Debate time: Global Warming

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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:thumbup No problem... I was just trying to enlighten you to what I knew...

I know that people may not like debates like this since no one is ever going to change their mind/view. But I really do like them for the amount of information you can get. I can't even begin to tell you the insights I have gained researching points/counterpoints while debating. Sometimes the conversation leads you into uncharted territory, that's where I gain the most.
If I am wrong on something I want to know it. The info on the ozone as to its impact on global warming and on where the hole is was something I had not seen.

I sometimes have to force myself to look at the other side of some of this stuff. In my work I have state and federal regulations that are based on absolute junk science. Absolute garbage that is driven by enviro nuts. Everytime our industry argues against this shit we get labeled as not caring about the earth which could not be further from the truth as our job depends on the lack of pollution of the resources.

I am not against environmentalism but how we deal with things should be based on facts and consensus and this global warming stuff is nowhere near that point. Playing the doom gloom scenerio at this point and going overboard like what Gore wants is moronic. IMO
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Goat Whisperer

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I am not against environmentalism but how we deal with things should be based on facts and consensus and this global warming stuff is nowhere near that point. Playing the doom gloom scenerio at this point and going overboard like what Gore wants is moronic. IMO

If you actually looked at the facts and consensus, you might understand global warming.

Goat Whisperer

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I sometimes have to force myself to look at the other side of some of this stuff. In my work I have state and federal regulations that are based on absolute junk science. Absolute garbage that is driven by enviro nuts. Everytime our industry argues against this shit we get labeled as not caring about the earth which could not be further from the truth as our job depends on the lack of pollution of the resources.

Your being very much so prejudicial. Your simply grouping up all environmentalist as 'wackos' who make everything up, don't use science, ignore the facts, and act like extremists. This is the same as grouping up 'blacks' as not as smart or deserving as 'whites'

There are some crazies trying to protect the environment, but their are some crazies trying to do a lot of things. Some crazies that are tying to protect our rights, does that mean that everyone who believes in the freedom of our rights is crazy? Of course not!

There are some crazy environmental proposals, but does that mean that global warming is a crazy proposal? No.

It is extremely prejudicial to label me as an environmentalist that doesn't care about the well beings of humans, and wants to pass 'crazy laws' to try and save a dieing species that isn't really dieing.

In case if you were wondering, I am more worried about man kind, when it comes to global warming, then the environment. But, I am sure you already assumed differently.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Your being very much so prejudicial. Your simply grouping up all environmentalist as 'wackos' who make everything up, don't use science, ignore the facts, and act like extremists. This is the same as grouping up 'blacks' as not as smart or deserving as 'whites'

There are some crazies trying to protect the environment, but their are some crazies trying to do a lot of things. Some crazies that are tying to protect our rights, does that mean that everyone who believes in the freedom of our rights is crazy? Of course not!

There are some crazy environmental proposals, but does that mean that global warming is a crazy proposal? No.

It is extremely prejudicial to label me as an environmentalist that doesn't care about the well beings of humans, and wants to pass 'crazy laws' to try and save a dieing species that isn't really dieing.

In case if you were wondering, I am more worried about man kind, when it comes to global warming, then the environment. But, I am sure you already assumed differently.
If there is anybody placing labels it is you.

Show me where I said YOU were wacko. ;)

You got your panties in a bunch because you disagree with me. My point is you have only a scratch of education compared to what is required to make a scientific judgment on this. And if you think that is based on age you would be wrong. The people that are qualified have had YEARS of study on this. And there still is tons of disagreement. You simply follow that which agrees with what I would be an assumed bias when you started your research.

Sure I am prejudicial. I have dealt first hand with negotiating legislation on a state and local level. I know what the process is. I know bull shit when I see it and the majority of stuff that drives the legislation that effects me is based on junk science driven by data that can and is easily manipulated.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Your being very much so prejudicial. Your simply grouping up all environmentalist as 'wackos' who make everything up, don't use science, ignore the facts, and act like extremists.
Not all groups are nuts. But they all have an agenda and they will steer the science and facts to fit into that agenda. More times than not it is all about money.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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I've spent all of my free time over the past year studying global warming, and before that I studied it often. I run my own non-profit on it, I have visited the arctic and talked to the top scientists of the world, I am not an idiotic teenager that simply thinks she is 'right all the time'

I am well educated on this, and you are assuming because of my age, I can not understand global warming. And you are terribly wrong about it.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I've spent all of my free time over the past year studying global warming, and before that I studied it often. I run my own non-profit on it, I have visited the arctic and talked to the top scientists of the world, I am not an idiotic teenager that simply thinks she is 'right all the time'

I am well educated on this, and you are assuming because of my age, I can not understand global warming. And you are terribly wrong about it.
I guess you missed this or dismiss it.

My point is you have only a scratch of education compared to what is required to make a scientific judgment on this. And if you think that is based on age you would be wrong. The people that are qualified have had YEARS of study on this. And there still is tons of disagreement. You simply follow that which agrees with what I assume was a bias when you started your research.


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I dont see how you can call her spoilt when shes spending her time and energy on such causes?...fair play to her.
I dont think youth nowadays are concerned over what happens to the planet...its wonderful to see someone so dedicated to the cause.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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Or maybe a spoilt child that has had amazing opportunities and its all gone to her head :D

its only you with the hang up about age here

Hah, spoiled, your kidding me right? I had to work my ass off to go on that trip, and my family couldn't even afford Christmas presents this year.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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My point is you have only a scratch of education compared to what is required to make a scientific judgment on this. And if you think that is based on age you would be wrong. The people that are qualified have had YEARS of study on this. And there still is tons of disagreement. You simply follow that which agrees with what I assume was a bias when you started your research.

Conformation biased is also an incorrect assumption here. I have debates like this to see if people can prove me wrong either then just resorting to 'Well your numbers are lies' and 'the scientific community agrees with me' when it is really a load of bull crap. And so far, no one has been able to scientifically prove me wrong, and everything else they say can not be proved.

Goat Whisperer

Well-Known Member
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That doesn't make any sense, I say 'go away' because your just being a nuisance and not adding anything to this conversation, and you call me dumb. Hmmm... interesting.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Conformation biased is also an incorrect assumption here. I have debates like this to see if people can prove me wrong either then just resorting to 'Well your numbers are lies' and 'the scientific community agrees with me' when it is really a load of bull crap. And so far, no one has been able to scientifically prove me wrong, and everything else they say can not be proved.

none of us are scientists and qualified to prove you wrong. It would be a silly game of back and forth to attempt to do that when your education does not make you an expert anyway.

I did go back and it appears you never addressed the chart on the first page about the warmest decade in post 7 by Intruder where asked
Let's pretend like I accept 100% of your argument as gospel. I don't, but let's pretend. You have yet to scratch the surface of the arguments against.

Why does the hottest decade on record pre-date WWII, and the massive build up of human activity since?

How can you look at the following data and expect me to take the argument seriously that this is our doing?
Then on the 2nd page you posted this which makes no sense. If the earth were to survive we would be the last group to go extinct.
I'm not saying that we are going to end THE world I am saying we are potentially ending OUR world as we know it. The planet will survive on it's own. Some amazing species like the seals, the polar bears, and of course the humans will most likely go extinct.