First, I would like to start off with saying, that this debate is going to be on science. If you make any posts trying to 'ridicule' or 'insult' me, they will be completely ignored, unless if you have included some sort of argument. I understand that most of you are going to come in here and say 'Not this again!' which is fine, I don't want you here anyways.
I figured out the solution to the one argument you all came up with months ago, I just haven't wanted to post it here, because of the negative responses from the skeptics on this website. But, I have decided I can just ignore all of you, so I am going to.
So without a further ado, my argument against Maulds:
All this argument proves is that Carbon, isn't the only contributing factor to climate; and as it says in the last sentence, that's all it wanted to prove:
“Clearly, other factors besides atmospheric carbon influence Earth temperatures and global warming.”
And they wasted their time, because we on the other side of the argument agree: There are and have been other contributing factors to climate change then CO2. Where we disagree, is that this warming trend is being driven by Carbon Dioxide. And we too have our own graphs to prove this:
The first graph shows how the environment alone would be effecting temperature's. The sun, sun spots, oceans, etc. And what the temperature is actually doing. The second graph includes human activity with carbon. And suddenly a correlation reappears. Humans are the only variable in the climate that have changed in the past 150 years. Therefore, they are the only possible cause in the current warming trend, but still, not the only possibility in other climate shifts.
OK...I'll be back in 2 months with a rebuttal