Are Western Churches and Governments promoting hate?

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Telling a homosexual that their sexual ways are sinful is not hate, it is trying to say to them that they are doing wrong...

You're right, that's not hate. It is fine for you to share your beliefs with a homosexual.

What is wrong is to not allow homosexuals to have the same freedoms you have. You are allowed to legally marry the one you love. So should they. It doesn't matter if you think it's wrong. It's not hurting you so it's not your business.

You would not like to be bullied. Neither do they. I don't know if you bully homosexuals or not. Although I do feel like you're bullying me a little in this thread. I don't mind. I'm secure in who I am. But sometimes homosexual boys are bullied by their peers to the point of committing suicide. That is hatred plain and simple.
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Kyle B

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How wrong is it?

The whole notion of sinning is that you create a victim. Right?

If murder is a ten and a white lie is a one, where does Gay sex sit?

You will note that a white lie creates only a mild victim who will forgive with relative ease and of course the victim of murder cannot forgive at all.

What of the victim of the Gay consenting adult? How hard is it for him or her to forgive? Is there anything to forgive?


This is why I hardly post in religious threads anymore. Posts like this where GIA just makes judgments and conclusions based off complete misconceptions and misunderstandings of Christianity. It's sort of like asking "Why does the US have a King?"


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I think all GIA is saying is there's no reason to be nosy about what two consenting adults are doing behind closed doors.

Greatest I am

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This is why I hardly post in religious threads anymore. Posts like this where GIA just makes judgments and conclusions based off complete misconceptions and misunderstandings of Christianity. It's sort of like asking "Why does the US have a King?"

So correct my misconception if you can. Just don't sit there and bitch about it.
Chastisement without correction is just cruelty.

Just don't come up with the old B S of sins being against God.
In this issue, Gays do Gays, they do not do God so he has no say in the matter.
Most sins and all crimes have victims. Not in the case of Gays. Except to homophobes.
Do you think otherwise?
If so speak up like a man or slink away like a boy who just sits and cries because he is too young to play with the big boys.

I do not see Tuffdisc having justifies his---they are sinners yet. You might actually learn something if he attempts to justify his position. If he doe, listen to what follows and see how men do it. At least one man in any case.



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You're right, that's not hate. It is fine for you to share your beliefs with a homosexual.

What is wrong is to not allow homosexuals to have the same freedoms you have. You are allowed to legally marry the one you love. So should they. It doesn't matter if you think it's wrong. It's not hurting you so it's not your business.

You would not like to be bullied. Neither do they. I don't know if you bully homosexuals or not. Although I do feel like you're bullying me a little in this thread. I don't mind. I'm secure in who I am. But sometimes homosexual boys are bullied by their peers to the point of committing suicide. That is hatred plain and simple.

Where have Christians ever gone to a gay club(s) and rammed it down their throats or forced them to live like they do or even forcibly stopped them from having sex? I don't see them doing that?


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So correct my misconception if you can. Just don't sit there and bitch about it.
Chastisement without correction is just cruelty.

Just don't come up with the old B S of sins being against God.
In this issue, Gays do Gays, they do not do God so he has no say in the matter.
Most sins and all crimes have victims. Not in the case of Gays. Except to homophobes.
Do you think otherwise?
If so speak up like a man or slink away like a boy who just sits and cries because he is too young to play with the big boys.

I do not see Tuffdisc having justifies his---they are sinners yet. You might actually learn something if he attempts to justify his position. If he doe, listen to what follows and see how men do it. At least one man in any case.


How would you know that gays don't have victims? Don't they rape children, or is your views about that so blinkered?


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Where have Christians ever gone to a gay club(s) and rammed it down their throats or forced them to live like they do or even forcibly stopped them from having sex? I don't see them doing that?

Tuff, you are so right:) Even I find gays here and there lurking around shopping areas and traffic signals
begging for money or hunting for a client but I never objected to that nor interfered in whatever they were upto....even if sometimes they got wild if I didn't pay them charity or simply waived them away!

and all this happening in a so-called Islamic stated called Pakistan!! Gays are enjoying equal rights in Pakistan
but without fouling the sacred institution of marriage between two opposite sexes. Wasn't this what Bush Jr. also
known to have said??
So, you see how kinder we Believers, the Muslims and Christians, are towards gays:)


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Tuff, you are so right:) Even I find gays here and there lurking around shopping areas and traffic signals
begging for money or hunting for a client but I never objected to that nor interfered in whatever they were upto....even if sometimes they got wild if I didn't pay them charity or simply waived them away!

and all this happening in a so-called Islamic stated called Pakistan!! Gays are enjoying equal rights in Pakistan
but without fouling the sacred institution of marriage between two opposite sexes. Wasn't this what Bush Jr. also
known to have said??
So, you see how kinder we Believers, the Muslims and Christians, are towards gays:)

I don't get his point on Christianity, he says that it is full of hatred towards people, yet he does exactly the same thing let alone be judgemental towards he never ever comes up with 'solutions' on how to do things. GIA's posts/threads are always negative towards other people, yet he claims that he 'loves'


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No, he is saying that gays don't rape children/adults, it is perfectly 'victimless'

I don't know how you got that from what GIA wrote but I'll let him clarify his statement if he wants to.

A child is more likely to be raped by a married church-going male than a homosexual. Not because heterosexuals and Christians are more prone to pedophilia. I'm just telling you where pedophiles like to hide. Don't drop your kids off at church and leave them there. It's not safe.

Pedophilia is a different phenomenon than either hetero or homosexuality. Pedophiles are not sexually attracted to men or women. They're attracted to children. And, unlike hetero and homosexuality, pedophilia when acted upon is wrong because children are not able to consent to sex. Child molesters should go to prison. Nobody has said differently.

Btw, are you trying to argue that churches do or do not promote hatred, or are you just providing us with a case study?


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I don't get his point on Christianity, he says that it is full of hatred towards people, yet he does exactly the same thing let alone be judgemental towards he never ever comes up with 'solutions' on how to do things. GIA's posts/threads are always negative towards other people, yet he claims that he 'loves'

I agree with you and hope GIA will control his 'wrath' against Christians or Muslims.....and get going his way
as he likes without condemning others, incl God, the Bible or any other holy scripture.


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I don't know how you got that from what GIA wrote but I'll let him clarify his statement if he wants to.

A child is more likely to be raped by a married church-going male than a homosexual. Not because heterosexuals and Christians are more prone to pedophilia. I'm just telling you where pedophiles like to hide. Don't drop your kids off at church and leave them there. It's not safe.

Pedophilia is a different phenomenon than either hetero or homosexuality. Pedophiles are not sexually attracted to men or women. They're attracted to children. And, unlike hetero and homosexuality, pedophilia when acted upon is wrong because children are not able to consent to sex. Child molesters should go to prison. Nobody has said differently.

Btw, are you trying to argue that churches do or do not promote hatred, or are you just providing us with a case study?

Yeah, pedophiles are interested more in children than adults because they can easily seduce or overcome them
However, pedophilia is not an exception to gays....and it is wrong to presume that church is a greater source of pedophiliacs as the same could be said about hostels and day care centres....and where servants are employed
to their bad company.


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Where have Christians ever gone to a gay club(s) and rammed it down their throats or forced them to live like they do or even forcibly stopped them from having sex? I don't see them doing that?

I accused religious people (actually it's just a few, most are pretty nice) of just two things in my post. Neither of which you responded too. I haven't accused Christians of the things you list here. So I don't know how to respond other than to observe you like to build straw men.


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it is wrong to presume that church is a greater source of pedophiliacs as the same could be said about hostels and day care centres....and where servants are employed
to their bad company.

Day cares and schools are a risk too but it is easier for pedophiles to hide in church. Churches let pretty much anyone in. I've even heard of cases where pastors knew some of their members were convicted pedophiles but didn't tell anyone. Because Jesus had saved them and they were different now. So no need to drag up the past. They weren't "saved". They were playing on the pastor's gullibility.


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I don't know how you got that from what GIA wrote but I'll let him clarify his statement if he wants to.

A child is more likely to be raped by a married church-going male than a homosexual. Not because heterosexuals and Christians are more prone to pedophilia. I'm just telling you where pedophiles like to hide. Don't drop your kids off at church and leave them there. It's not safe.

Pedophilia is a different phenomenon than either hetero or homosexuality. Pedophiles are not sexually attracted to men or women. They're attracted to children. And, unlike hetero and homosexuality, pedophilia when acted upon is wrong because children are not able to consent to sex. Child molesters should go to prison. Nobody has said differently.

Btw, are you trying to argue that churches do or do not promote hatred, or are you just providing us with a case study?

Sorry, that is factually wrong, plus anyone can dress up a priest mouth off a load of non-sense, and rape children. Whether they are attracted to children is like saying that children don't have a gender, quite clearly you are obviously trying to make homosexuals seem like saints. And how can you say that Christians are prone to paedophilia? In my experience everyone is prone to being attracted to children, just that most atheists bottle it up, or do things to children in order to keep the secret life style a secret

A child is more likely to be raped by a church going Christian? Wow, how about atheists in this world? Or do you think that all of them are innocent? Ask Denis Nielsen whether homosexuality is a victimless crime, after all, most if not all 'consented', you are obviously living in a blinkered world where all crimes are done by Christians


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I accused religious people (actually it's just a few, most are pretty nice) of just two things in my post. Neither of which you responded too. I haven't accused Christians of the things you list here. So I don't know how to respond other than to observe you like to build straw men.

Why then did you accuse Christians of being prone to paedophilia then? The argument you have said in your previous posts now makes no sense, because I am not allowed to be judging others like this GIA seems to do at a whim


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Day cares and schools are a risk too but it is easier for pedophiles to hide in church. Churches let pretty much anyone in. I've even heard of cases where pastors knew some of their members were convicted pedophiles but didn't tell anyone. Because Jesus had saved them and they were different now. So no need to drag up the past. They weren't "saved". They were playing on the pastor's gullibility.

I think that is so wrong to say that churches allow everyone in, first of all, churches do not do that. Everyone has a background check, plus you are not going to tell whether a person has committed such offence until they are caught, are pedos going to put a sign on their heads saying that they are such? Or are they going to live in a devious world where they are trying to find easy prey or an easy way to groom children? The media and the authorities have said that the internet is the easiest way to groom children


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Why then did you accuse Christians of being prone to paedophilia then? The argument you have said in your previous posts now makes no sense, because I am not allowed to be judging others like this GIA seems to do at a whim

Read more carefully. I said not because Christians are more prone to pedophilia but because pedophiles hide in church. That is, they pretend to be Christians so they have better access to children. Sure, some of the pedophiles may genuinely believe in Christianity. But many are there solely to gain access to children.


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I think that is so wrong to say that churches allow everyone in, first of all, churches do not do that. Everyone has a background check, plus you are not going to tell whether a person has committed such offence until they are caught, are pedos going to put a sign on their heads saying that they are such? Or are they going to live in a devious world where they are trying to find easy prey or an easy way to groom children? The media and the authorities have said that the internet is the easiest way to groom children

I used to go to church a lot and I went to many different churches. Not once did a pastor do a background check on me. He wouldn't have found anything but he didn't know that.

Absolutely, the internet is also dangerous.