Big difference to leading spoilt carefree lives than being tortured to death in concentration camps ect, I'm sure you'll agree
Sure there is a huge difference. All I'm saying is that humans only learn through adversity. I'm sure the cynics will say yeah, you learn to kill or be killed, but the idea is that man's struggle is upward, not downward. If we lived in a controlled comfortable environment, I don't think we'd learn much.
I'd like to get back to the original premise of this thread, "Divine Hiddenness". Despite those who say "oh, I talk to God all the time" I see that as basically a one way conversation. If you are getting anything from God, unless you hear words in your head, regardless of how sure you are, God's communication consists of just feelings (or even words) which could be ascribed to a number of things, including mental illness.

My intent is not to belittle your feelings, just suggest that individuals for lack of anything concrete, have to make assumptions regarding these feelings.
Here are some possibilities why the divine creator remains hidden:
1) It is not important to get involved directly in our lives, or it is unaware of us on a personal level, therefore we need not worry about pleasing or pandering to God.
2) It's intelligent, we are intelligent. If it's method of interaction is in a behind the scenes manner, and it respects us as its intelligent "children", it would not expect us to acknowledge something that is hidden or that we can only imagine based on "good feelings".
3) It does not exist or it's existence is so alien to us that for all practical interactive purposes from a personal relationship aspect, it does not exist.
Based on the possibilities I described, I find it highly unlikely that the creator would send down a representative to try to explain it to us. I'd be happy to hear other possibilities.
And here I lose my credibility with Atheists as I still like the idea of spirituality. Note, I'm not saying I "believe". My feelings are not that strong, but I really like the idea of a community of spirits, enfused with an existence and properties we don't understand, possibly monitoring our progress on some level. You don't need to try to pick apart these feelings as not logical. I understand. If I was logical in this regard, I would acknowledge that when we die, it is over, but my weakness is that I tend to think our lives have some meaning. And to have meaning, then the lessons learned in this life require some kind of perpetuity. But I could be all wrong. I don't have any facts to work with that support this premise. It's just siily, wishful, hopeful feelings.
The physical laws of our universe are specific to our universe only. This has been the biggest problem figuring out what caused the big bang. As the laws, time, space etc were created at the big bang, when scientists look back, as they reach the singularity, the moment of the big bang, all the mathematics and physics break down.
Watch the video I posted above, it talks about the multiverse.
Thanks for the video. I think it does a good job of making the point that while intelligence could be involved in creation, all there are, are assumptions when trying to divine it's nature.