Do you Believe in God?

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No, i do not believe...why should i ?

i'm going to put it so my dumb-ass can understand it :p

originally......way...........way..............way back, a long...............loooooooooong time ago "gods" , unearthly beings, spirits etc. came about to explain the unexplainable and why things were the way they were. then somone thought "ugg!! must not piss off great spirit or tribe will suffer......must make great cloud monster happy so good things happen", or the exact opposite "why do things suck so bad.....great cloud monster angry, bad things happening, must have pissed him off lets try different shit to make him happy" , they tried something and by coincidence things changed for the better and poof "great cloud monster happy now....good things happening" then other people started to believe and now we have religion. after this some genius figured out that this is a great way to keep people in line and control the masses............fear is an awesome tool.

over time and with the migration of tribes, "religion" spread and changed a little but basically remained the same. then some more genius's thought "if we fine tune this a little we could really fuck with a whole lot of people and get them to what we want, keep them in order and get shit for free, lets back it up with a bunch of stories about good things and bad things that happen if you follow my religion .....becuase my god has the biggest dick" from there on religion became corrupt and has been to this very day.

in any situation if you say "there is an invisible being that lives in the sky and controls everything, but lets me do what i want becuase he/she doesnt want to interfere" you would be tagged an nut-ball and sent to the funny farm, but throw the word god in there and suddenly its acceptable............why?

and whats all this "god loves us unconditionally, but if you dont beleive or follow you will suffer eternally in lakes of fire"...............that doesnt sound unconditional does it?

and if i was "made in gods image"......... he's one ugly fugger, but wouldnt that make me a god and you as well?, if you and i are god's then we should worship each other.........but thats worshiping false idol's right? but we were made in his image by him so its his fault and he broke the rules first so hes not perfect and shouldnt be considered a god in the first place.

have you hit "tilt" yet?, if ive made you think then my job is done.
if you simply dismiss everything ive just said/typed and think im going to burn in hell for eternity then that makes you judgemental and "judge not lest ye be judged"

but what do i just a dumb man ...........who just happened to get most of his education from religious private schools who basically kept wanting more and more money.....go figure
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Minor Axis

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No, i do not believe...why should i ?

i'm going to put it so my dumb-ass can understand it :p...

You have some relevant points for the "believers" to ponder. ;)

Most of what you wrote can come down to one word, Karma. I think that is my guiding principle. Which can be self-serving but for the fact I enjoy doing good for others and dislike hurting people.

Being good and doing good deeds because it makes you feel good, (not because it's expected) could very well be the primary opportunity for self improvement we are offered during out lives.


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You have some relevant points for the "believers" to ponder. ;)

Being good and doing good deeds because it makes you feel good, (not because it's expected) could very well be the primary opportunity for self improvement we are offered during out lives.

Just one edit, I enjoy doing good for others but not for their gratitude, in fact that embarrasses me. I enjoy it because I may have made someone's load lighter.


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i thought i was done bbut then a i heard about Codex Sinaiticus - Home the translation of the worlds oldest bible, oddly enough it differes from the modern day version's (yes there is more than one version of the original bible)..........why?, ....."lost in translation"?

Why would the bible need to altered/adjusted/edited?

Minor Axis

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i thought i was done bbut then a i heard about Codex Sinaiticus - Home the translation of the worlds oldest bible, oddly enough it differes from the modern day version's (yes there is more than one version of the original bible)..........why?, ....."lost in translation"?

Why would the bible need to altered/adjusted/edited?

First of all none of us would be able to read the original scripts. Secondly religions pick and choose what they want to sell their preferred version of so-called events. My understanding is that a Catholic conference around 1000 AD (probably not exactly right) decided what portion of ancient scripts would be included in the modern Bible. Content such as the Book of Mary and Book of Judas were omitted.

cam elle toe

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The council of Constantinople. They also took out ALL (well nearly, they missed a few) references to life after reincarnation.

Minor Axis

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The council of Constantinople. They also took out ALL (well nearly, they missed a few) references to life after reincarnation.

Maybe I was confusing the Pope's admission that Mary Magdalene was not really a prostitute that Jesus set straight. I found this interesting tidbit:

By 500 AD the Bible had been translated into over 500 languages. Just one century later, by 600 AD, it has been restricted to only one language: the Latin Vulgate! The only organized and recognized church at that time in history was the Catholic Church of Rome, and they refused to allow the scripture to be available in any language other than Latin. Those in possession of non-Latin scriptures would be executed! This was because only the priests were educated to understand Latin, and this gave the church ultimate power… a power to rule without question… a power to deceive… a power to extort money from the masses. Nobody could question their “Biblical” teachings, because few people other than priests could read Latin. The church capitalized on this forced-ignorance through the 1,000 year period from 400 AD to 1,400 AD knows as the “Dark and Middle Ages”.

Second Council of Constantinople.


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all of this just tells me that the bible is about as believable as "through the looking glass", , again if christianity and the beleif in god is right, then why does it have to be edited and or changed??

apparently it doesnt meet certain peoples "agenda's" which makes it as bad as politics and government

Minor Axis

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Exactly, what are we supposed to believe in? What is the basis of belief? How specific can and should your beliefs be?


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Some things are true whether you believe them or not.

I myself believe in God. I think most of the different editing of the Bible was to try to put the words so you could understand them, just the ones I know about.

As long as people aren't throwing it in your face what harm is it if you want to believe.

Minor Axis

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As long as people aren't throwing it in your face what harm is it if you want to believe.

If your standard is live and let live, believe as you will, then it is a good standard, but I think it's more the exception than the rule. My impression is that among the "believers" there is a significant group that not only throw it in your face, but will take some level of discrimination/action/violence if your beliefs don't mesh with theirs. Finding the truth of this matter is virtually impossible, making it all the more ironic when religions clash.

If you have a low belief standard, as far as you know, you're golden. But if the "truth" figures anywhere in your beliefs than IMO it's better to be a skeptic than to believe without a solid basis or to believe in a fantasy. I'm implying that your beliefs are a fantasy, but there is nothing to differentiate truth from fantasy, so why commit?

As described by organized religions, if one assumes there is an intelligent God sitting up there somewhere, it can be assumed he/it is either 1) wants devotion but lacks in communications skills, 2) we are not the primary focus of its attention, or 3) it likes playing games, which would make him/it not so nice in matters of our delicate faith. The other possibility not acknowledged by religion is that he/it does not exist, or does not exist as we think it does, in other words, we have it all wrong.


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If your standard is live and let live, believe as you will, then it is a good standard, but I think it's more the exception than the rule. My impression is that among the "believers" there is a significant group that not only throw it in your face, but will take some level of discrimination/action/violence if your beliefs don't mesh with theirs. Finding the truth of this matter is virtually impossible, making it all the more ironic when religions clash.

If you have a low belief standard, as far as you know, you're golden. But if the "truth" figures anywhere in your beliefs than IMO it's better to be a skeptic than to believe without a solid basis or to believe in a fantasy. I'm implying that your beliefs are a fantasy, but there is nothing to differentiate truth from fantasy, so why commit?

As described by organized religions, if one assumes there is an intelligent God sitting up there somewhere, it can be assumed he/it is either 1) wants devotion but lacks in communications skills, 2) we are not the primary focus of its attention, or 3) it likes playing games, which would make him/it not so nice in matters of our delicate faith. The other possibility not acknowledged by religion is that he/it does not exist, or does not exist as we think it does, in other words, we have it all wrong.

I guess it can be said for non believers too. I mean at some point there has to be something that was just there. If you believe in the big bang theory for example where did the universe come from or the lightning? I choose to believe it makes my life better (for me) b/c it gives me hope, for now and in the future.

Minor Axis

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I guess it can be said for non believers too. I mean at some point there has to be something that was just there. If you believe in the big bang theory for example where did the universe come from or the lightning? I choose to believe it makes my life better (for me) b/c it gives me hope, for now and in the future.

There are Atheists out there, but as far as I know, historically they have not tried to rule or save the world. My views are most likely more opened ended, less specific, not superior, just different and less conclusive than yours, and I too have hope. :)

I absolutely deny the existence if a deity.

Based on what evidence? Lack of evidence is not proof, it's just inconclusive.
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Based on what evidence? Lack of evidence is not proof, it's just inconclusive.

I agree.. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. But as it's said, the bible is the word of God, right? Science has disproven so many things the bible claims to be fact about the world around us. So if God exists, that must mean he's either not omnipotent or he's deliberately misleading us.

I know I can't disprove god, but you can't prove him either. Let me ask you a fair question: Do you believe in the easter bunny, Santa Claus, fairies and Allah? If you don't believe in them, you deny them. But based on what evidence? Why would someone believe in the Judeo-Christian God but not in Allah or Ganesha? All Gods are based on the same evidence: Someone, a long time ago, looked at the world around him (That's right, HIM, some religions are horribly sexist.) and wondered, how did it all get here? And since he lived at a time where science was non-existent, he assumed there was a supernatural creator, because he didn't know better. Luckily we pulled ourself out of the religious oppression of science (The dark ages) and live in a world of great secularist comfort and knowledge.

All Else Failed

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There is really no reason or need to believe in god, really. Everything you need to be happy and fulfilled in life can be obtained by yourself.