Debate time: Global Warming

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You mean meteorologist not climatologists. Weather and climate are not the same thing.
No, not the same thing, but highly related. If you break your arm and go to an orthopedic doctor, and he says "Gee, your heart sounds funny, you should see a cardiologist", you're still gonna listen to him. It's not his specialty, but he's qualified to make judgements about it.

Goat Whisperer

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You lack of knowledge here makes me laugh! do some research before posting a comment like that.

Do you know whom your talking to? No you don't. So you better shut the hell up.:mad

How do you think mars has ice if it doesn't have water? how can you explain evidence of rivers on the surface of mars with out water?

There are other liquids then water on mars.

Mars and the earth have a lot more in common than you care to think, the recent rise in methane gasses have also lead scientist to believe there is life on mars

BTW, your completely wrong, and since you insulted me I do not wish to explain. So here is a link:


Goat Whisperer

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No, not the same thing, but highly related. If you break your arm and go to an orthopedic doctor, and he says "Gee, your heart sounds funny, you should see a cardiologist", you're still gonna listen to him. It's not his specialty, but he's qualified to make judgements about it.

They don't study the same thing, the same numbers, or the same trends. Global warming is a specialty within climatology. This is like you going to your doctor instead of a specialist cardiologist for a rare heart disease you think you have, but only a cardiologist can diagnose it because it is so rarely known and not many doctors can see and understand the symptoms.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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why is the hole in the ozone at the south pole

still waiting for an answer to that one.

there is no answer because they do not have a clue why it is there and not over Los Angeles.

It is all based on junk science. If Gore lives long enough he will be exposed to be the fraud that he is.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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Global warming and the Ozone are not the same thing. I am researching Global Warming, so you would have to ask someone else.

Gore may be a fraud, but that doesn't mean what he endorses is.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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BTW, this is what I got out of wikipedia:

The polar vortex formed over Antarctica is very tight and the reaction which occurs on the surface of the cloud crystals is far different from when it occurs in atmosphere. These conditions have led to ozone hole formation in Antarctica.

And I've also heard it is much thinner in the arctic, but I wouldn't no for sure. The fact of the matter is, I have never heard of a scientist who has said there isn't a hole in the ozone layer.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Global warming and the Ozone are not the same thing. I am researching Global Warming, so you would have to ask someone else.

Gore may be a fraud, but that doesn't mean what he endorses is.

we have idiotic laws that have been passed to reduce CFC's because they supposedly are damaging the ozone which is a supposed cause for global warming.

if you do not know this then I have no idea what you have been researching. :willy_nilly:

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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WTF? I have been researching global warming, not the ozone layer. They have almost nothing to do with each other, ozone plays a small role in the green house effect, but that's it. Why do you expect me to be an expert on it?


Having way too much fun
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we have idiotic laws that have been passed to reduce CFC's because they supposedly are damaging the ozone which is a supposed cause for global warming.

if you do not know this then I have no idea what you have been researching. :willy_nilly:

The hole in the ozone layer has nothing to do with global warming. The ozone layer does not help cool or warm the planet, it only filters out harmful UV rays. CFC's were banned because of their damaging effect on the ozone layer not because they are a green house gas.

Ozone And Greenhouse Gases (Environment: Global Warming)

There was no real debate between scientists whether we were destroying the ozone layer with our use of CFC's, not like there is with global warming and whether it's man made. And about you question on why the hole in the Ozone is over Antarctica... well there is good science behind that to explain it.

Antarctica is unpopulated by any permanent human beings and remains pristine. Why isn’t the hole over highly populated areas where CFCs and other greenhouse emissions are known to be high? It turns out the answer has to do with the earth’s rotation and other climatological factors.
First, the earth’s spinning motion ensures that all gasses or emissions released into the air, whether natural or manmade, spread more or less evenly throughout the troposphere, or lower atmosphere, over the period of about a year. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it then takes anywhere from two to five years for these gasses to spread into and throughout the stratosphere, or upper atmosphere. From here, climate comes into play in the changing chemistry of the CFCs and their role in creating the hole in the ozone.
In winter, the earth’s tilted axis prevents sunlight from shining on the South Pole. This causes temperatures in the atmosphere over Antarctica to plummet as low as -108° Fahrenheit (-78° Celsius). Cool air rising from the South Pole creates a “winter vortex” of circulating winds in the middle latitudes over Antarctica, acting like a huge whirlpool. This effectively cuts off the ozone over Antarctica from mixing with the planet’s larger atmospheric pool.
As temperatures continue to drop in the sunless winter, Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSCs), or clouds of nitric acid ice-crystals, begin to form over Antarctica. CFC compounds collect on these ice-crystals, combining with the nitric acid compounds that convert the CFCs to more active forms of chlorine. These compounds build over the long winter season.
When spring comes and sunlight strikes the clouds, UV radiation splits the motherlode of chlorine molecules into highly active chlorine atoms. Each single chlorine atom can destroy a massive amount of ozone molecules, converting them to oxygen. The result is a runaway process that eats up the protective gasses, creating a huge hole in the ozone.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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This is the kind of rhetoric that comes from the so called experts. :24:

Billions of dollars have been spent on nuclear reactors which currently already have millions of tons of radioactive waste contaminating water, air and earth without any way of getting rid of them. Our current cancer rate may be as high as 10 times the pre-1950 rates.



In Memoriam - RIP
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BTW, this is what I got out of wikipedia:

And I've also heard it is much thinner in the arctic, but I wouldn't no for sure. The fact of the matter is, I have never heard of a scientist who has said there isn't a hole in the ozone layer.
Thus the magnetism given off by the the north and south pole play a key role in the hole in the ozone IMO.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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WTF? I have been researching global warming, not the ozone layer. They have almost nothing to do with each other, ozone plays a small role in the green house effect, but that's it. Why do you expect me to be an expert on it?

The hole in the ozone layer has nothing to do with global warming. The ozone layer does not help cool or warm the planet, it only filters out harmful UV rays. CFC's were banned because of their damaging effect on the ozone layer not because they are a green house gas.

Ozone And Greenhouse Gases (Environment: Global Warming)

There was no real debate between scientists whether we were destroying the ozone layer with our use of CFC's, not like there is with global warming and whether it's man made. And about you question on why the hole in the Ozone is over Antarctica... well there is good science behind that to explain it.
I apologize for my mistake. However it does appear that the Ozone is thrown into the debate by those who pass the laws. Or at least that is my perception.

anyway thanks for the info.


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Do you know whom your talking to? No you don't. So you better shut the hell up.:mad

There are other liquids then water on mars.

BTW, your completely wrong, and since you insulted me I do not wish to explain. So here is a link:


Im talking atmosphere rather than physical properties,

Yes same as earth and any other planet there are other liquids but name me a liquid form that can produce life?

Without water there is no life

oh and im talking to Abrianno peta and judging by the link you gave possibly your a teacher, and using wikipedia for research is a huge amateur move btw!

Wikipedia is a what is considered a web 2.0 app, and relies hugely on users uploading information to it, hugely being incorrect inaccurate and mostly biased


In Memoriam - RIP
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Im talking atmosphere rather than physical properties,

Yes same as earth and any other planet there are other liquids but name me a liquid form that can produce life?

Without water there is no life

oh and im talking to Abrianno peta and judging by the link you gave possibly your a teacher, and using wikipedia for research is a huge amateur move btw!

Wikipedia is a what is considered a web 2.0 app, and relies hugely on users uploading information to it, hugely being incorrect inaccurate and mostly biased
she's a teenaged girl...


Having way too much fun
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I apologize for my mistake. However it does appear that the Ozone is thrown into the debate by those who pass the laws. Or at least that is my perception.

anyway thanks for the info.

:thumbup No problem... I was just trying to enlighten you to what I knew...

I know that people may not like debates like this since no one is ever going to change their mind/view. But I really do like them for the amount of information you can get. I can't even begin to tell you the insights I have gained researching points/counterpoints while debating. Sometimes the conversation leads you into uncharted territory, that's where I gain the most.