The amount of totally false information that people have come to accept as truth about this topic is mind boggling to me. Let me clear up a few of those for you:
1) Most illegals work under the table for cash money. Hugely false. The vast majority are on payrolls somewhere. It's not possible to have someone on a payroll and NOT deduct federal taxes, state taxes where they exist, FICA and all of the other goodies. ALL of this money is deducted from checks of millions of workers, and those BILLIONS of dollars pour into the federal government streams - and virtually NONE of it will ever be refunded, repayed, or claimed as benefits by the people who paid in. Does this begin to answer the question of why the federal government REALLY doesn't want to get these people "out of the shadows."
2) There is no such thing as an "anchor baby." If you are in this country illegally, and you have a child, that child is automatically an American citizen as defined in the Constitution. However, that in NO WAY changes the status of the parents. They are still illegal, and could be deported just as easily as is they did not have a child. NO rights are granted to parents by having a child here. And IF the parents were to be deported, the child would then become a ward of the state and placed into the foster care system, and the government would be 100% responsible for the cost of their care and well being. Makes me wonder why there would be such a rush to deport working, taxpaying parents who are supporting their children and remove not only their contribution to the economy, but ADD to the burden of taxpayers raising the child.
3) Most illegals didn't come here the way they did because they wanted to AVOID the legal way, they came here that way because NO OTHER WAY TO COME HERE EXISTS. Take a quick peek at the US ICE website and read about what types of LEGAL immigration exist. Unless you have an immediate family member who is a Citizen who will sponsor you, which then puts you on a waiting list of 7-10 years for a potential VISA application, you cannot come to the US simply to work in a labor jobs. There are special exception work VISAs, but they are only available in extremely limited numbers for people highly specialized fields. These are the types of VISAs that professional athletes, actors, musicians etc get to be allowed to be in the US and earn money while they are here. There is also the 9-month seasonal work VISA program, designed primarily for agricultral labor. These people are allowed to come in groups to sponsored jobs - i.e. large industrial farms bring in hundreds of workers to pick a special crop for one season. Those people must leave the country no later than 9 months after they enter the country.
4) Companies generally don't hire illegals with the intention of driving down their labor cost. Instead, the labor cost is set by the market conditions, the jobs are opened, and whoever takes them at that pay rate is who gets them. I am a chef. My business nationwide probably has more illegal workers than any other. In the last five years, I have hired 7 dishwashers. I have never received one single application for these jobs from anyone who was not of Mexican decent. NOT ONE. And my company pays far better for these jobs than most others - about $9 an hour. Whoever takes the jobs gets the same money, no matter what color or nationality they are. I do not have the option of paying more without raising the prices on our menu to offset the cost increase. THAT is the way general labor works. For some, I think they believe there is a large pile of dollars on the floor in the bosses office, and he is hoarding them all for himself by hiring Mexicans - and if he was forced to pay someone more he would simply give up some of his stash. That is so far from reality that it's laughable.
I don't understand why people think it's a BAD thing that people want to work here. Yes - THAT'S ALL THEY DO IS WORK. Isn't that what American's are supposed to do? Work and support themselves and the economy? The more they work, the LESS likely any person would be to need any type of handouts or assistance from the Government.
If the REAL concern is the "drain" to our economy, it's completely foolish to target the very people who are WORKING and contributing and supporting themselves. If you want to save money that people believe is being spent on illegals for hospitals, food stamps, etc - then place the barriers THERE. Require e-verify when checking in at the doctors office - not when showing up trying to earn a living to support yourself and your family.
1) Most illegals work under the table for cash money. Hugely false. The vast majority are on payrolls somewhere. It's not possible to have someone on a payroll and NOT deduct federal taxes, state taxes where they exist, FICA and all of the other goodies. ALL of this money is deducted from checks of millions of workers, and those BILLIONS of dollars pour into the federal government streams - and virtually NONE of it will ever be refunded, repayed, or claimed as benefits by the people who paid in. Does this begin to answer the question of why the federal government REALLY doesn't want to get these people "out of the shadows."
2) There is no such thing as an "anchor baby." If you are in this country illegally, and you have a child, that child is automatically an American citizen as defined in the Constitution. However, that in NO WAY changes the status of the parents. They are still illegal, and could be deported just as easily as is they did not have a child. NO rights are granted to parents by having a child here. And IF the parents were to be deported, the child would then become a ward of the state and placed into the foster care system, and the government would be 100% responsible for the cost of their care and well being. Makes me wonder why there would be such a rush to deport working, taxpaying parents who are supporting their children and remove not only their contribution to the economy, but ADD to the burden of taxpayers raising the child.
3) Most illegals didn't come here the way they did because they wanted to AVOID the legal way, they came here that way because NO OTHER WAY TO COME HERE EXISTS. Take a quick peek at the US ICE website and read about what types of LEGAL immigration exist. Unless you have an immediate family member who is a Citizen who will sponsor you, which then puts you on a waiting list of 7-10 years for a potential VISA application, you cannot come to the US simply to work in a labor jobs. There are special exception work VISAs, but they are only available in extremely limited numbers for people highly specialized fields. These are the types of VISAs that professional athletes, actors, musicians etc get to be allowed to be in the US and earn money while they are here. There is also the 9-month seasonal work VISA program, designed primarily for agricultral labor. These people are allowed to come in groups to sponsored jobs - i.e. large industrial farms bring in hundreds of workers to pick a special crop for one season. Those people must leave the country no later than 9 months after they enter the country.
4) Companies generally don't hire illegals with the intention of driving down their labor cost. Instead, the labor cost is set by the market conditions, the jobs are opened, and whoever takes them at that pay rate is who gets them. I am a chef. My business nationwide probably has more illegal workers than any other. In the last five years, I have hired 7 dishwashers. I have never received one single application for these jobs from anyone who was not of Mexican decent. NOT ONE. And my company pays far better for these jobs than most others - about $9 an hour. Whoever takes the jobs gets the same money, no matter what color or nationality they are. I do not have the option of paying more without raising the prices on our menu to offset the cost increase. THAT is the way general labor works. For some, I think they believe there is a large pile of dollars on the floor in the bosses office, and he is hoarding them all for himself by hiring Mexicans - and if he was forced to pay someone more he would simply give up some of his stash. That is so far from reality that it's laughable.
I don't understand why people think it's a BAD thing that people want to work here. Yes - THAT'S ALL THEY DO IS WORK. Isn't that what American's are supposed to do? Work and support themselves and the economy? The more they work, the LESS likely any person would be to need any type of handouts or assistance from the Government.
If the REAL concern is the "drain" to our economy, it's completely foolish to target the very people who are WORKING and contributing and supporting themselves. If you want to save money that people believe is being spent on illegals for hospitals, food stamps, etc - then place the barriers THERE. Require e-verify when checking in at the doctors office - not when showing up trying to earn a living to support yourself and your family.
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