I hate to sound contrite or uncaring about people abroad, but couldn't we afford to work on cleaning up our side of the street here before we throw stones?
My logic:
Sexual innuendo, typically cast via the use of women is done every day here, beer commercials, movies that typically show the breasts and hindside of women, seldom do the same with men for obvious reasons, the movie producers want men to attend movies involving topics that are not normally the favorite of men.
Women are still getting slighted in the worplace, sometimes still not getting equal pay for jobs they do everyday the same as men.
Mild pornography now on practically every shelf of every bookstore you go into, playboy, penthouse and hustler at Barnes and Noble.
Music and movies prtraying the victimization of women constantly without backlash from the public...or muted backlash at best.
These are just a few. Seems like we should be stopping the oppression of women here...THEN perhaps we will have a thing or two we can teach the more...ignorant civilizations.
Once again, not to mute out your point Grace, as I admire what you post here, but if you magnify just slightly our own view of women, you will see we are only a few years passed clubbing our women and dragging them in caves to make babies.