There were times in other threads where I felt he was correct on an issue but was getting a lot of abuse.
But this thread turned out to be BS revenge from the opening post , against John.
John made an association not used at the forum I came from and the more he used it, the more it looked like it fit from my knowing TM elsewhere.
I like debate.....and it should have been up to TM to counter by responding immediately and arguing his position.
But the longer the denial to respond, the greater the association for me to past comments elsewhere.
TM's claims here weren't matching up to the intense dialog I put up with at a different debate forum. I don't believe a person can have that much of a change of heart in such a short time.
And his real position did get some exposure in this thread....but I assure you, it was a lot more intense at that other web site.
That's hypocrisy.....arguing out of convenience to win debate.
If I'm going to call hypocrisy on others, I can't in good faith give TM a pass because we had a private truce going would be an even greater hypocrisy.
Pretty obvious why we needed the truce to start with

This was common month after month till we were almost banned over the confrontations.