Actually, people live every day without a "home," no job, and no sure source of food. Here. Everything is a choice, and you make yours based on your own priorities. I just want you to realize and acknowledge that.
yes, and you would call them 'homeless'. try giving them the choice to go to a doctor, they have that choice but we have no choice in paying for them. not everything is a choice.
I'm surprised to find out that you're married. I thought I was conversing with a school-age kid.
nope. married with children man :
Believe me, that's nothing but a compliment, it will be a sad day for me when they stop telling me i look so young
Tell us about your experience with our shitty healthcare system.
having to decide when it's an emergency to go to the ER. I was sick and couldn't breath while having coughing fits. I'm not a doctor, I didn't know what was wrong with me. Went to the ER, and they told me they couldn't give me anything b/c of the pregnancy. Wow. I'm so happy I payed $200 to find that out. I can't imagine how worse it would be for other people. Again, you have to pay to live.
My Uncle pays over $1000 a month in medical bills alone, bringing my cousin to hospitals and doctors...only to try and keep him alive b.c. of the disease he has. And they still get denied for certain coverage.
You make it sound like a punishment rather than an achievement. You lived within your means and saved up enough to afford yourself a better life. That's liberty, baby! Be proud of yourself. Look around at the culture that taught you to be like that. Take pride in your heritage and stop sounding like a spoiled child.
I'm sorry if you think it sounds like that, but moving up and working hard is an achievement. It's not so much liberty, it's working hard to get what you want and we are proud of that. I am proud of myself for the person that I have turned into and the people that helped turned me into that person. I take pride in my heritage, I know where my ancestors came from
. I don't understand how I sound spoiled? I think you may be confusing it with being proud?
I'm proud of you if that's true. I'm sure your husband has a phenomenal work ethic. You pick odd things to take pride in, imo - choosing to complain about moving up in the world but boast about your income - but God Bless America. That's what liberty is about.
I don't see where I complained about moving up in the world...going from a stuff apartment to a house is no complaint in my book lol. god has nothing to do with it