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1) If time has a beginning does this prove there is such a thing as eternity?
2) If the universe is expanding and will eventually be destroyed will time cease to exist when this happens and perhaps be proof of eternity?
1."Time" a man made is not universally accepted (unless E.T.'s land wearing watches).
2. Scientist say that the universe is expanding exponentially yet slowing, which leads some scientist to think that, like a rubber band or something else elastic, it will eventually start to recede and over a period of "time" would eventually return to its original point of origin leading to another big bang, if this is the case then you might think that its a never ending process (eternal) of expand and contract, big bang, planets form, life begins, universe contracts start all over again.
I would say no, it would not be eternal. when anything is created or destroyed things are lost in this process (you can only burn something so many time before there is nothing left to burn) which means that if this were the case the entire universe has a finite number of time to destroy and create itself before it no longer has the resources to do so.
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Minor Axis

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1."Time" a man made is not universally accepted (unless E.T.'s land wearing watches).
2. Scientist say that the universe is expanding exponentially yet slowing, which leads some scientist to think that, like a rubber band or something else elastic, it will eventually start to recede and over a period of "time" would eventually return to its original point of origin leading to another big bang, if this is the case then you might think that its a never ending process (eternal) of expand and contract, big bang, planets form, life begins, universe contracts start all over again.
I would say no, it would not be eternal. when anything is created or destroyed things are lost in this process (you can only burn something so many time before there is nothing left to burn) which means that if this were the case the entire universe has a finite number of time to destroy and create itself before it no longer has the resources to do so.

Mass is converted to energy which is converted to mass, isn't it? If it is a closed system than nothing is lost is it, just converted and renewed?


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1."Time" a man made is not universally accepted (unless E.T.'s land wearing watches).

You are probably talking about the measurement of time as being a man made concept. Time is thought of as on of the dimensions we exist in so I doubt it is man made. It seems real to me. I think getting older shows there is such a thing.

2. Scientist say that the universe is expanding exponentially yet slowing, which leads some scientist to think that, like a rubber band or something else elastic, it will eventually start to recede and over a period of "time" would eventually return to its original point of origin leading to another big bang, if this is the case then you might think that its a never ending process (eternal) of expand and contract, big bang, planets form, life begins, universe contracts start all over again.
I would say no, it would not be eternal. when anything is created or destroyed things are lost in this process (you can only burn something so many time before there is nothing left to burn) which means that if this were the case the entire universe has a finite number of time to destroy and create itself before it no longer has the resources to do so.

There are different theories but I do believe scientists think the universe going through cycles of birth and death is not correct because there isn't enough matter in the universe for this to happen.


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You are probably talking about the measurement of time as being a man made concept. Time is thought of as one of the dimensions we exist in so I doubt it is man made. It seems real to me. I think getting older shows there is such a thing.
again..a man made concept/theory/idea/practice etc..and as far as im aware we are the only species that does so and we dont know if we are right. "Time" changes depending where you are in the universe so what we consider "time" is only relevant on this planet and to us and we use it. as far as time being a dimension..that again is a man made theory/concept/idea that we dont know if its right or wrong, look at the recent developments with what was perceived as the absolute fastest speed...light,..we now know that somethings faster. as far as aging goes..again we are the only species that im aware of that places any relevance on it.
man created time/aging as measurements so our numbers would work... from our birth to death at 100 could be considered the equivalent to 1 year to another being in the galaxy
without man..there would be no "time" as we know it
There are different theories but I do believe scientists think the universe going through cycles of birth and death is not correct because there isn't enough matter in the universe for this to happen.

not enough matter in the universe?...the entire planet earth does not make up 1/100000000000000 of the amount of matter in the universe...we arent even a grain of sand on a small beach, and considering the unknown amount that is sucked into black holes (and we dont know if its destroyed or transferred/transformed), stars that have imploded/formed, galaxies that have collided etc that has been going on for billions of cant really say that there isnt enough for it to happen


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Mass is converted to energy which is converted to mass, isn't it? If it is a closed system than nothing is lost is it, just converted and renewed?

is it a closed system?..we dont know. black holes could be sucking the matter out of our universe into multiple other dimensions/galaxies or whatever...we don't know.
again man made concepts/ideas/practices that we dont know are correct but we use them because it helps our other concepts/ideas/theories/practices work.

converted/changed, yes...renewed, what extent?

wood/other materials when burned fully are converted to ash...if you had 10 lbs of ash and tried to burn it..what would you get more ash or less ash?

(ive edited this post 3 or 4 times fiddling with the whole idea of "renewable"...resources are finite...there is only so much of everything, in order to create or destroy anything takes more energy/resources then what the finished product has/is)

and ill end this by admitting that im just a dumb man but i do realize that nothing that man has or will ever make/create/theorize is or will be perfect, we are flawed and whatever we do will be flawed as well but it will be considered acceptable/correct as long as enough other equally flawed people accept it as fact/reality/correct etc.
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Although the law may agree with you, life is still life, just as killing is still killing.

Humans seem to value their life more than the other animals that are here on this earth. Nothing wrong with that, but generally speaking it's usually only man who screws the world up.

repped :thumbup


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Although the law may agree with you, life is still life, just as killing is still killing.

Humans seem to value their life more than the other animals that are here on this earth. Nothing wrong with that, but generally speaking it's usually only man who screws the world up.

I was more referring to the fact that we have a consciousness and are free thinking. Ladybugs do they have anything that can scientifically be classified as a true brain? Not that that plays into the concept of eternity. I just like to be a technical pain in the ass.


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again..a man made concept/theory/idea/practice etc..and as far as im aware we are the only species that does so and we dont know if we are right. "Time" changes depending where you are in the universe so what we consider "time" is only relevant on this planet and to us and we use it. as far as time being a dimension..that again is a man made theory/concept/idea that we dont know if its right or wrong, look at the recent developments with what was perceived as the absolute fastest speed...light,..we now know that somethings faster. as far as aging goes..again we are the only species that im aware of that places any relevance on it.
man created time/aging as measurements so our numbers would work... from our birth to death at 100 could be considered the equivalent to 1 year to another being in the galaxy
without man..there would be no "time" as we know it

I see where you are coming from and agree with you as far as the idea of time being man's way of measurement, ie, hours, minutes and seconds. But if it is a way of measurement it is measuring something that is real. Consider since 1967, the second has been defined to be the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom. This is a much more accurate measurement and used by the atomic clock.

So while I do agree with what you say about time being a man made concept it is a concept of measurement and is measuring something that exists.

not enough matter in the universe?...the entire planet earth does not make up 1/100000000000000 of the amount of matter in the universe...we arent even a grain of sand on a small beach, and considering the unknown amount that is sucked into black holes (and we dont know if its destroyed or transferred/transformed), stars that have imploded/formed, galaxies that have collided etc that has been going on for billions of cant really say that there isnt enough for it to happen

Well, The Big Bang Theory is pretty much accepted by many in the scientific community which suggests the universe had a beginning.


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I see where you are coming from and agree with you as far as the idea of time being man's way of measurement, ie, hours, minutes and seconds. But if it is a way of measurement it is measuring something that is real. Consider since 1967, the second has been defined to be the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom. This is a much more accurate measurement and used by the atomic clock.
So while I do agree with what you say about time being a man made concept it is a concept of measurement and is measuring something that exists.
it exists/its man, it is accepted by man but it does not make it universally corrector accepted by any and all life forms that exist or may exist.
these measurements, like Einsteins theory about the speed of light, may also be proven one day to be incorrect, but we use it because it works for us
Well, The Big Bang Theory is pretty much accepted by many in the scientific community which suggests the universe had a beginning.

i can not sanely debate/argue that the universe did not have a beginning...but i am curious about the number of times it has "begun" and/or how many times it may end/begin again ....if the theory i mentioned is correct.
not that i believe it to be true or factual...but i do find it interesting.

there is also another theory, less well known, that we ourselves are nothing more than living cells inside of a much larger organism..god possibly?...but thats a topic for another discussion

by the repping you for this post. i think its wonderful that you included
Consider since 1967, the second has been defined to be the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom