Conservatism = Sociopathic Behavior

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LOL. That was funny, but probably lost on Stone. I doubt he is even aware if the original loan.

quite aware......perhaps more than yourself.

But the funniest part is making your constant ad hominen attacks look as stupid as the person that posted them :)

This was my response to the identical post in another thread

Yeah...but they weren't socialists :D

and it looks like the Dutch got little out of it

I'd ask if you feel stupid, but I don't expect an honest answer ;)
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And further deregulation? That's what I assume you mean by "Stop gov't manipulation of the market". Regulations are necessary to keep the corps from screwing over small business and consumers. We see what Wall Street did with deregulation.
You say you know that Wall Street is controlling Washington. What is it you think they are telling them to do? Sit on their hands and do nothing?
Who does it hurt more when Washington regulators require additional red tape and hoops to jump through: new startup businesses or big corporations with departments dedicated to find their ways through? Yes, SOME regulation is necessary, but it shouldn't be so cumbersome and costly as to prohibit new businesses from entering the market. When it is, you can be sure you can trace it back to lobbyist bribes paying to throw obstacles in the way of competition. This is the manipulation of the market through unnecessary regulation that I refer to. Surely you don't believe that ALL regulations are necessary.


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@ Stone....For the Dutch it is ....not for me....they make money with your rich USA 1% so they can afford to take care of there citizen.Your Rich is looking at there bank account figures and look like a famous cartoon figure and do nothing with it.:trustme


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The Netherlands was the third-largest direct foreign investor in the United States in 2009, and the Netherlands kept the same position in 2010.The United States and the Netherlands often have similar positions on issues and work together both bilaterally and multilaterally in such institutions as the United Nations and NATO. The Dutch have worked with the United States at the WTO and in the OECD, as well as within the EU to advance the shared goal of a more open, market-led global economy.
The United States and the Netherlands joined NATO as charter members in 1949. The Dutch fought alongside the United States in the Korean War and the first Gulf War and have been active in global peacekeeping efforts in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The Netherlands played a leading role in the 1999 Kosovo air campaign. They currently are contributing to EU peacekeeping forces in Bosnia. The Dutch also support and participate in NATO training efforts in Iraq, the EU and NATO police training efforts in Afghanistan, the NATO mission in Libya and in both EU as well as NATO counter-piracy operations.


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quite aware......perhaps more than yourself.

But the funniest part is making your constant ad hominen attacks look as stupid as the person that posted them :)

This was my response to the identical post in another thread

I'd ask if you feel stupid, but I don't expect an honest answer ;)

Stone, I can't recall meeting a bigger fucking idiot than you. Any fucktard can look shit up on the internet after the fact - we have time stamps on the posts genius. Talk up about eaten up with dumbass. :p


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Stone, I can't recall meeting a bigger fucking idiot than you. Any fucktard can look shit up on the internet after the fact - we have time stamps on the posts genius. Talk up about eaten up with dumbass. :p

Regardless of the forum it takes place on, name calling is against the rules. Please refrain from doing so in the future.


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@ Stone....For the Dutch it is ....not for me....they make money with your rich USA 1% so they can afford to take care of there citizen.Your Rich is looking at there bank account figures and look like a famous cartoon figure and do nothing with it.:trustme

@ Stone....For the Dutch it is ....not for me....they make money with your rich USA 1% so they can afford to take care of there citizen.

Then why are you complaining and arguing to institute a type of system that you now say needs out side financial investments to support it's own socialism?
Sincerely...that's a most illogical argument.

Your Rich is looking at there bank account figures and look like a famous cartoon figure and do nothing with it
You seem to have a mistaken impression that most of the wealth of the US is kept on deposit in banks in the form of US currency.
Most of the wealth here is invested and those investments are an active element of our economy.

What is obnoxious is the expression of wealth along side the existence of poverty, especially when the system has allowed abuses to favor the very wealthy to expand at the cost of inflicting more poverty on the masses.


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You say you know that Wall Street is controlling Washington. What is it you think they are telling them to do? Sit on their hands and do nothing?

Wall Street is telling the federal legislature to make laws to benefit them and absolve them from financial responsibility when they make poor business decisions. They are telling congress they need even less regulation so they can screw us even harder next time. They are telling congress they need even more subsidies and lower taxes.

Who does it hurt more when Washington regulators require additional red tape and hoops to jump through: new startup businesses or big corporations with departments dedicated to find their ways through?

How many new start up businesses are looking to sell derivatives or martgage backed securities loaded with high risk loans?

How Yes, SOME regulation is necessary, but it shouldn't be so cumbersome and costly as to prohibit new businesses from entering the market. When it is, you can be sure you can trace it back to lobbyist bribes paying to throw obstacles in the way of competition. This is the manipulation of the market through unnecessary regulation that I refer to. Surely you don't believe that ALL regulations are necessary.

I keep hearing this line repeated, but I've never seen it substaniated. Give me some real life examples of "cumbersome" regulations that prohibit new business from entering the market.

I'll tell you one thing that was an obsticle in my buisness ventures - Health care. Big corporations can more easily absorb the cost of group health insurance - the small operator - not so much. Universal health care would be a major boon to small business owners and especially to the employees of small business.


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Stone, I can't recall meeting a bigger fucking idiot than you. Any fucktard can look shit up on the internet after the fact - we have time stamps on the posts genius. Talk up about eaten up with dumbass. :p

And they don't show when a post has been read.....only posted.
I'm claiming I read your pedantic tirade after posting in the other thread.
Don't believe me? Irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.


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@ stone....John is right are a bad reader and/or listener...its almost like talking to a brick of stone.
I do not even like the Dutch system...definately not the facist one from today.
Not complaining and or arguing as I prever to leave that to the both of you.
Just pointing out some material how it is done in a other country and presenting some figures and facts about that.
Holland is still a AAA rated country and takes care of its citizen....USA is not...think that speaks for itself.
Do I care about Holland? NO ...done with da peeps.Why you think I left there?
Remember what I said? it would be good if you can learn and take the good out of what other countries has done way before you even was born.
At least it would show the world you are smart.Playing the BIG Boy gets you only more hated unnessecarely.I would not be here if this was the American way as I see all around me real people whith love unfortunately those can barely keep there head above water thanks to a handfull whom do not care and did a good job on brainwashing you.


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@ stone....John is right are a bad reader and/or listener...its almost like talking to a brick of stone.
I do not even like the Dutch system...definately not the facist one from today.
Not complaining and or arguing as I prever to leave that to the both of you.
Just pointing out some material how it is done in a other country and presenting some figures and facts about that.
Holland is still a AAA rated country and takes care of its citizen....USA is not...think that speaks for itself.
Do I care about Holland? NO ...done with da peeps.Why you think I left there?
Remember what I said? it would be good if you can learn and take the good out of what other countries has done way before you even was born.
At least it would show the world you are smart.Playing the BIG Boy gets you only more hated unnessecarely.I would not be here if this was the American way as I see all around me real people whith love unfortunately those can barely keep there head above water thanks to a handfull whom do not care and did a good job on brainwashing you.

@ stone....John is right are a bad reader and/or listener...its almost like talking to a brick of stone.
I see you are on the same path as John as far as ad hominems are concerned.

I do not even like the Dutch system...definately not the facist one from today.
Your argument is confusing.....why are you posting an article in support of a system using an example you don't like?

Just pointing out some material how it is done in a other country and presenting some figures and facts about that.
Fine. But it is, after all, up to you to present the relevance of such a comparison and I'm not seeing it.
How can the Dutch system be executed in a system that's tilted towards failure to begin with, such as the US?
If you are promoting their system....that's a fair question.

Holland is still a AAA rated country and takes care of its citizen....USA is not...think that speaks for itself.
It speaks to it's condition, certainly, but that doesn't mean it's a solution for the US at this time.

Do I care about Holland? NO ...done with da peeps.Why you think I left there?
I'm not of the 'love it or leave it' mentality.
Why you left is less important than arguing the necessary solutions and I admit, I am short on the political side of the argument ....but it's essentially because I see corruption in both parties and think the concept of reform within each is more important than the domination of either.
Congress is at an all time low for respect and it seems pretty universal across party lines.

Remember what I said? it would be good if you can learn and take the good out of what other countries has done way before you even was born.
At least it would show the world you are smart
Actually....I agree and have posted so.....but this thread has become so polarized, it's been overlooked/forgotten.
As I have posted ( either in this thread or another) there are elements of socialism that have and have had practical value.
But we've lived with them so long, they have become universally acceptable as a 'norm' because they were a pragmatic solution. Schools, transportation infrastructure, subsidizing of projects not privately fundable because of economic size ( good example would be scientific projects like fusion energy that take the cooperation nations because of the scope of enormous long term financial investment that capitalism won't/can't supply )

Playing the BIG Boy gets you only more hated unnessecarely
Wealth envy ( this is after all a thread about wealth ) or a remark relating to the empire building during the Bush era?
The envy I can't do anything about.
The Bush era was a blight on the world and the US.....what more can I say in agreement?
I'll only say I neither voted for him nor supported his policies.
The US has multiple identities. Bush was a schitzo side.

did a good job on brainwashing you.
In what way do you think I've been brain washed and by whom?
You are the one presenting economic solutions without any context to the root mechanism of our problems.......the corruption of our system.
It's certainly logical to ask how instituting socialism as an economic model is the cure.
So far, no one in this forum has and I haven't been presenting capitalist theory.
But there have been elements of socialism proposed that are not viable at this time and I have presented the reasons why.....not economically feasible.
I didn't spend the US into a debt crises.....Congress did. And it came from more than just the actions of one particular party.
Me, :)


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Wall Street is telling the federal legislature to make laws to benefit them and absolve them from financial responsibility when they make poor business decisions. They are telling congress they need even less regulation so they can screw us even harder next time. They are telling congress they need even more subsidies and lower taxes.
Thanks for rephrasing what I said. It's good that we agree.

I keep hearing this line repeated, but I've never seen it substaniated. Give me some real life examples of "cumbersome" regulations that prohibit new business from entering the market.
Things have definitely improved since I last researched this. That's pleasant surprise.

But while things are better than I thought generally, I can't imagine it would be easy to try to break into any business competing with GE, Haliburton, Bank of America, or GM.


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...@ stone ...I didn't spend the US into a debt crises.....Congress did. And it came from more than just the actions of one particular party.
Me, :)

Congress did not do did.Were does the congress come from?Whom put them there ?
Answer: Americans do....and as I am understand you are one right?
Americans spend themselfs silly...any idea how much credit card debt there is?
Why does every car need to be bought with a loan ?
You want me to carry on ? Year after year borrowing on your house? without paying it of and than cry if the balloon snaps ?
When I came to America I paid for everything cash and I had NO debt on any card.
You know what happened?
In order to get regonized to be credit worthy I was forced to takes loans out and extra credit cards in order to get a so called stupid credit score.
Forced...yes ...because with out it I would have become a misfit in your society.
You only fit in with pathetic loans and need to spend money you don't have ....not the congress...YOU my friend.
Its the American itself living byond its needs and it is so easy to blame congress and stick your head in the sand.
Its the American itself who needs to change his attitude about financial matters.
Where I come from you will be found credit worthy if you have NO DEBTS.
Here in USA they messure your credit whorthiness to how much debt you have.
For me thats the world upside down thinking and there for you are have start thinking that those things are normal.
Only thing you are doing is looking for excuses of failure.
Now if you fix those problems by Americans first than automaticly you will get a congress that knows how to handle a budget.If you keep doing what you doing you keep producing stupid congress and politicians with NO financial brain.


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I had read earlier this year the U.S. has dropped out of the top 10 in places to start a business.

The regulations I support prevent the financial industry from making up the rules as they go and inventing all these exotic investments and fake insurance contracts that shift their risks onto our retirement accounts. I'd give small business a lot more freedom to compete but prevent the big multinationals from bullying small business. Clean water and clean air laws need better enforcement - especially where the big corps are concerned.


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I had read earlier this year the U.S. has dropped out of the top 10 in places to start a business.
That's more like what I had heard.

The regulations I support prevent the financial industry from making up the rules as they go and inventing all these exotic investments and fake insurance contracts that shift their risks onto our retirement accounts.
Me too.

I'd give small business a lot more freedom to compete but prevent the big multinationals from bullying small business. Clean water and clean air laws need better enforcement - especially where the big corps are concerned.
I agree.
BTW, so does Ron Paul. He was on Leno about a week or so ago, and said the EPA is constitutional since air and water freely cross state lines.

I'll bet the US is NUMBER ONE for favorite countries to headquarter an international conglomerate while doing business in Third World sweatshops. ;)


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...@ stone ...I didn't spend the US into a debt crises.....Congress did. And it came from more than just the actions of one particular party.
Me, :)

Congress did not do did.Were does the congress come from?Whom put them there ?
Answer: Americans do....and as I am understand you are one right?
Americans spend themselfs silly...any idea how much credit card debt there is?
Why does every car need to be bought with a loan ?
You want me to carry on ? Year after year borrowing on your house? without paying it of and than cry if the balloon snaps ?
When I came to America I paid for everything cash and I had NO debt on any card.
You know what happened?
In order to get regonized to be credit worthy I was forced to takes loans out and extra credit cards in order to get a so called stupid credit score.
Forced...yes ...because with out it I would have become a misfit in your society.
You only fit in with pathetic loans and need to spend money you don't have ....not the congress...YOU my friend.
Its the American itself living byond its needs and it is so easy to blame congress and stick your head in the sand.
Its the American itself who needs to change his attitude about financial matters.
Where I come from you will be found credit worthy if you have NO DEBTS.
Here in USA they messure your credit whorthiness to how much debt you have.
For me thats the world upside down thinking and there for you are have start thinking that those things are normal.
Only thing you are doing is looking for excuses of failure.
Now if you fix those problems by Americans first than automaticly you will get a congress that knows how to handle a budget.If you keep doing what you doing you keep producing stupid congress and politicians with NO financial brain.

Congress did not do did.Were does the congress come from?Whom put them there ?
I suggest you study up on our political system.
I, as an individual, have had little to no impact on what Congress has done in the past or even present.
A congressman/senator may be elected as my representative, but that does not bind him to my position. Generally, he reflects the consensus of voters and supporters.

Answer: Americans do....and as I am understand you are one right?
That's called sophistry and it's a logical fallacy.

Why does every car need to be bought with a loan ?
Another logical fallacy....begging the question.....not all cars are purchased through loan arrangements.

You want me to carry on ?
Sure :D

Year after year borrowing on your house? without paying it of and than cry if the balloon snaps ?
I own my own home so that doesn't apply to me.

You know what happened?
I'm all ears.

In order to get regonized to be credit worthy I was forced to takes loans out and extra credit cards in order to get a so called stupid credit score.
Life can be cruel :D

Forced...yes ...because with out it I would have become a misfit in your society.
Your credit problems hardly seem of my making, as you argue.
Actually, I don't see why credit checks are upsetting you.
Were you denied at a critical time in your life?
Even so, how can you blame me for the request of a lending association.....I've never even worked for one.

You only fit in with pathetic loans and need to spend money you don't have ....not the congress...YOU my friend.
Not only are you confused, now I'm your 'friend'?
Is your argument that you want me to underwrite your debts?

Its the American itself living byond its needs and it is so easy to blame congress and stick your head in the sand.
It is a large segment of the US that's in private argument there, but I'm not responsible for the spending habits of others.
And it's irrational to accuse me of their habits.

Its the American itself who needs to change his attitude about financial matters.
It's a large segment of America, agreed, but not as an absolute as you argue.

Here in USA they messure your credit whorthiness to how much debt you have.
It's more an issue of the ability to pay.... and past debt payment histories.
Some info to help you out:

In the United States, a credit score is a number based on a statistical analysis of a person's credit files, that in theory represents the creditworthiness of that person, which is the likelihood that people will pay their bills. A credit score is primarily based on credit report information, typically from one of the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Income is not considered by the major credit bureaus when calculating a credit score.

For me thats the world upside down thinking and there for you are have start thinking that those things are normal.
You are terribly confused.
And obviously brainwashed into believing illusions and distortions of American finance on a personal level.
Seriously, I wish to help...but all I can offer is reality.

Only thing you are doing is looking for excuses of failure.
Replace 'excuses' for 'reasons' and I would agree.
But on your side of the discussion, you avoid the reasons for failure and pretend they aren't relevant.

Now if you fix those problems by Americans first than automaticly you will get a congress that knows how to handle a budget.
Well, then....I've done my duty as I'm entirely financially by the last of your tirade, you've proven I'm not responsible for the deplorable state of private debt in the hands of the general public nor the state of Congress.

Amazing logic.
Thanks for proving I'm not responsible...... :smiley24:


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I am glad how you explained it to me... now you can have your own country ,be your own president,your own congress and so on as you seem to see yourself as the only one who does things right...unfortunately I see a different world in USA than your rosy one ...and I am glad you did it all so good and responsible for yourself.I am more in the race to see this for others this happening to but its glad the country does not have to worrie about you anymore...:24: btw ....this was not a personal tirade towards you,I only used the word you and you to generalize the siuation in its entire volume,seems like you can not even read that between the lines.Its a shame your not up there on TV now with those GOP clowns as you sound just the same and making look this nation stupid.

Ps: I would also stop using wiki as your source...its the most unriliable one out there as most inteligent people know can even edit in there ....
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I am glad how you explained it to me... now you can have your own country ,be your own president,your own congress and so on as you seem to see yourself as the only one who does things right...unfortunately I see a different world in USA than your rosy one ...and I am glad you did it all so good and responsible for yourself.I am more in the race to see this for others this happening to but its glad the country does not have to worrie about you anymore...:24: btw ....this was not a personal tirade towards you,I only used the word you and you to generalize the siuation in its entire volume,seems like you can not even read that between the lines.Its a shame your not up there on TV now with those GOP clowns as you sound just the same and making look this nation stupid.

.this was not a personal tirade towards you,I only used the word you and you to generalize the siuation in its entire volume,seems like you can not even read that between the lines
That is not truthful at all. I've been in forums where calling a member a liar was grounds for a banning......but here you are in your previous post:

Congress did not do did.Were does the congress come from?Whom put them there ?
Answer: Americans do....and as I am understand you are one right?

Pretty obvious you don't intend to be intellectually honest when I can trip you up on such an easy point.
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