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, such as can never be appeased, merciless.
31 Which men, though they knew the Law of God, how that they which commit such things are worthy of death, yet not only do the same, but also favor them that do them.
Doesn’t this sound like America today? Now think about other nations in history that became so socially immoral. I think Sodom and Gomorrah, the Greeks and Romans to name a few. As public nudity, sexual permissiveness and perversions became more acceptable; they were placed under God’s judgment and soon collapsed as a nation. We are quickly heading for the same fate unless Christians stand up and stop the onslaught and put people in political office that will have the backbones to stop the legalization of such sinful lifestyles and return our nation to the biblical principles it was founded upon.''

nothing is mine!!


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I asked you about it because your question makes absolutely no sense and I wanted you to explain how you managed to get to that place. I think I can say with some certainty that skyblue is probably not a fan of hitler (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong skyblue!)

Yet again, you've been asked a direct question about your reasoning and you have refused to answer. All this says about you is that you don't have anything to back up your arguments except bluster.

Who are you to talk on behalf of Skyblue???
Better wash your own linen, I will explain after getting a word from him!!

Just do not try to be meddlesome and keep your comments to yerself, I know it makes you ''shrink'' at the mention of Hitler, natural ofcourse, but mind it he was not a Muslim!!


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Again, refusing to answer a direct question. Why does it matter what skyblue said? I'm interested in how you equated an interest in hitler from his remark about religious families. Obviously you can't explain it.


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Impressions of a 13 year old child about Hitler!!

"Faith is stronger than knowledge..."

'''Hitler, my Hero
Ever since I was about 5 I watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and I met with myself, the first "Hitler" i had ever seen. I was immediately interested with him and his "Swatstika" which later fromed in me my growth of intelectual and philosophical being. I was taught at an early age to monitor what my books and teachers said lest they would give false information about our country and our Costitution. I monitored well and in myself, I became very enlightened by teaching myself what to listen and what not to. I censored and corrected my teachers every time they never said that the right to bear arms were legal which had gotten me in a little reputation struggle. In Sixth grade I was introduced to the ideals of Communism and supported it THEN. Then, I focuesed on Monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, and National Socialism, in which I am now inclined to follow. Although since I'm gtting the Communist manifesto for Christmas and Das kapital...who knows? Right now, I've come to the conclusion that Hitler was not only a geinus, but oine of the greatest men in the world.

He has filled me with his teachings fro Mein Kamph and each day I eat up more as i go through page to page, word to word. It is my Bible aside from my small spiritual side. I now believe that Aryans, i guess we can say whites, cannot mix with other races if it is to live on. Nor, in my other consensus, to destroy the others racial symbol for it is clearly their OWN symbol and as we wish ours to be respected, they'res should be respected also. I also believe that if we do not stop immigration soon our country with it's minority-loving beliefs, will fall QUICKLY into depotism for the shear fact that the majority soon, will be immgrants, and according to this the Minrotiy barrier will ensure them jobs, and so outr country gets lazier from less COMPETENT people and we will lose the constitution due to "racial rights" and "white racism" and unleashes a war within a country due upon race. So ends our country and what it used to mean. This and much more is why I advocate such measures as White Nationalism.

Hitler to me, is a hero who stood up just for that in HIS own country. But he did it for even a more pure reason then Civil Liberties, he did it because HE was protecting his race, the most valuable symbol a man/woman can have. Unlike today where we have "cool to be black" crap all around us. I, unfortunately, have to live with it almost everyday at school. I read the "What is Racism" text and I ABSOLUTELY agree with it. Everything I believe and internally struggle for is in there. I am also, a proud PARTIAL Anti-Semitic for I do harbor beliefs that like most immigrants, jews are parasites who exploit rather then embrace one's country. Sorry if I have offended anyone by that statment but i believe it is so.

Hitler although POSSIBLY did that Holacaust movment, was doing the right thing by destroying evil parasites. I myself would at least moved them FAR away from the Fatherland.

I think Hitler was very great although he is considered evil and stupid because he wiped out jews, due to our liberal media and schools that prohibit white pride but allow minorites to be self-riteous which gives them a large upper hand in the school social classes as it does in th real world. God Forbid a white kid can't form his own white club but blacks, asians, and Mexicans can do it! It's totally sick! THAT is what Hitler strived for. THAT is what Hitler's legacy represents! ARYAN-WHITE PRIDE!'''

Is it wrong to wear a Swatstika even though the other wears FUBU or another black tailing? NO! Although I don't favor getting beat up I am most definattely for free speech and for white pride. Now, I must toil in school listening to lies about our founding fathers (Mainly Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin) Who were, indeed, anti-Semites! And now, they say that our Founders were not racist at all and BELIEVED in racial equality. Give me a break! Now, it is considered wrong to be anti-semitic although my own Religion, Lutheranism, was founded by Martin luther, an anti-semitic.

Like most anti-Semitics Hitler only did what was right. Nor do we hear about his ACCOMPLISHMENTS like the wiping of lots of crime, poverty, prostitution, creating a stable, country, a stable economy, a great army, a place of being within Germany, white pride,(which is considered "racist") and a great world power. He has stirred in me a will to live and FIGHT for my rights! and i WILL do so.

nothing is mine!!! author unknown!!


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Okay, fair enough :) since you can't actually answer a question with your own words rather than just pulling random quotes off google, I'll bow out. I think the discussion has pretty much died now anyway.


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Again, refusing to answer a direct question. Why does it matter what skyblue said? I'm interested in how you equated an interest in hitler from his remark about religious families. Obviously you can't explain it.

skyblue started it all and I don't understand what you are upto by insisting on your absurdity??

I can debate with you for 1000 years but am not here to 'explain' simple things to shrewdly over-smart folk
trying to put or force out words from my mouth unnecessarily!!

Minor Axis

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It's MY truth....and I'm not one to assume anything.

Truth is not subjective, at least it should not be. Personal truth makes real truth a joke. BTW, I now see the reason why the forum needs some limits on signature size. :p

Doesn’t this sound like America today? Now think about other nations in history that became so socially immoral. I think Sodom and Gomorrah, the Greeks and Romans to name a few. As public nudity, sexual permissiveness and perversions became more acceptable; they were placed under God’s judgment and soon collapsed as a nation. We are quickly heading for the same fate unless Christians stand up and stop the onslaught and put people in political office that will have the backbones to stop the legalization of such sinful lifestyles and return our nation to the biblical principles it was founded upon.''
nothing is mine!!

Morality is all in the eye of the beholder. Public nudity, just where is that? You know Adam and Eve were nude. Sexual permissiveness, you mean men with nubile young boys? ;) The U.S., no nation will collapse as a result of being judged by God. Collapse comes from lousy, greedy, corrupt, incompetent, decisions. God does not have to lift a finger. We do it to ourselves, just don't get all high and mighty about Muslims and their piety. Iran probably has some of the highest levels of corruption and government-based oppression of any country I know and they would be perfectly happy if citizens lost all of their freedoms in the name of the controlling religion on behalf of the leaders of religion.
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Seizing Life ♥
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Science serves only your materialistic needs, Religion both spiritual and ''materialistic''!!
Without religions there would be no code of life....but merely a race dependent on ''tool of human exploitation' called science!
Humanists would disagree

I agree with PJ :nod:

@ Maz : I don't quite get why you would consider science as tool for human exploitation. Isn't medicine part of science- preservation of life, cure for many illnesses? In the same token- in one of your posts b4- your ex-wife suffered a Heart ailment. Despite the inevitable happened, didnt you depend and believe in science to give cure and prolong the life of your wife? So you're saying then- that when you allowed your wife to be involved in a branch of science called medicine- she was exploited? :humm:

Besides, with religion- doesn't it say that our body is the temple of God? Hence it should be taken cared of and nourished? Isn't Nourishment and the bodily functions you have just dependent on God and not science too? If just God- then i think you should stop nourishing your body with food and maybe your God will nourish it for you without you doing anything with it. In this sense you are once again contradicting yourself :ninja

Science still can't tell when and where you will die???

And your religion can?

Why would God intervene when their fate was determined that way?? Death is inevitable and no eternal regrets over the pre-destined death of one man or the massive holocaust!

Aren't you contradicting yourself here when u said initially that science cant tell when and where u will die? Since the discussion now is between science and religion, then you're saying that your religion can- so what do u mean then by this statement above?

As u are right- death is inevitable and many religions state only God know when the time and the hour- BUT with the way u speak of your religion -are you able to say when? Maybe your God speaks to u and tell you when your last hour would be ? doubt.gif


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People should stop thinking that science is some kind of psychic ability. It can't explain everything. Science will explain the things it knows logically, while religion that claims to know everything and use the same old excuse does it illogically.
Maybe it's just down to the fact that no matter how much we try, there are just some things we aren't going to know. That does not mean "Oh it must be god". Just because things are complex doesn't mean they are caused by something mystical.

And for those who still don't get it, science EXPLAINS, it doesn't do anything it knows it can't do. So if you want to know when you'll die, well take a wild guess, because you are never going to know. And nope, god doesn't either, nice try :D


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your ex-wife suffered a Heart ailment. Despite the inevitable happened, didnt you depend and believe in science to give cure and prolong the life of your wife?

I once heard a Christian say, "there are no atheists in foxholes." To which an atheist replied, "and there are no theists on operating tables." Neither statement is true of course but I think it a clever come back. :)