Re: Alcoholiocs Anonymous
It can't be yourself. It has to be something greater than yourself because the point is to admit you are powerless to your addiction. Kind of a Jesus take the wheel thing
There's plenty of work on personal responsibility, but the higher power is necessary in these programs to help people ease the anxiety associated with recovery.
For someone like myself, I don't think there's a higher power at all concerned with my fate. For that reason, my attempts at getting involved with Al-Anon have been frustrating. I try to glean from it what I can, but I hit the wall every time. It's not that I fear I'd get sucked into religion, or that I feel resentment towards the program for that reason, but I just don't believe what is needed to believe.
I'm a small minority though, the program works for many. It's about transferring addictions in my semi-professional opinion, and being honest with yourself. That's the best any addict can do, and I relate to that having had weight issues I consider to be a form of addiction. Be honest, and find something healthy to be impulsive about!
Couldn't the higher power also be a higher belief in yourself?
It can't be yourself. It has to be something greater than yourself because the point is to admit you are powerless to your addiction. Kind of a Jesus take the wheel thing
There's plenty of work on personal responsibility, but the higher power is necessary in these programs to help people ease the anxiety associated with recovery.
For someone like myself, I don't think there's a higher power at all concerned with my fate. For that reason, my attempts at getting involved with Al-Anon have been frustrating. I try to glean from it what I can, but I hit the wall every time. It's not that I fear I'd get sucked into religion, or that I feel resentment towards the program for that reason, but I just don't believe what is needed to believe.
I'm a small minority though, the program works for many. It's about transferring addictions in my semi-professional opinion, and being honest with yourself. That's the best any addict can do, and I relate to that having had weight issues I consider to be a form of addiction. Be honest, and find something healthy to be impulsive about!