I tell my husband every day that I love him, and my son every time I see or talk to him. Sometimes it's a casual "love you", other times it's more in depth and heartfelt. I really try to point out all the reasons I love them - for example, when they do something sweet or they support me in a tough situation, etc - I make a point to tell them. I also "show" them that I love them by supporting them and doing things for them. I grew up in a household where love was never talked about or shown and I remember wondering if my parents and siblings loved me or not. It's so important to let those you care for know how you feel - they can't read your mind - you have to tell them and show them. I think it's also important when they do something that makes you mad or upset to let them know that you're not mad or upset "at them" but at the thing they did - that you still love them no matter what.