American Wages and Healthcare Compared To Australia

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First off, if any of our Australian members would kindly join in, it would be appreciated. Having studied Austraila, and having family living there, and having visited, I'd like to think I have a pretty solid knowledge above and beyond that of the average Yank. However, I completely understand that there is an enormous difference between my experience, and that of an Australian citizen, or a permanent resident of Australia, like my cousin in Sydney.

I developed a fondness for Australians while in the Phillipines in 1985 and 1986. Many of them were vacationing in the Phillipines at the time and I became good friends with a guy from Perth and we spent weeks together discussing our countries. I have a keen interest in Australia and have learned much about it over the years, and continue to learn.

Lets get down to business with a side by side comparison.

As we Americans all know, our national minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour, we have no universal healthcare, no mandated vacation or vacation pay. Our current unemployment rate is hovering around 10%, but many would argue the truth is closer to 15%. We have the lowest tax burden in most of our lifetimes.

Compare America to Australia:

Minimum wage in Australia is currently $15.51 per hour. All Australians have universal healthcare. Mandatory vacation time is 4 weeks, and vacation premium pay is paid during vacation time. The current unemployment rate is 4.9%. Of course, they pay a higher rate of income tax, but look how the Australian middle class benefits from it.

Personally, I am completely willing to pay higher taxes to receive these benefits, and I think most Americans would if they were told the truth.

Here are some Australian wage and tax statistics from the Australian government that verifies these benefits:


As you can see, these tax rates are indeed higher than the United States, but they are completely reasonable. There is simply no denying that Australia's economy is strong and its middle class large and vibrant as a result of its tax and social policies.

I'd love to see this duplicated here.

During our visit there in 2009, food prices were on par with that of the United States. Consumer goods as well. Check out some prices here:

Check out real estate for sale here. This is in a coastal town in South Australia named Maitland, one of many small towns we visited we visited. It is on a peninsula and most properties are close to the beach:;+/list-1?preferredState=sa

Property prices are on par with the United States. Sydney and San Francisco real estate will be more expensive than the smaller towns.
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Minor Axis

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What do I know, but could it be related to a country where they really care about their citizens, and high fa-looting executives who are not totally focused on enriching themselves while disenfranchising fellow citizens or at least the executives are kept in check by the power of government?

John, I have a great suggestion for you.

Move to Australia. I hear it's a utopian life there.

That's the way to intelligently discuss an issue, lol. We are crashing and burning. The last thing we want to do is compare. ;)
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" Australia was settled by convicts - America was settled by Puritans. Australia surely got the better deal" ~unknnown

And as an Aussie observed, convicts can be reformed.:D


Slightly Acidic
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What do I know, but could it be related to a country where they really care about their citizens, and high fa-looting executives who are not totally focused on enriching themselves while disenfranchising fellow citizens or at least the executives are kept in check by the power of government?

That's the way to intelligently discuss an issue, lol. We are crashing and burning. The last thing we want to do is compare. ;)

At least you got the LOL part right. ;)


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" Australia was settled by convicts - America was settled by Puritans. Australia surely got the better deal" ~unknnown

And as an Aussie observed, convicts can be reformed.:D

Too funny!

I definitely think it's possible other countries have some things figured out a bit better than we do. That seems to absolutely horrify a lot of people, but oh well. :dunno

Personally, if there is a place on earth with a flourishing middle class, I like to hear about it. Makes me feel like there is hope yet.

Of course there's no utopia, come on now, butthurt much? :p and I'd wager a lot of Aussies aren't happy with the taxes or certain things, but what is being done to the middle class is the US is shameful. Just my two cents, I'm not an economist, but I plan to marry one lol.


Seizing Life ♥
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Wow John that's an interesting read. I look forward to learn more abt Australia in comparison to US! I am currently looking into 2 job opportunities and at the verge of deciding if I'll move or not! 1) VA Hospital in San Francisco that will add 33% more to my salary per year. 2) And a friend who lives in Melbourne, Australia was telling me to move there given there's a hospital that specializes in heart and lung transplants and offering high salary with great benefits. Have not really called and ask for more info yet. But I am very interested in this topic! :thumbup
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Wow John that's an interesting read. I look forward to learn more abt Australia in comparison to US! I am being offered 2 jobs now and at the verge of deciding if I'll move or not! 1) VA in San Francisco that will add 33% more to my salary per year. 2) And a friend who lives in Melbourne, Australia was telling me to move there given there's a hospital that specializes in heart and lung transplants and offering high salary with great benefits. Have not really called and ask for more info yet. But I am very interested in this topic! :thumbup

PD, as much as I love San Francisco, I'd take the Melbourne job. Australia has a strict immigration policy. Once you hit age 45, that's it for your elgibility for residency. This strict immigration policy is likely a large contributing factor to Australia's social and economic success. Yet another issue we could stand to learn from. But if you meet the requirements, and have an employer sponsor you, the pay and benefits are superior to nearly anything you could acquire here. Awesome public transportation, even better than Sydney's I'm told - and Sydney was great! Hands down my favorite city on the planet so far.

Kyle B

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This strict immigration policy is likely a large contributing factor to Australia's social and economic success. Yet another issue we could stand to learn from.

Australia has it easy, the country is completely surrounded by water. I would imagine keeping people out isn't as difficult.

The illegal immigration problem in the US is deplorable and needs to be fixed.


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Canada is pretty rough to immigrate to, they ask you to have 11k per person saved plus the employment sponsorship...:eek
don't blame them, but damn.

Peter Parka

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Never been to the USA to can only comment on what I've heard from people here who live over there. Been to Australia and experienced health care there first hand. Australian health care puts UK health care to shame which in turn puts USA health care to shame.


Seizing Life ♥
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PD, as much as I love San Francisco, I'd take the Melbourne job. Australia has a strict immigration policy. Once you hit age 45, that's it for your elgibility for residency. This strict immigration policy is likely a large contributing factor to Australia's social and economic success. Yet another issue we could stand to learn from. But if you meet the requirements, and have an employer sponsor you, the pay and benefits are superior to nearly anything you could acquire here. Awesome public transportation, even better than Sydney's I'm told - and Sydney was great! Hands down my favorite city on the planet so far.

I am after the benefits Federal gov't offers for the San Fran job. But still contemplating.....I have to deal with Vets and I heard it's hard to deal with them when they're sick eh! :dunno

I am not sure if the hospital my friend mentioned is in Melbourne itself. He's from Melbourne tho'. The hospital sponsors as I was told with sign in bonus too! I wonder too about medical insurance coverage after retirement, if it's comparable or better than US. How's cost of living too?? :unsure:

Canada is pretty rough to immigrate to, they ask you to have 11k per person saved plus the employment sponsorship...:eek
don't blame them, but damn.

Unless the sponsor is willing to pay for the amount needed. They're short with healthcare workers hence the hospitals are willing to go for it plus give a sign in bonus and moving expenses paid for too. Canada just doesn't appeal to me due to it's winter, salary range, retirement and medical insurance benefits. I have compared it to US and the latter is still better. ( No offense intended to Canadians :))
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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What do I know, but could it be related to a country where they really care about their citizens, and high fa-looting executives who are not totally focused on enriching themselves while disenfranchising fellow citizens or at least the executives are kept in check by the power of government?

More of the same old same old.

I think we get you hate the wealthy

I too don't like the big box store way we have gone and the pay some execs get but if you think exec pay being curbed is the answer I think you are dreaming Minor. ;)


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I am after the benefits Federal gov't offers for the San Fran job. But still contemplating.....I have to deal with Vets and I heard it's hard to deal with them when they're sick eh! :dunno

I imagine combat wounded vets aren't any worse than any other patients. They just want to get well and get back on their feet if possible. The retirees can get a little cranky according to my sister who works for Tri-Care. People are people wherever you go.

I am not sure if the hospital my friend mentioned is in Melbourne itself. He's from Melbourne tho'. The hospital sponsors as I was told with sign in bonus too! I wonder too about medical insurance coverage after retirement, if it's comparable or better than US. How's cost of living too?? :unsure:

If you immigrate to Australia and become a permanent resident or a citizen, and work until retirement, you will be in better shape than even with the FERS retirement from the VA in all likelyhood. Whatever you choose, do your due dilligence and research everything before you decide. San Francisco is awesome and the climate is great, but the cost of living is high like any big international city, as is Sydney. They are both comparable cost of living wise, but the medical is far superior in Australia.

Peter Parka

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I think a lot of what this comes down to is that many people in the USA still have an irrational fear of socialism. No, having some social programs dosen't make you a paid up for life Commie bastard. At the end of the day I've read many Americans asking for advice on here from strangers because they can't afford to go to the doctors. Dosen't happen in the UK or Australia, everyone is entitled to healthcare without having to worry about if you can afford it or not, some things are more important than money. Glad too!


Well-Known Member
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I think a lot of what this comes down to is that many people in the USA still have an irrational fear of socialism. No, having some social programs dosen't make you a paid up for life Commie bastard. At the end of the day I've read many Americans asking for advice on here from strangers because they can't afford to go to the doctors. Dosen't happen in the UK or Australia, everyone is entitled to healthcare without having to worry about if you can afford it or not, some things are more important than money. Glad too!



Slightly Acidic
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I think a lot of what this comes down to is that many people in the USA still have an irrational fear of socialism. No, having some social programs dosen't make you a paid up for life Commie bastard. At the end of the day I've read many Americans asking for advice on here from strangers because they can't afford to go to the doctors. Dosen't happen in the UK or Australia, everyone is entitled to healthcare without having to worry about if you can afford it or not, some things are more important than money. Glad too!

I would counter that it's not a "fear" of Socialism... it's just a concept that runs counter to everything our country was founded on, therefore the vast majority of Americans simply don't want it.


Seizing Life ♥
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I agree that money is not the most important thing! However, imo it pays off to prepare for one's retirement and future than totally depend on the government when we don't know what the future entails