Conservatism = Sociopathic Behavior

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Mr Stone now you get nasty but I am a other person than John but I admired his patience he had with you....before he blew humanly understandable exausted up from your ideas.I never called you a liar ...but thats what you made from it.
Think I said it once before and even also your name say’s stone LOL..think that stone is in front of your forehead.
Honestly NO offense and I really enjoyed chattin with ya but obviously you are not a person who
will ever be able to be persuade in a other direction of thinking.Seems to be a problem in Amerika’s politics as a whole in general by a certain group,almost to a development of a desease…HaHa and you are not a acception to be any different.
I still respect your views but seriously like Dr Phill says if you can not make progress in a discussion there has to be one a my friend …thank you for listening a bit to my nonsense and wish you the best with your non existing aspirations and solutions.Too do Loo...:willy_nilly:
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Mr Stone now you get nasty but I am a other person than John but I admired his patience he had with you....before he blew humanly understandable exausted up from your ideas.I never called you a liar ...but thats what you made from it.
Think I said it once before and even also your name say’s stone LOL..think that stone is in front of your forehead.
Honestly NO offense and I really enjoyed chattin with ya but obviously you are not a person who
will ever be able to be persuade in a other direction of thinking.Seems to be a problem in Amerika’s politics as a whole in general by a certain group,almost to a development of a desease…HaHa and you are not a acception to be any different.
I still respect your views but seriously like Dr Phill says if you can not make progress in a discussion there has to be one a my friend …thank you for listening a bit to my nonsense and wish you the best with your non existing aspirations and solutions.Too do Loo...:willy_nilly:

Mr Stone now you get nasty
And you start again on personal attacks :smiley24:

I really enjoyed chattin with ya
I doubt it, the beating you've been taking :D

but I am a other person than John but I admired his patience he had with you
Must be a language barrier.

before he blew humanly understandable exausted up from your ideas.
Translation?....any one.

I never called you a liar
True, but I never claimed you did.
Did you understand what I posted?

but thats what you made from it.
No I accused you of being one.
Read my last post again.
Is this an attempt to claim ignorance?

Think I said it once before and even also your name say’s stone LOL..think that stone is in front of your forehead.
How old are you?

Honestly NO offense and I really enjoyed chattin with ya but obviously you are not a person who
will ever be able to be persuade in a other direction of thinking.
Let's look at your position from what you've posted in the recent past:
Socialism is a thing from the proofed itself wrong.
Start living in the future and not what some countries tried 30 years ago.

and now you argue that I have a closed mind because I question the economic validity of proposing certain socialist programs in the US during a time of economic stress.

You present an article that is persuasive of socialism in the Netherlands and then claim you hated living there and came to the US where you hated the credit checks and blamed me for not only the credit checks, but the debt load of the nation.

Is there any reason I should think you are sane?

Seems to be a problem in Amerika’s politics as a whole in general by a certain group,almost to a development of a desease…HaHa and you are not a acception to be any different.
Ha ha, I guess. Clean it up and put better focus into it and it might be recognizable as an ad hominen attack.
Kinda childish, though.

I still respect your views but seriously like Dr Phill says if you can not make progress in a discussion there has to be one a Hero
I suggest you stop watching Dr Phill on the boob tube. I think it's confusing you.

.so my friend …thank you for listening a bit to my nonsense
It's been interesting, but that's not a compliment.

Too do Loo...:willy_nilly:
Indeed :D


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Ps: I would also stop using wiki as your source...its the most unriliable one out there as most inteligent people know can even edit in there ....

I just now noticed your edit.
Wikipedia is a good source for generalizations with linkage in footnotes for specific claims.
It has it's limits.
Better than it used to be several years ago.
But it's suitable for debunking your bogus posts ;)