The immune system which may be equated completely with the "military system":
Military barracks (lymph nodes) .. the soldiers (white blood cells and lymphocytes) .. camps and schools of education and training course (the bone marrow and thymus) .. intelligence Service (antibody) .. The means of communication used by the body's cells to ask for help from the "military system" when a foreign attack ( cytokines ) ... Fully integrated system !
The question here is: where did this amazing integration come from ? how did it begin ? how did this integration create itself ? all this is happening now in your body while you are saying there is no god !!!
"Something happens" is in no way an indication towards the existence of any God. No matter how complex that "something" is.
Oh let's take another example: Mother and foetus .. In most cases, fetal and mother's blood group are different, and there is a vital exchange between the mother's and the fetal blood. However, the blood mixing is not possible thanks to a vital barrier (placenta). This is really a miracle that cannot begin by chance ! can the stupid theory of evolution explain the beginning of this miracle ?
The placenta isn't a "barrier."
Another example: Sex: Human and most other living organisms have two sexes totally different but quite integrated to the most important function to ensure survival. Not only that, but for both sexes, the so-called "natural instinct" which attract both sexes to each other! really great integration! How did it start? How did this integration create itself? Is there another chance theory that can explain this without a creator?
How did it start?
Is this what you are looking for?
"In the natural sciences, abiogenesis, or origin of life, is the study of how life on Earth could have arisen from inanimate matter."
Or perhaps you are asking about the origin of the Universe. Well in that case there is obviously the Big Bang theory.
How did this integration create itself?
Is there another chance theory that can explain this without a creator?
What the hell is a "chance theory"?
Someone says: "I don't believe in God because I don't see him !!!" .. my man you can not even see the whole universe ! how about it's creator ???
Yeah, we can't see the whole Universe, though there is atleast evidence to suggest that it exists. That's more that can be said for God.
You should not believe in a god dreamed up by man ! You should believe in a god that is really God. The only real god is the god of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad and the other prophets agreed by the Quran. Quran says:
You say we shouldn't believe in a god dreamed up by man and then proceed to give us a list of men who dreamed up a god.
For christianity: Jesus was only a man, born and die like any human. it's impossible for him to be the creator of the whole universe !. The lexical and the logical meaning of "GOD" is that the GOD is the creator, and it is impossible to believe that a creature is bigger or stronger than its creator !!! in Islam GOD has created everything. and there is nothing stronger than GOD, God is the absolute power. so how can you see him, and you did not even been able to see the whole universe ?.
I thought gods where supposed to be omnipotent. Doesn't omnipotency include the power to change yourself into a man?
The same for Hindus, there are several "Gods", all are made by "stones" by men. all these gods are just parts of the god called "brahma". also in Hindus: if the body dies, the spirit left him to get another body !!! therefore, eating meat is forbidden. and I didn't remember if my spirit was in another body !! ... you too.
In Islam, God is believed to be the only real supreme being, all-powerful and all knowing Creator, Sustainer, Ordainer, and Judge of the universe. Islam puts a heavy emphasis on the conceptualization of God as strictly singular. He is unique and inherently one, all-merciful and omnipotent. he has the most logical attributes:
The Most Gracious
The Most Merciful
The Ever Forgiving
The Ever Providing
The Lord and Cherisher of the Worlds
The Self Subsisting (upon whom all creatures depend for sustenance)
The Eternal Lord (who never dies)
The Supremely Wise
So your saying that we should believe in the islamic god because he seems the best?
The theory of evolution is a failed theory that cannot even prove itself !!! how about the examples at the beginning of this thread ?
Of course a theory isn't going to prove itself. It's up to beings capable of reason to do that. It's not like my computer is ever going to prove itself to exist but I can try and prove that it does.
You and and all the atheists say so ! before the human existed, wasn't "the immune system" nothing ? so how did it evolve from nothing to the current format ?
Big bang -> lots of dust -> dust clumps together -> forms life -> life adapts to environment
In Islam and like what is shown in the Quran, God can create somthing from nothing .. and can render something nothing ! ( ps: Einstein proved something like this in his famous theory: e=mc2 )
Energy = (mass) x (speed of light)^2
In other words: energy can be converted into mass and mass can be converted into energy. Not "mass can be converted into nothing" and "nothing can be converted into mass."
Why would you feel sorry for me having faith and having that faith make me happy?
I know you were talking to another guy and personally I don't "feel sorry for you". However, having "faith" is a way of dressing up reality. Making things seem better than they actually are. You aren't satisfied with the natural world so you have to create a supernatural world of your own that you can live in and feel content; which is an affront, a mockery, a slander, of the real world. It comes down to: "what makes you so arrogant as to believe that this world isn't good enough for you?"
Because I believe that "something cannot come from nothing"
Just because you believe that doesn't make it so.
we will find that the idea of atheism can never explain the beginning of the functional integration of these things.
Of course atheism can't! Atheism is just the lack of belief in the existance of a god! However, science can prove the "beginning of the functional integration of these things" and science doesn't require a god.
Do you want Allah ( the greater than the Whole universe ) to come to your house and say : "believe in me !" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really better idea
It would definitely help.
God gave a message to the prophet to deliver to as many people as possible .. After that, it's the Muslims who are in charge of delivering the message of God throughout the world. is this difficult to understand ?
Understand? No.
Believe? Yes.
Therefore, God sent his last prophet "Muhammad" to guide all the humanity back to the right path. I hope this will be well understood .. I have all the proofs.
If you have "all the proofs" then i'm tempted to call you "God." Oh, wait. Just because someone said something doesn't mean it's true.
Jesus says: “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.” (Mark 10:18)
Well if nobody is good then why am I expected to believe that you, or anyone, has the goodness to be honest with me?
Making people believe they aren't "good" is religion's greatest crime. It wrecks people's pride and self-esteem by telling them that they are evil and incompetent. So these people waste their lives self-pitying and feelings valueless and worthless.
Let's take an example, since GOD is the eternal lord, and the matter can turn to nothing ( as proven by Einstein's theory: E=MC2 ) .. then the nature of GOD cannot be compared with the matter !
If a you believe a scientific theory supports any faith then you didn't grasp the scientific theory in the first place.
edit: check out this pic: