Its quite common that coastlines recede and expand due to tectonic shifts and the like. Look at Venice, the place is stinking, but not due to tectonic shifts.
"The saltwater shells date from the present back 6,500 years, while the freshwater shells all date to 7,000 years ago and older."
Both of those shells out date when the global flood was supposed to happen.
Now, there *ARE* massive REGIONAL floods. That would be more plausible as to what the bible explains, but still there are massive inconsistencies even with that. I don't see how you can look at a part of land that was previously above land, but now covered in water and say "WOAH EVIDENCE THAT THE EARTH WAS TOTALLY FLOODED!"
Um, they found pieces of wood. Humans have been working with wood and stone for thousands of years. Man has had boats and yachts for a longggggg time dating back to ancient Greece, Egypt and various other advanced civilizations. Those could easily be from one of them. If they really did find the ark, there would be MASSIVE amounts of physical data. Do you know how large it would have had to been to fit every single animal on it, and 2 of each kind?
Another thing is, that Turkey has an obsession with being known as the region where the mythical ark "landed". The boats about it and desperately want it to be them. They have had a long history of finding "relics" from the "ark" and touting them to be real, only to have them looked at by professionals and debunked as nothing special.