Make no mistake Saddam needed to be taken out..
It had reached a point to where he was rounding up people RANDOMLY and torturing them to put on shows.
His bad far outweighed his good...long before we went in.
The only good thing about Saddam is he wanted a nation that was modern with decent education...comparable rights of women to men and a modern infrastructure.
You can post any link you want..but the world is better off without he was an evil SOB.
I am willing to say that with some research the period of time where he {was not evil}.{early on}..that he probably was but it is just not as well known
You speak with a double tongue. On the one hand you say The only good thing about Saddam is he wanted a nation that was modern with decent education...comparable rights of women to men and a modern infrastructure'''' while on the other you say he was bad and had to be eliminated. He surely was a dictator who was fully backed by the fact, the US was behind his making of a dictator. Later he turned 'wise' and developed political differences with the US which the US wouldn't like (as a matter of its nature)...hence the US framed up charges against Sadam having WMD's and that they were a 'threat' to the US etc...
That was a false charge ,,,,and did not only put an end to Sadam but also led to the destruction of Iraq...with Iraqi's made to suffer till this day!!
Whatever excuse you provide to justify your position wouldn't be acceptable to the Iraqi's or independent observers or even the historians who will always rank America as War Monger No 1 in the world......and which provides backing to the terrorists and when they want their 'share' in the 'loot' America goes all out to kill them!
You are like this fat woman!!