Global Warming.

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Accidental Bastard
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First, I would like to start off with saying, that this debate is going to be on science. If you make any posts trying to 'ridicule' or 'insult' me, they will be completely ignored, unless if you have included some sort of argument. I understand that most of you are going to come in here and say 'Not this again!' which is fine, I don't want you here anyways.

I figured out the solution to the one argument you all came up with months ago, I just haven't wanted to post it here, because of the negative responses from the skeptics on this website. But, I have decided I can just ignore all of you, so I am going to.

So without a further ado, my argument against Maulds:

All this argument proves is that Carbon, isn't the only contributing factor to climate; and as it says in the last sentence, that's all it wanted to prove:

“Clearly, other factors besides atmospheric carbon influence Earth temperatures and global warming.”

And they wasted their time, because we on the other side of the argument agree: There are and have been other contributing factors to climate change then CO2. Where we disagree, is that this warming trend is being driven by Carbon Dioxide. And we too have our own graphs to prove this:


The first graph shows how the environment alone would be effecting temperature's. The sun, sun spots, oceans, etc. And what the temperature is actually doing. The second graph includes human activity with carbon. And suddenly a correlation reappears. Humans are the only variable in the climate that have changed in the past 150 years. Therefore, they are the only possible cause in the current warming trend, but still, not the only possibility in other climate shifts.

OK...I'll be back in 2 months with a rebuttal :D
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Miss Piggy
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If this wasn't her second thread on the subject and i had not seen her biased one sided behavior in her previous thread, I may have responded differently.

Well if you have a personal problem with her, perhaps you could PM her instead of flaming her in the middle of a thread?

She is trying to actually have a worthwhile discussion, and no matter her reasons, she has research to back up her beliefs, and she's fighting for them. I've got intense respect for that.

Most people, obviously, have nothing better to come back with other than pathetic insults and no way to back up their argument. It's no way to debate.


Well-Known Member
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Righto Folks settle down, back on track eh.

If you have a problem with another member sort it out with them in private or put them on ignore.

Goat Whisperer

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the earth goes through natural warming and cooling periods

we can't do anything about it

we are also contributing to it

end debate

Yes, well the climate doesn't just magically shift, never has, never will. There is always something driving the climate, whether it be sun spots or malkovich cycles. The Anthropogenic Global Warming theory I'm supporting suggests that this climate change is being fueled by carbon dioxide as a main factor, and this is causing it to happen at a much faster rate and to a much further extent then ever before.

So what natural forcing do you think is causing it to occur?

If this wasn't her second thread on the subject and i had not seen her biased one sided behavior in her previous thread, I may have responded differently.

I did it in a different thread simply because the other one was large, and it had gotten to messy. I thought a clean slate was in order.

Perhaps you could offer solutions for your everyday person on how to reduce their carbon footprint? Might be more helpful. I'd certainly be interested.

I actually have that kind of stuff on my website, found here.

I run a non-profit on this :)

All Else Failed

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Yes, well the climate doesn't just magically shift, never has, never will. There is always something driving the climate, whether it be sun spots or malkovich cycles. The Anthropogenic Global Warming theory I'm supporting suggests that this climate change is being fueled by carbon dioxide as a main factor, and this is causing it to happen at a much faster rate and to a much further extent then ever before.

So what natural forcing do you think is causing it to occur?
I don't doubt for a second that humans haven't had an impact on the Earth's climate. However, the earth just goes through cycles like any other planet. I'm not sure of the exact natural causes, but thats how it is.

Goat Whisperer

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I don't doubt for a second that humans haven't had an impact on the Earth's climate. However, the earth just goes through cycles like any other planet. I'm not sure of the exact natural causes, but thats how it is.

Our climate is pretty important, maybe you should go look into what natural things could be causing it, and get back to me.


In Memoriam - RIP
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so you think she's making global warming up?
I never said that, I was referring to her being PMed by anonymous members. It sounded like an excuse for this thread to me. On the topic of Global warming, I think alot of it is a crock of shit. Are we to blame probably partly but this type of thing has been going on since the dawn of time. You probably had cow like animals farting methane gas a 1,000,000 years ago. They just didn't have man to bitch about it.


Active Member
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at the OP can you find me the data on the levels of lead in the air nowadays (well as of say 2000) and the levels from back in the days before the industrial revolution and compare them.

I think you will be suprised taht there parctically the same!!! Using natural gasses in the world such as CO2 isnt harmful to the enviroment, natural balance comes into play doesnt it.


V.I.P User
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I've wonder this for awhile and haven't had much luck finding a good answer. So perhaps you can answer for me. How is the global temperature taken? It's it done on land or in the atmosphere?

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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I've wonder this for awhile and haven't had much luck finding a good answer. So perhaps you can answer for me. How is the global temperature taken? It's it done on land or in the atmosphere?

A lot of people have a hard time with the way the temperatures are taken. They say that the global temperature isn't right because of this and this... but the truth is the exact temperature doesn't matter, but I'll get to that in a second.

We have different stations all around the world that are recording temperature and we measure it in all different ways. We have surface area temperatures, air temperatures with weather balloons, satellites in lower atmospheres, sea surface temperatures, the list goes on.

Compiling an 'average global temperature' to compare to temperatures from a long while ago has proved to be problematic, but not impossible. We don't have exact temperatures, and we all agree that we should improve the temperature data.

But to tell you the truth, it doesn't matter whether were taking the temperatures at a shopping mall or the base of a volcano, because at those two places, both of those temperatures are going up. These are trends, and these trends are what are showing that the earth is warming and a consistent and steady rate.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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I never said that, I was referring to her being PMed by anonymous members. It sounded like an excuse for this thread to me. On the topic of Global warming, I think alot of it is a crock of shit. Are we to blame probably partly but this type of thing has been going on since the dawn of time. You probably had cow like animals farting methane gas a 1,000,000 years ago. They just didn't have man to bitch about it.

Well first off, I don't see why I would want to waste my time on this thread, just to be crusifid by people like you.

The problem with this warming trend is the fact that it is happening so much faster then ever before and it isn't going to eventually stop and go into a cooling trend, or if it does, it's going to get way way hotter then ever before. The other issue is sudden climate change, which will completely destabilize us and all of our ecosystems.

And there is an explanation for this... but it's really had to explain to someone who doesn't fully understand Malkovich cycles, and really I don't think you want to learn.

If anyone else does, just let me know.

P.S I have never said that the Earth won't survive global warming, it will be fine again in 1'000 or so years, but WE won't be.


Active Member
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Sorry to say I missed the original thread, because global warming is just a way to push someones political agenda and the scientific "facts" are skewed. I began a thread about this as well to which I got no responses so here's the video I posted there.

Heritage New Media Partners, Inc. - NMA TV - The Great Global Warming Swindle

It's about 70 mins long so to sum the video up for you. It basically says that CO2 has no affect on the temperature and that actually it's increase and decrease is a reaction to temperatures. The single most contributing factor to the temperatures on earth is the...SUN. (Wow, who'd have ever thunk it?)

Also here's a fun article for all of you global warming believers Newsweek 1975: Scientists Predict Massive Global Cooling

Please do watch the video.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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Sorry to say I missed the original thread, because global warming is just a way to push someones political agenda and the scientific "facts" are skewed. I began a thread about this as well to which I got no responses so here's the video I posted there.

Heritage New Media Partners, Inc. - NMA TV - The Great Global Warming Swindle

It's about 70 mins long so to sum the video up for you. It basically says that CO2 has no affect on the temperature and that actually it's increase and decrease is a reaction to temperatures. The single most contributing factor to the temperatures on earth is the...SUN. (Wow, who'd have ever thunk it?)

Also here's a fun article for all of you global warming believers Newsweek 1975: Scientists Predict Massive Global Cooling

Please do watch the video.

I've actually already watched it, it's basically your sides equivalent to "The Inconvienient Truth" Scewed facts, blatant lies, and fractured truths. Yes, the Inconeint Truth did a lot of the same thing.

My advice to you, is don't listen to movies, politicians, tv shows, or single websites. Watch them all. Watch every movie, read every website, watch every youtube video, explore some blogs, and eventually get into the heavier stuff, such as 150 page long reports on thermal expansion of sea water...

That's what I did, and it's the only way to get a good idea if the truth in topics that are so heavily influenced by outside sources.

You have to have a good basic understanding of the science, don't ever trust a single movie or show on tv. Because chances are, they are lying to you, and not sharing the whole truth.


V.I.P User
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But to tell you the truth, it doesn't matter whether were taking the temperatures at a shopping mall or the base of a volcano, because at those two places, both of those temperatures are going up. These are trends, and these trends are what are showing that the earth is warming and a consistent and steady rate.

How many of these monitoring stations are showing increase in temperature?

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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All these sites show trends, my examples, (they are links):

Surface temperature analysis by NASS GISS find strong correlation with two independent analysis by CRU's Global

Temperature Record and NCDC.Weather balloon measurements have found from 1975 through 2005, the global mean, near-surface air temperature warmed by approximately 0.23°C/decade.

Satellite measurements of lower atmosphere temperatures shows temperature rises of between 0.16°C to 0.24°C/decade since 1982.

Ice bore reconstructions found the 20th century to be the warmest of the past five centuries, confirming the results of earlier proxy reconstructions.

Sea surface temperatures, Bore hole reconstructions and ocean temperatures all show long term warming trends.


Active Member
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I've actually already watched it, it's basically your sides equivalent to "The Inconvienient Truth" Scewed facts, blatant lies, and fractured truths. Yes, the Inconeint Truth did a lot of the same thing.

My advice to you, is don't listen to movies, politicians, tv shows, or single websites. Watch them all. Watch every movie, read every website, watch every youtube video, explore some blogs, and eventually get into the heavier stuff, such as 150 page long reports on thermal expansion of sea water...

That's what I did, and it's the only way to get a good idea if the truth in topics that are so heavily influenced by outside sources.

You have to have a good basic understanding of the science, don't ever trust a single movie or show on tv. Because chances are, they are lying to you, and not sharing the whole truth.

Then to each his own. This video didn't persuade me one way or another, it simply backs up my beliefs that this global warming theory is the biggest croc of BS I have ever heard.

How about the government setting up this carbon credit system which has now spawned it's own industry around the world that trade carbon credits between companies that produce more than others. In 2008 the world wide carbon market reached a value $118 billion. Now that is small change compared to what some fortune 500 companies do and that is the entire market, but if they continue on the same trend it will become a huge industry considering how new it is. So what does it mean? More taxable income for big government! It's a giant scam.