Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
I agree.. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But as it's said, the bible is the word of God, right? Science has disproven so many things the bible claims to be fact about the world around us. So if God exists, that must mean he's either not omnipotent or he's deliberately misleading us.
Honestly, I'm just playing Devil's advocate.
I basically agree with you and honestly I don't believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause, but I withhold judgement on ghosts, fairies, extra-terrestrial aliens, and a spiritual existence after physical death. Philosophically, I really do feel there is a purpose to this life, but I can't put my finger on it. While there could be no point at all, then I wonder, just what is the point? That is enough to make me look forward, with fear, but also anticipation when it's time to move on to the next phase of existence. If you don't believe it's there, I don't see that as a big deal, because if I'm right, you and I are both in for one heck of a surprise.I know I can't disprove god, but you can't prove him either. Let me ask you a fair question: Do you believe in the easter bunny, Santa Claus, fairies and Allah? If you don't believe in them, you deny them. But based on what evidence? Why would someone believe in the Judeo-Christian God but not in Allah or Ganesha? All Gods are based on the same evidence: Someone, a long time ago, looked at the world around him (That's right, HIM, some religions are horribly sexist.) and wondered, how did it all get here? And since he lived at a time where science was non-existent, he assumed there was a supernatural creator, because he didn't know better. Luckily we pulled ourself out of the religious oppression of science (The dark ages) and live in a world of great secularist comfort and knowledge.
My question to you, could it be possible that upon physical death, the gray veil of this world is lifted and consciousness continues? I say it's a solid maybe!
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