Castro Retires

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Do you know the histroy of how he became the leader of Cuba?
Do you know the history of his reign of terror?

Here is his most recent.

The world's longest-reigning dictator, Castro took advantage of the world's preoccupation with the war in Iraq last spring to carry out his biggest roundup of nonviolent dissidents in more than a decade. He arrested 75 human-rights activists, journalists and academics, sentencing them to prison for an average of 19 years. Cuba remains a one-party state. The courts are controlled by the "executive branch" – that is, Castro, who traditionally has blamed his country's problems, both economic and social, on the U.S.

Such a freedom lover that castro.


Back By Unpopular Demand
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I sure if word got around now that Bush had died in Africa, that there would be people out in the streets celebrating.
There would be. Because we have the freedom to do so.

What do you think would happen in Havana to anyone celebrating in public?


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Yeah he got a little senile in his old age. I'm not a fan of everything he has done, but he has done great things for Cuba.
LMAO! like what? Oppress his people?

Fidel Castro has committed thousands of documented crimes of torture in Cuba. Specifically, the Cuban dictator has perpetrated a systematic campaign of repression and terror, including murder and torture, against opponents of his regime, since he seized control of Cuba in January of 1959. On July 13, 1994, the Cuban dictator ordered the murder by forced drowning of more than 40 refugees who were seeking to flee Communist Cuba, including more than 20 children. On February 24, 1996, the Cuban dictator acted as the principal in the premeditated murder of three U.S. citizens and a U.S. resident in the shoot-down of their unarmed civilian aircraft over international waters. Thereafter, Fidel Castro assumed personal responsibility for the murders of the shoot-down victims: Armando Alejandre, Carlos Costa, Mario de la Pena, and Pablo Morales. (Time Magazine interview with Reginald K. Brack, Jr., Joelle Attinger, and Cathy Booth, published on March 11, 1996.) It is as unacceptable as it is inexplicable that the Cuban dictator has not yet been charged in the United States for the murders of United States citizens on February 24, 1996.

I sure if word got around now that Bush had died in Africa, that there would be people out in the streets celebrating.
This is a joke right? trying to compare the two. lol


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Dug this up...


* Despite decades of economic embargo, life expectancy is virtually identical to that in the United States
* Cuba has more doctors per head of population than many far richer countries can boast
* It is ranked 52 out of 177 countries on the UN's human development index, which measures health, education and living standards

Whoopdeedooo, compared to:


* The economy is stagnant and income per head is lower than in much of Latin America
* External economic aid and support has dried up since the collapse of the Soviet Union
* Human rights violations are appalling and political opposition is ruthlessly silenced

Living in a country where, for the most of 49 years, their leader has personally and politically supressed their rights.

Pudding Time

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LMAO! like what? Oppress his people?

This is a joke right? trying to compare the two. lol

gLing. Your narrow mind is entertaining to say the least. Like I asked before,. Do you have any idea how he became the leader of Cuba? Maybe you should read up some more.

And I'm done here with you. It's obvious you are not going to take an objectionable view on Castro. Yeah he has done bad things. I'm not denying that. But for you to say he hasn't done anything good either is a joke, and gives me no interest in debating with a narrow pro-western-only mind.

Lastly. Yes, Bush can be compared to him since Bush likes to lock up innocent Arabs for years on end and torture them. He also kills people in unjust wars.

Go on, see how many laughing emoticons you can use in reply to this. I'm not going back and forward with you unless you can take an objective point of view. There's no point.


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Of course you can't compare the two. Bush is evil for his torture policies. Castro is a hero despite his. :smiley24:
Yes it seems water boarding and listening in on phone conversations of suspected terrorists is worse than mass murder and brutal political oppression.
What was I thinking? :smiley24:


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gLing. Your narrow mind is entertaining to say the least. Like I asked before,. Do you have any idea how he became the leader of Cuba? Maybe you should read up some more.

And I'm done here with you. It's obvious you are not going to take an objectionable view on Castro. Yeah he has done bad things. I'm not denying that. But for you to say he hasn't done anything good either is a joke, and gives me no interest in debating with a narrow pro-western-only mind.

Lastly. Yes, Bush can be compared to him since Bush likes to lock up innocent Arabs for years on end and torture them. He also kills people in unjust wars.

Go on, see how many laughing emoticons you can use in reply to this. I'm not going back and forward with you unless you can take an objective point of view. There's no point.
Do you have to lash out at her with a personal attack? :wtf:


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gLing. Your narrow mind is entertaining to say the least. Like I asked before,. Do you have any idea how he became the leader of Cuba? Maybe you should read up some more.

And I'm done here with you. It's obvious you are not going to take an objectionable view on Castro. Yeah he has done bad things. I'm not denying that. But for you to say he hasn't done anything good either is a joke, and gives me no interest in debating with a narrow pro-western-only mind.

Lastly. Yes, Bush can be compared to him since Bush likes to lock up innocent Arabs for years on end and torture them. He also kills people in unjust wars.

Go on, see how many laughing emoticons you can use in reply to this. I'm not going back and forward with you unless you can take an objective point of view. There's no point.
It's obvious you do not even grasp what you are talking about which explains your cute little communist signature. You believe in something you do not even understand.

debbie t

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You said:

And I gave you a reason that you personally should dislike him.

the question was rhetorical re the previous posts,not a statement.

i personally dislike totalitarian states ,ofcourse i do.cuba has been in crisis for decades,the people there have no freedom and no choice, as was the case in the former soviet union.

great holiday destination nowadays cuba..if you like salsa and dont want to buy anything as theres nothing in the shops,and want to be in an all inclusive villa away from starvation and oppression.
so yes this is why he is hated .

he was part of the solution in the cuban missile crisis and that stopped us all getting nuked.
that is one of the reasons he is liked.