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The Man

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I have to get up in two and a half hour so I better get to bed...will catch you tomorrow Stone.
Supposed to be warm tomorrow in PK so expect maz to strike from full coil at mid day.
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Never seen idiots like you and Stone....Both lack mind.

dude, If Pakistan was supporting the terrorists then how could it be an Ally of America and its other allies??
This is a self-evidencing fact which fails your abominable statement.

I think it was a mistake, also.
Pakistan can't and shouldn't be trusted.
Better to know your nation as an enemy than the false friend you are, IMO.

The Man

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IF you won't stop trolling and asking me foolish questions then I can't help you but post you a pic ...and as you know a pic is worth a thousand words!!

grow up, man, and don't bug me with foolish/childish questions ...............unless you wanna be whacked!
images snake maz refined.jpg


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Nobody would disagree that terrorists are a big gang but are YOU small?? NO. You are too big for them and you are ubiquitous too. But you never think about why they are against you and not other nations ?
I try to analyze but you give me the dirty blame of siding with them. Here you are wrong.

Market news is that America is after resources and riches of other nations...and it is this greed which apparently goes in the making of terrorists.

Take for example Turkey. It perpetually warred with the Arabs but when Kamal Ataturk took over he seriously thought about putting an end to the mess created by endless fighting. To do this he got an idea and the idea was to exchange territories of each other. In this way he ended the dispute with the Arabs and put Turkey on its way to peace and prosperity,,
Rather than try to be policeman of the world America too can ponder over Turk's well as the Ten Commandments. It's envy that's the root cause of all troubles.....Keep to your own and leave the others alone.

I hope you will try to understand now.........

There is simply no way you can rationalize Pakistan funding the terrorists responsible for 9/11.
You have been openly sympathetic and supportive of those terrorists.

The US currently holds no peaceful nation under it's domination. All military conflict currently relates to the security of the US.
I don't like the concept of the US being the policeman of the world, but your argument that the US has to negotiate with terrorists to their advantage is ludicrous.

Pakistan wanted a terrorist war and now you have one in your backyard.


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I have to get up in two and a half hour so I better get to bed...will catch you tomorrow Stone.
Supposed to be warm tomorrow in PK so expect maz to strike from full coil at mid day.

I'll be gone from OTZ for about 3 or 4 days this week, starting tomorrow.
My cousin's family temporarily needs some extra help as his condition has worsened greatly.
I think he's not far from going into hospice.


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There is simply no way you can rationalize Pakistan funding the terrorists responsible for 9/11.
You have been openly sympathetic and supportive of those terrorists.

The US currently holds no peaceful nation under it's domination. All military conflict currently relates to the security of the US.
I don't like the concept of the US being the policeman of the world, but your argument that the US has to negotiate with terrorists to their advantage is ludicrous.

Pakistan wanted a terrorist war and now you have one in your backyard.

There is No sense in asserting that Pak is funding the terrorists or it ever did that, even in case of 9/11. were it so Pakistan wouldn't be your sweet ally nor given you the passage to Afghanistan ; nor shared intelligence and logistics with you; nor would America spared it as an enemy. All this goes to prove that whatever poison you are shedding against Pak is the act of a deranged, grudgefull, war-mongering, hate-provoking and biased stupid beast.

I know this is a debate but do you realize you are provoking me to foul mouth your country like the way you do us, Pakistan?? No, this won't happen as I have respect for America and good Americans, moreso because I have American friends and they are totally different than a biased crackpot like you. In fact they are educated and civilized. Seems there is some flaw in your grooming,,,,and you never came to understand what civility means.

I agree with Jimmy Carter and am disgusted to note that you disgrace your president as if he was a nut. Such a derogation of a US President is unprecedented given the fact that the Americans are understood to take their President as a god-head of the nation!

Funding is only possible if you have dough. You have it Pakistan doesn't. Go figure!!


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I'll be gone from OTZ for about 3 or 4 days this week, starting tomorrow.
My cousin's family temporarily needs some extra help as his condition has worsened greatly.
I think he's not far from going into hospice.

Sorry to hear that....may Allah have His mercy on your cousin, you and all.


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You make a list of which words changed meaning between 2004 and the present.
And as Stone is 'saying'..."what new word is in this 2004 article"

I don't read obsolete and redundant articles written by people like y ou for rags.. Jimmy cCarter's is an interview , a declaration that America is War Monger No1 in the world. ..and Chomsky isn't wrong when he calls America as terrorist.
I can believe them not troll tag team partners like you or Stone.


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Pakistan wanted a terrorist war and now has one.
Pakistan did fund the 9/11 terrorists and I gave linkage showing that funding.

Pakistan funded 9/11 terrorists.
You asked for a link and I gave you one ;)

There is no point.

It's history. Pakistan did fund 9/11 terrorists and reading the history of a different time period won't change it.
MazHur Butt, the bitchy whiner of a terrorist loving racist pervert is merely getting desperate in his silly chatter.

Old news, I posted about new drone tech coming months ago.
A smart way to go in changing tactics, imo.
Take out enemy leadership with out expending as many troops in inaccessible terrain.

It's up to you to prove the article wrong.
This is a debate forum, not an opinion forum.

Anyway, the issue is history, not the changing weather.

Another of many childish posts.


The Man said: ↑

I try to be nice I really do...but you give me no choice..I award you the moron award.

You really are an idiot, mazHur Butt.
A good propagandist would never make the silly gaffes that you make.

mazHur Butt simply knows of no other way to deny other than using stupidity.
It's classic mazHur.

mazHur has certainly made a big point about being interested in burly black dog dicks.

Idiot, maritime records have survived the centuries and it's known which sunken ships held treasure.

Your own President Zardari calls you a liar

Idiot, a new word today ( right now ) wouldn't appear in a 10 year old dictionary or even a 1 year old dictionary.
Your logic is childish.

Pakistan wanted a terrorist war and got one in it's own backyard.

Nobody wants to listen to your liturgy...
All you state is evidently bullshit and clearly reflects the frustrations you suffer from.

As a counter productive effect of YOUR war on terror, terrorists have intruded into Pak but that doesn't mean Pak is a so called terrorist state. If it were so it wouldn't be your ally...or sacrificed more than 50000 of its soldiers warring against the terrorists as you front line proxy Napoleon!

Hate and Love have No bounds but in your case Hate has a superlative status.
Keep on whining assure no one is going to believe you..
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Let me put it to you this way maz...we dont give a fuck about pk..we merely tolerate this shit as we have to.
China can be ignorant and get involved which is a problem..we need their raw materials.
The other problem are all your terrorist organizations which can terrorize us.
Thats it.
PK is merely an adopted ally no more no less...we have already lost faith in the relationship due to breach by pk.
You guys set us back in the while you were supposed to be our ally were relaying intel to the terrorists.
Forget afg the new focus is guys have been given ample opportunity to make it right..but you refuse.
The war on terrorism isnt going away maz....drone attacks on your terrorists are going to be more frequent and there isnt a fucking thing you can do about it...we already declared war on you..and you let us keep bombing.
What can you do?....shoot down drones?...which is admitting its a terrorist haven.
Keep blaming the American and the drones are the reason for the terrorists?
See maz radical Islam started taking off at a fast pace...the world got sick of it.
We have several nations in the mideast that are unstable..the fruits want overthrow the govts and such.
Your terrorist have attacked your military basses before..they have no problem biting the hand that feeds them.
Terrorists are never happy cant make them give a little they want give in..6 months later they want more.Pk terrorists areas are expanding and fast..those on the outer areas make a choice..become one and be safe or suffer being killed for something petty.
You know how it is must convert to islam and how they want it interpreted or die.
Its just a giant gang.

I am a Muslim and needn't be any more.
I haven't seen a Taliban here but know they believe in a different kinda Sharia just like Saudia..and I don't agree with them . I know if I fall into their hands they would kill me too. This is quite understood because I am a liberal Muslim and refuse a Sharia which is bent upon punishing without rewarding people.


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If all is okay with America then Why is this being circulated worldwide??

A Constitutional Amendment to End Citizens United

Sign on to support the amendment:

Special interest groups funded by billionaires like the Koch brothers are spending tens of millions to influence elections. Sign on to show you back a Constitutional Amendment ending Citizens United for good.

Add Your Name >>
Margaret Stone

The Koch brothers want to hand pick who represents you in Congress.

Now, thanks to the Supreme Court, they have a chance to do just that. It’s easier than ever for billionaires like them to unload millions of dollars in communities across America in order to buy elections.

If we don't want our democracy forked over to a handful of ultra-wealthy donors, we need to take action:

ADD YOUR NAME: Join the call for a Constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United and bring transparency back to our elections.

Listen, a Constitutional amendment is a big deal. It’s going to take a herculean effort to make it happen, and that’s why we’re asking you to step up and sign on early. We need 100,000 initial signers this week just to start moving forward.

This is a chance to stand up for what's right and fair. This is a chance to strip the power away from the Koch brothers and give it back to the people.

Thank you for standing with us,

Democratic Headquarters


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And is this how you respect your President?

N.H. police official who used racial slur against Obama resigns





Wolfeboro, N.H. Police Commissioner Robert Copeland, who called President Obama the "n-word," has


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You make a list of which words changed meaning between 2004 and the present.
And as Stone is 'saying'..."what new word is in this 2004 article"

Drowned in your frustration Why do you think I am an etymologist?? Pick up any old dictionary and compare it with a new simple as that to satiate your idiotic curiosity.


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There is simply no way you can rationalize Pakistan funding the terrorists responsible for 9/11.
You have been openly sympathetic and supportive of those terrorists.

The US currently holds no peaceful nation under it's domination. All military conflict currently relates to the security of the US.
I don't like the concept of the US being the policeman of the world, but your argument that the US has to negotiate with terrorists to their advantage is ludicrous.

Pakistan wanted a terrorist war and now you have one in your backyard.

You talk like a big fool. Good that America thinks of its security through war fare ( you admitted that America is a war-monger , right?) Why aren't other rich nations not so worried and don't go warring everywhere??

There is 'something' else besides 'security' which drives YOU to war!! Admit it.


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You talk like a big fool. Good that America thinks of its security through war fare ( you admitted that America is a war-monger , right?) Why aren't other rich nations not so worried and don't go warring everywhere??

There is 'something' else besides 'security' which drives YOU to war!! Admit it.

You talk like a big fool
You're just upset that I can present facts as they happened. That I admit the mistakes the US does make. But you hate me for calling you out in this forum for the false claims you make.

Good that America thinks of its security through war fare
Indeed......when your nation initiated a terrorist war on the US, the ability to repulse that terrorism and kill it is very important to our security. Too bad Bush made a mess in Iraq when the US should have put all it's might into play against al Qaeda, the Taliban and Pakistan.

Bush and his neocon administration did have elements of war mongering in their foreign policy.
But his response to the al Qaeda attack was justified.

America is a war-monger , right?
Not 'is'....has been in the past. Bush was probably the worst.
Currently Pakistan stands out for the mess it's made and the terrorist support that still exists within.....much as you support terrorism.

There is 'something' else besides 'security' which drives YOU to war!! Admit it
Not me.
GW Bush for sure, but he's no longer making foreign policy.

Why aren't other rich nations not so worried and don't go warring everywhere??
The history of the world has most nations involved in warring at one time or another.
South America, Central America, most of Europe, the old Soviets, the new Russians, the Middle East, Pakistan-India, Bangladesh-India, Japan-China, and on and on.
There is almost always some nation in the world making war at any given time.
Wealthy and poor, and in between make war.
But the number 1 war monger at the moment is Pakistan as this thread has shown.
And it's your nation's policy of state sponsored terrorist activity that's brought the war to your back yard.

You are an apologist for your terrorist nation.

The Man

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I'll be gone from OTZ for about 3 or 4 days this week, starting tomorrow.
My cousin's family temporarily needs some extra help as his condition has worsened greatly.
I think he's not far from going into hospice.
See you when you get back