Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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The Doc

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I personally visited a couple juvinile girls drug programs. Most of those girls are going through the 'bisexual/lesbian expirimentation' phase of highschool most girls go thru


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I personally visited a couple juvinile girls drug programs. Most of those girls are going through the 'bisexual/lesbian expirimentation' phase of highschool most girls go thru

Ok, I was just asking because I work for a juvenile and adult drug court actually and we have probably less than 10% of our females identifying as bisexual/homosexual; similar to the national averages and same for the males.

The Doc

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Ok, I was just asking because I work for a juvenile and adult drug court actually and we have probably less than 10% of our females identifying as bisexual/homosexual; similar to the national averages and same for the males.

Location? Teen Challenges have students from everywhere. I caught charges in MD and was court ordered to a Teen Challenge in Florida. Also, because its not reported doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Females are generally more accepting and embracing of homosexual behavior then males. In a place of all females, its generally not a huge deal for girls to show bisexual behavior. VS in a juvinile boys program known homosexuals are not accepted by the rest of the population.

I'd like to think 90% of women in general are bisexual but I'm sure that's just wishful thinking. ;)

No, but a whole lot of females and by alot i mean ALOT experiment with it in their juvinile years and some into early adulthood. Growing up i didnt have any respect for bisexuality because every girl in highschool was bisexual. They all wore 'Yay im Bi!' t shirts, wrote it all over their binders. It was the cool new thing. But they grew out of it,because it was just a phase.(for them).


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Across the US, we track drug courts statistics via NADCP.

Teen Challenges have students from everywhere. I caught charges in MD and was court ordered to a Teen Challenge in Florida. Also, because its not reported doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Females are generally more accepting and embracing of homosexual behavior then males. In a place of all females, its generally not a huge deal for girls to show bisexual behavior. VS in a juvinile boys program known homosexuals are not accepted by the rest of the population.

I agree with the statement it's more acceptable for women to experiment than men, but I think you're overstating the amount of girls who experiment with other girls at 90%.

Don't shoot the messenger lol, but there are far more than 10% of girls who wouldn't experiment with other girls.

The Doc

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Across the US, we track drug courts statistics via NADCP.

I agree with the statement it's more acceptable for women to experiment than men, but I think you're overstating the amount of girls who experiment with other girls at 90%.

Don't shoot the messenger lol, but there are far more than 10% of girls who wouldn't experiment with other girls.

Ill admit, i kind of calculated the percentage myself. There is no national statistics for homosexuals in drug programs. The point I was trying to make though, is Homosexuality is not really an issue or of prevalence in the Juvinile Boys Programs, but in a Female Drug Program it is MUCH MUCH MUCH more of an issue.

I talked to a Teen Challenge Female programs director once. Shit seems like a disaster, i would never even dare to work there. With all the homosexual behavior issues, behavioral issues, Attitude issues, having to constantly keep a conversation with the females when they are using the bathroom (Because they are bulemic/annorexic or w/e and u need to keep talking to them while they are in the bathroom so u know they arent puking), and they cut themselvs alot too..... Shit seems like a disaster...compared to a male program. You might have a couple fist fights here and there, some attitude problems. No biggie.


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Ill admit, i kind of calculated the percentage myself. There is no national statistics for homosexuals in drug programs. The point I was trying to make though, is Homosexuality is not really an issue or of prevalence in the Juvinile Boys Programs, but in a Female Drug Program it is MUCH MUCH MUCH more of an issue.

I talked to a Teen Challenge Female programs director once. Shit seems like a disaster, i would never even dare to work there. With all the homosexual behavior issues, behavioral issues, Attitude issues, having to constantly keep a conversation with the females when they are using the bathroom (Because they are bulemic/annorexic or w/e and u need to keep talking to them while they are in the bathroom so u know they arent puking), and they cut themselvs alot too..... Shit seems like a disaster...compared to a male program. You might have a couple fist fights here and there, some attitude problems. No biggie.

I'm sure there are stats, there's a field of study for every social group it seems, but I haven't matter. Juvenile drug programs are certainly a hot messes, because teenagers can be a handful and drug addiction is so destructive. The issue is mental health concerns and dual diagnoses...the cutting and bulimia correlate to higher rates of depression and mental illness in female than males, for the most part. The treatment has to center around the mental health in those cases, and not every program is capable of handling that.

I'm not sure what you mean specifically by homosexual behavior issues, though.

The Doc

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I'm sure there are stats, there's a field of study for every social group it seems, but I haven't matter. Juvenile drug programs are certainly a hot messes, because teenagers can be a handful and drug addiction is so destructive. The issue is mental health concerns and dual diagnoses...the cutting and bulimia correlate to higher rates of depression and mental illness in female than males, for the most part. The treatment has to center around the mental health in those cases, and not every program is capable of handling that.

I'm not sure what you mean specifically by homosexual behavior issues, though.

What i mean is, a program is a program. Behavioral/Drug etc.. wheather its religeos or not i bet they dont encourage any kind of 'love'. Wheather is homo or hetrosexual. Because most programs are within the same gender, you will have homosexuality as the only form of a love problem (if there is one) because theres no opposite sex. Juvinile Females are usually expirimenting with bisexuality/homosexuality due to their age. I wouldent say its 'normal' but many females do try out being a lesbian or bisexual at that age.


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Wow, having dealt with a trouble teen and never having had to go to such "programs" tells me many parents have no skills or will to be there for their children.. Have the State / Church deal with their little issues they created one night is the easiest solution..

As for Gays all I can say is that all those I have known have been more civilized than the people who put them down. Including the Lesbian I talk to on a regular basis. Like most people she is very finicky about those she would consider her significant "other" and is not the "slut" most straights would love to make lesbians to be.. She is also very afraid to disclose to heavily her status for fear it may bar her from certain things in life due to ignorant people and laws.

So sad people stereo type others they just have no clue about..

The Doc

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Wow, having dealt with a trouble teen and never having had to go to such "programs" tells me many parents have no skills or will to be there for their children.. Have the State / Church deal with their little issues they created one night is the easiest solution..

As for Gays all I can say is that all those I have known have been more civilized than the people who put them down. Including the Lesbian I talk to on a regular basis. Like most people she is very finicky about those she would consider her significant "other" and is not the "slut" most straights would love to make lesbians to be.. She is also very afraid to disclose to heavily her status for fear it may bar her from certain things in life due to ignorant people and laws.

So sad people stereo type others they just have no clue about..

Its not about parenting, your usually court ordered to those places for criminal charges as an alternative to jail. the people that run those programs have a strong influence on your case too, if you behave well enough you can get your charges expunged.

But there are also some kids who get tossed there by their parents and their parents pay. Everything from unwanted kids, to juviniles who frequently run away, to drug addicted juviniles. I mean, if you had a son or daughter who is addicted to hard drugs, and always out you never know where they are, coming in and out maybe once a week for a shower. Teeth are brown and yellow because they dont brush, bruises and burns all over their body from drugs. Same dirty clothes for days etc... If that is your kid, then you probly know you have no control. What are you going to do? Ground your crackhead teenage son/daughter? Right because thats going to work. When parents send some of their drug addicted children to programs they know their child is SAFE, not doing drugs, getting 3 meals a day, doing school work etc.. Theese programs arent meant for your 16 year old expirimenting with weed, but if your willing to give your kid to the program for something that stupid they wont say no. They still would take your money.


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Do I think it is objective or 100% objective..

I think the OP is bias but has some truth in the information.

If you read the Wiki information you will find the camps have been running and are now only recently closed..

Do I condone any child abuse at any age NO, do you ?
No. I'm guessing we would disagree on what meets the definition of abuse, though.


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Juvinile Females are usually expirimenting with bisexuality/homosexuality due to their age. I wouldent say its 'normal' but many females do try out being a lesbian or bisexual at that age.

This is far too strong a statement. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, you're making it sound like most or many girls ages (13-17), what most states consider juveniles, are having same sex relations. This is not congruent with what social science knows about early adolescents. Since the stigma of homosexuality is pervasive, and more so in high school, even for females, most homosexual behavior doesn't start until late adolescence (18-24), which is why college gets a rap as the place for experimentation.

The Doc

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In the army never been to college, so i cant agree or disagree. Simply my observations. You need to remember i am not talking about normal females for this argument. This is among the troubled juvinile population of the country, specifically those in programs. The point i am trying to make is about the homosexual behavior(though many of the females may identify as bisexual their behavior is homosexual when its towards other of the same gender) in the juvinile facility.

Might wanna check this out its pretty interesting
Its a study. According to the study, most of the women who identified themselvs as lesbians came from the lower-middle class. Also proves my point about bi-sexuality being a phase/transitioning for most girls. Within the timeframe of the study, most of the bi-sexual females had identified as full blown lesbians but some had returned to hetrosexuality.

This is kind of an older article, but its about a study that shows women are much more prone to homosexual behavior (though bi-sexual) then men are due to their sexual flexibility.

In my 10 minuite search for theese articles i came across this thread on another forum. It was a pretty funny thread. It got me won, so i signed up to the forum
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