Credible critics of the official account of 9/11

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In Memoriam - RIP
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The reason I mentioned it taking 45 minutes to a jet to get in the air is it was used as justification to why these planes were free to fly where they chose to without any military interference.

As for bashing Bush. There's plenty to bash about his whole term. I'm choosing to stay away from that and try to stick to legit questions.

Tho, mentioning Dubya, I do wonder what he meant when he said he saw the first plane hit live.. He must have been confused. It was indeed a confusing day to watch unfold on television. I can only imagine what it would have been like for those in charge.

I could go into Condi saying they never expected something like that to happen when in fact there had been scenarios just like it drawn up. We could go into the FBI agent warning that an attack was coming yet her warnings were ignored. Whomever ignored it should have been fired. Period.

Again, plenty of things to question that people would like concrete answers to. If you give someone real facts, it's hard to continue to wonder about things. Unless you just want to wonder for wonders' sake. But when facts smell of bullshit that only adds to the wondering.
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All Else Failed

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find me the video then, i don't recall watching any steel beams hitting the other building.
Just look at the aftermath. There were blocks of concrete and steel that weighed in excess of 10 tons, and those were the smaller ones. They were falling all over the place. The towers just didn't totally disintegrate into dust.

All of you guys implying that 9/11 was an inside job or that our government had prior knowledge of it are on par with moon skeptics right now.
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DT3's Twinkie
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How about looking at it this way. They (Government,CIA etc) didn't ake it happen, let's just say they KNEW it was going to happen. Which BTW isn't really a stretch, they ALL knew something was coming, and just for the sake of an argument, this was exactly the false flag they needed to invade Iraq. I am not saying that Iraq didn't need some ass kicking, I am saying that Bin Laden and Hussein were not in collusion. IN fact they were locked in a religious based dogma....Meaning they technically were sworn enemies so far a religious views go.

BUT we (Bush) needed something to get us into Iraq....And it was a stretch, but ironically they were not the first country we waged war with, but they started planning while the first troops were setting foot in A-stan.

Go back and research the "false flag" routines, all my father told me (former green beret and LRRP) was that he knew for a fact that they existed, and knew it was always a possibility, even to this day.


DT3's Twinkie
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Just look at the aftermath. There were blocks of concrete and steel that weighed in excess of 10 tons, and those were the smaller ones. They were falling all over the place. The towers just didn't totally disintegrate into dust.

All of you guys implying that 9/11 was an inside job or that our government had prior knowledge of it are on par with moon skeptics right now.

I am calling the moon landing bullshit:ninja

It was filmed at the Superdome in New Orleans....Which is why the government created Katrina...To destroy it:ninja

I know things


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I am calling the moon landing bullshit:ninja

It was filmed at the Superdome in New Orleans....Which is why the government created Katrina...To destroy it:ninja

I know things

I hear Elvis and JFK are still alive too. The CIA has them in a bunker @ Area 51 with the gray aliens and bigfoot. :24:


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Thats just what bigfoot and the grays want you to think. Area 51 is where they're conspiring with the US Gov't to take over the world. :24:


Well-Known Member
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Just look at the aftermath. There were blocks of concrete and steel that weighed in excess of 10 tons, and those were the smaller ones. They were falling all over the place. The towers just didn't totally disintegrate into dust.

All of you guys implying that 9/11 was an inside job or that our government had prior knowledge of it are on par with moon skeptics right now.

again, i don't recall seeing anything hit building 7. They say it went down by fire...just take a look at the pictures before the buildings collapse and you can clearly see that no large pieces hit the building, only minor debri. And as for it going down by the fire, please show me where in history a steel structure colapsed due to fire.


Active Member
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And as for it going down by the fire, please show me where in history a steel structure colapsed due to fire.

Ask and ye shall receive... - Bouwkunde gebouw Delft stort in

13 Floor building in the Netherlands that had suffered no other structural damage...

The Windsor tower in Spain...

Windsor Tower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which collapsed somewhat differently due to the fact only the outermost sections were structural steel while the core was reinforced concrete. IIRC the first collapse occurred about 2.5 hours after the start of the fire with again, no other structural damage.

These things don't happen very often for a variety of reasons including but not limited to the effectiveness of fireproofing materials used in steel constructionl and fire control (sprinkler) systems. If either the fireproofing or the sprinkler systems are compromised, a steel structure can rapidly become unable to support itself due to the weakening effects of temperature increase.

Typical structural steel loses about 40% of its room temp yield strength @ 550C and drops off extremely quickly from there. A typical structure fire can reach 1000C+. IIRC the strength curves are down to 15-20% of nomical room temp values at 1000C.

Is it honestly that hard to believe that fire can compromise the structural integrity of a steel building with that information? Especially when the building has been structurally damaged on top of that?


Well-Known Member
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Ask and ye shall receive... - Bouwkunde gebouw Delft stort in

13 Floor building in the Netherlands that had suffered no other structural damage...

The Windsor tower in Spain...

Windsor Tower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which collapsed somewhat differently due to the fact only the outermost sections were structural steel while the core was reinforced concrete. IIRC the first collapse occurred about 2.5 hours after the start of the fire with again, no other structural damage.

These things don't happen very often for a variety of reasons including but not limited to the effectiveness of fireproofing materials used in steel constructionl and fire control (sprinkler) systems. If either the fireproofing or the sprinkler systems are compromised, a steel structure can rapidly become unable to support itself due to the weakening effects of temperature increase.

Typical structural steel loses about 40% of its room temp yield strength @ 550C and drops off extremely quickly from there. A typical structure fire can reach 1000C+. IIRC the strength curves are down to 15-20% of nomical room temp values at 1000C.

Is it honestly that hard to believe that fire can compromise the structural integrity of a steel building with that information? Especially when the building has been structurally damaged on top of that?

neither of the buildings you point out fully collapsed, the buildings only partially collapsed. There's a HUGE difference. There is also a HUGE difference seeing that Windsor burned for OVER 24 hours while building 7 burned for less than 6. There's also a huge difference where building 7 was twice as big than both of the buildings that you showed.... Since it completely collapsed from a fire that burned less than 6 hours is strange to it honestly that hard to find it questionable that a huge building like that came down in less than 6 hours b/c of some fire?

So once again, you didn't answer my question. Why? B/c there is no steel structure before 9/11 that collapsed because of a fire at virtually free fall speeds.

A little search will reveal that there are quite a few architects and structural engineers that don't believe the story as it has been sold to the american people.
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Slightly Acidic
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again, i don't recall seeing anything hit building 7. They say it went down by fire...just take a look at the pictures before the buildings collapse and you can clearly see that no large pieces hit the building, only minor debri. And as for it going down by the fire, please show me where in history a steel structure colapsed due to fire.

If nothing but minor debris hit it, why was the entire south facade ripped off, and why was there a 10 story high gash that ripped deep into the building? Did dust cause this?



Slightly Acidic
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And then there's THIS building, which was located as close to WTC7 as WTC7 was to the twin towers. WTC7 was less than half the size of ONE tower, yet debris from it's collapse did THIS amount of damage to an adjacent building. Why is is hard to accept that TWO towers falling, TWICE as large, wouldn't throw off debris in every direction capable of this type of extensive damage? I don't see how it's even debatable given the amount of photographic evidence there is.


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All that aside. If The gov't blew up the buildings they did it for a reason. Or even if the planes brought down the towers but the gov't used the opportunity to bring down Building 7 (or 10, or whichever, I don't care). There needs to be a motive.

What was the motive?
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Active Member
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neither of the buildings you point out fully collapsed, the buildings only partially collapsed. There's a HUGE difference. There is also a HUGE difference seeing that Windsor burned for OVER 24 hours while building 7 burned for less than 6. There's also a huge difference where building 7 was twice as big than both of the buildings that you showed.... Since it completely collapsed from a fire that burned less than 6 hours is strange to it honestly that hard to find it questionable that a huge building like that came down in less than 6 hours b/c of some fire?

So once again, you didn't answer my question. Why? B/c there is no steel structure before 9/11 that collapsed because of a fire at virtually free fall speeds.

On the morning of January 28, 1997, in the Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
township of Strasburg, a fire caused the collapse of the state-of-the-art, seven year old Sight
and Sound Theater and resulted in structural damage to most of the connecting buildings.
The theater was a total loss, valued at over $15 million.

This is again with no existing structural damage prior to the fire....

All interior firefighting efforts were halted after almost 11 hours of uninterrupted fire in the building. Consultation with a structural engineer and structural damage observed by units operating in the building led to the belief that there was a
possibility of a pancake structural collapse of the fire damaged

There was the McCormick place fire in Chicago in the 60s where a steel frame building having suffered no other structural damage collapsed completely within 3 hours due to fire.

Here's another where there was existing structural damage and there was concern for further structural collapse due to fire...

Here's a steel frame school that the roof collapsed within 20 minutes of the start of the fire...

Should I go on or will you admit that steel construction is entirely susceptible to collapse due to fire?

You say show me a steel building that collapsed at "free fall speeds" (which is in an off itself odd since air resistance being negligible at those velocities I'm not sure how else a building would fall).

Well I say

1. Show me a steel frame building at least 40 floors high.
2. Is the size of a city block
3. Is a "tube in tube" structural design
4. The core columns linking the structure to the foundation have been damaged
5. Had other structural damage to the out tube on top of #4
6. Had a lower floor fire that burned for at least 6 hours
7. Had load bearing trusses that were bolted together with 5/8" bolts.

if you want to draw a comparison with another collapse thats what you've got to find. Find that and show differences in the collapse and then you'll have something, until then its drawing false analogies and just simply not having the background to understand what you're looking at. Not everything in science and engineering happens like you intuitively think it should.

Hell I can show you pipe flow (fluid in a pipe) examples where after a certain point, the fluid accelerates itself without outside intervention by converting internal energy into kinetic energy. Is that something you would intuitively say would happen? Probably not but thats what the mathematical description of the fluid properties says and thats what we see when we conduct experiments.

The trap you're falling into is thinking this is a simple cause/effect when its far from it. There are countless factors that govern exactly how any complex structure is going to behave when its taken beyond its load bearing or damage tolerance limits.

Well Building A didn't collapse like WTC 7. Yeah and? Building A wasn't built exactly like WTC7, didn't use the same load bearing paths, didn't have the same damage, fire wasn't in the same location, etc etc etc.

A little search will reveal that there are quite a few architects and structural engineers that don't believe the story as it has been sold to the american people.

Then there are quite a few architects and structural engineers who aren't competent to do their job and probably need to have their license revoked. Everything I learned in the 2 years out of 5 I spent in the classroom learning structural design and analysis jives 100% with the descriptions of the collapse.

All Else Failed

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Actually, the biggest evidence of 9/11 not being an "inside job" is the fact that such a plan and conspiracy would have NEVER stayed top secret or out of the public's knowledge. It would be too big to stay secret. Someone would have talked.


Having way too much fun
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Actually, the biggest evidence of 9/11 not being an "inside job" is the fact that such a plan and conspiracy would have NEVER stayed top secret or out of the public's knowledge. It would be too big to stay secret. Someone would have talked.

So your circular logic states that it can't possibly be a secret because it's being kept a secret so well... :wtf:

I don't think that anyone here is saying it's an inside job. At least I don't think that.
But I do have a lot of questions on certain points that just don't make sense. And asking those questions does not mean I am some conspiracy nut, it only means that I have questions.

As far as the collapse of WTC7... The NIST report has been shot full of holes by structural engineers. The raw data that was used for the NIST modeling has not been released and will not be released. The original blueprints for the building have gone missing.