Hmmm...we have all kinds of laws that govern our exertion or expression of free will, or self will. I want to fly or levitate, but laws of physics say I can't...unless I create or utilize another way to manipulate, maneuver, or utilize within the laws, like airplanes or helium balloons. Those things took time to be created by humans.
I suppose I see free will in the sense of the spirit or soul much like this...there are laws that prevent or confine...unless we somehow transcend or maneuver within them. They are there in place (possibly the ones in debate are outmoded for some), and can't be broken with our present understanding. Perhaps what we percieve as miracles may be coincidences, transcendent accidents, some sort of synchronicity, or intentional forces of coalescing will with something "higher" (for lack of better language)...and that seem to temporarily breech the distance between us and higher places.
Whether we will be spared each others verbage onslaught of what is wrong and right in God's eye...or shed outmoded self imposed/group imposed tapes in the near or distant future really depends on if we can get an idea of what it is like to be free of this fear ridden type of existence. If I can keep a sense of this as a shared dilemna, I am less judgemental of how it poisons us toward each other. One of my closest friends (now passed

) used to say that the best use of the will is inward on oneself. And if you don't do something with someone (their total permission and willingness), you do it to them. How true these ring to me, and how short I fall of them even with the purest of intentions.