... which came from this site:'
Faith has absolutely nothing to do with Science@Everything2.com
and written by someone named 'loon'
I love science - LOVE IT - and I have faith.
Faith does not mean that you can't or shouldn't ask questions. That is ridiculous. That is what I spend most of my time doing in my studies related to my faith - asking questions and finding answers.
Stating that not questioning things is the reason that faith should have no place in science is wrong.
I read that above quote differently Grace. I read it as... You are not supposed to question faith (Otherwise it wouldn't be faith) yet you are supposed to question everything to do with science. That's what science is all about, asking questions to come to some sort of conclusion. In science you are to look at all paths, yet not rely on any of them based on faith. That's why faith has no place in science. Once you base your scientific studies on faith you move from science into philosophical studies.