If a potter makes a pot that leaks, it is the pots fault.
How droll.
So when does a person become responsible for their own actions? When do we become accountable. I guess for every imperfection that I have and every wrong thing that I have done in my life - I should blame someone else, I should blame my parents, I should blame God? Heaven forbid I take any ownership for those things.
Should we blame every negative thing that we go through in our life on my past, past experiences, and our family? When do we let it go, move on with our lives and quit passing the buck? You can point fingers all day, but at the end of the day - it's your own reflection staring back at you in the mirror.
If we say that we are who we are now is a result of our past actions and things that happened to us in the past, then it is also true that whatever we choose to be in the future can be produced by our current actions.
Disease, famine, natural disasters, murder and immorality are all results of "The Fall". Mankind caused these things, not God. Deciding not to take responsibility for those actions doesn't change the fact that it is "our" fault. You could say, "It's God's fault for placing a tree in Eden and saying not to eat from it. And how dare we exercise our free will?" Well then, take responsibility for disobeying. If the law is not to drive drunk and not to speed, but I have too many to drink and then speed down the road and cause an accident. Is it the person who made the law's fault or mine? Should I pass blame to those who made alcohol, made a car that would go over the speed limit, made the law that I shouldn't drink and drive, and made the law that I shouldn't speed? Should I blame the other person for being on the road who I crashed into and killed? - or is the fault mine to own?
Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. Responsibility is the ability to choose your own response. We should not blame circumsatances, conditions, or conditioning for our behavior. Our behavior is a product of our own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of our conditions, based on feeling.