Well, well, well.
I never saw this thread two nights ago, when I was last here.
What a lot of pathetic, brain-washing you have had done to yourself, 'everybodykilla' and how imaginitive you must be to select a username like that - or is it in your genes to be called that and behave that way? Is it 'normal'?
No articles on the internet are conclusive, particularly so-called religious ones. Things like that, are very often compiled by someone against a certain topic, so much so, they enforce their notions on everyone on the internet, to try their best at forcing them to actually believe that what they are about to read is 'real'. Wake up and smell the coffee love and grow up!
Your attempt at making a 'point' that gays have been known to be 'cured', therefore known as 'ex-gays', is beyond a joke!
There are times in some very, extremely normal (that is to say, that gays are perfectly normal, just incase you couldn't understand that) gays' lives, when certain ppl do go through an experimental stage - there are those who agonise for some time because they just know they are. Those who experiment, who are maybe unsure who they feel the most comfortable with, will then, in the end, just know if they are gay or not (in laymens terms).
I would suggest, that perhaps there is no gene at all - have you heard of Testosterone and Oestragen at all? I think they have a lot to do with it - I definately can't go with your warped, homophoebic, ludicrous notion that gays 'choose' to be gay.
I'd give up if I were you, cos I don't know about you being 'everybody killa', but on here, everybody has a killa you!