I think the PA law sums it up very well....
1 Protecting the right of a mother PERMITTING A MOTHER THE FREEDOM <--
2 to nurse her child in public; prohibiting a unit of local <--
3 government from adopting an ordinance prohibiting
4 breastfeeding in public; and providing that breastfeeding may
5 not be considered a nuisance, indecent exposure, sexual
6 conduct or obscenity.
7 WHEREAS, There are benefits to the child, the mother and <--
8 society by encouraging and enabling mothers to breastfeed their
9 children; and
10 WHEREAS, An infant who is breastfed receives protection
11 against infection, illness and allergies, and long-term positive
12 effects on the development, intelligence and health of breastfed
13 children have been found; and
14 WHEREAS, A protective effect against various types of cancer
15 and greater emotional and physical health are found for mothers
16 who breastfeed; and
17 WHEREAS, Breastfeeding promotes sufficient birth spacing,
18 improved vaccine effectiveness and decreased food and medical