African American prejudice against homosexuals by a margin of 3 to 1!!!

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Ummm--can you show me where I said I don't like homosexuality morally? I already told you I voted AGAINST Proposition 8. I really don't care who wants to fuck who or what. I would be perfectly fine with marriage including homosexuals if the people legislatively define it that way. My concern is with the bastardization of the legal process--that is judges legislating from the bench--they have no fucking right to do that and they abuse their power when doing it. Your problem is you really aren't following the arguments I am making and keep falling back on the same lame defense accusing me of be anti-gay or homophobic. Hell, your hero Barack Obama says he believes marraige is between a man and a woman--is he homophobic???
I have always known you were a homo , and respect you just the same --it kind of explains all your super efforts at being ....super hetro ! :jk
I understand your argument and ..........agree. I worry about abuse by the courts also ---overstepping . I would not voted for 8 either , you have not let me down old friend !. :thumbup

Anyone who is familiar with the black community --as I am --knows where political power and direction come from--starting at bottom /local--- the PULPIT.
The Christian "reverends" are the center of things political for the most part , esp in my country , the south.
Its not always a good thing , and this is one fine example .
I would have to say Obama is homophobic to slight degree , as are most "believers".
I disagree with Obama on this subject , as well as some others , but am happy & relieved to call him President .
BTW, hope your rich whiteboy mansion is out of way of fires out there, and your family are doing well. :)
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Fox Mulder

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Let me put this in terms that are more easily understood because the problem is people get lost in the emotional response and miss the legal issue.

Many municipalities make it unlawful for women to go out in public with no shirt. If a woman walks down main street in the summer with boobs exposed, there's a good chance she's going to get a ticket for indecent exposure (unless I happen to be the cop on duty!) :24:

Well in the 60s and early 70s recall there were all kinds of demontrations, women burning bras and going topless in public. Well, they did have a point--men get to walk around with no shirt so why shouldn't women. Who is it hurting for a woman to walk around bare breasted? Well society has the right to delineate the parameters of behavior.

Now you can be damn sure if it was politically correct to give women the right to walk around in public with no shirts, some douchebag liberal judge would have already decided it was a Constitutional right!! :rolleyes:

Now--if you really want to understand these issues you have to look beyond your own determination of what's "fair" and ask yourself why does society have the right to tell women they must wear shirts in public yet tell men they don't have to. The answer is simple--because society can make any law it wants as long as it doesn't violate the Constitution. If it wants to define marriage as between a man and a woman it has that right. Marriage is NOT and SHOULD NOT be a constitutional right. The Constitution defines personal liberties. Marriage is a creation of society designed for various purposes--early on it was a means of passing property. More recently its is a means primarily to protect the rights of children and each spouse's property rights. However, that can be done without using the term "marriage." That is society can create family partnerships that protect property and children and they don't need to be called a "marriage".

Fox Mulder

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Calm down dude, I'm not trying to accuse you of bashing gays though the way you talk about it seems to indicate you dont really aprove of homosexuality much to me.

Not at all--I believe homosexuality is genetic and I have no problem with you butt fucking Ian if that's what the two of you want!!! ;) I also do not believe that God would have any issue with it. And in fact, I have always been very sympathetic towards homosexuals and believe they are generally unfairly treated by society, but big fucking deal--there's plenty of groups unfairly treated by society. We can treat them fairly without forcing a square peg into a round hole (no pun intended here), but trying to fit a homosexual union into the definition of marriage is a real stretch (again, no pun intended here)! ;)

Fox Mulder

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I have always known you were a homo , and respect you just the same --it kind of explains all your super efforts at being ....super hetro ! :jk
I understand your argument and ..........agree. I worry about abuse by the courts also ---overstepping . I would not voted for 8 either , you have not let me down old friend !. :thumbup

Anyone who is familiar with the black community --as I am --knows where political power and direction come from--starting at bottom /local--- the PULPIT.
The Christian "reverends" are the center of things political for the most part , esp in my country , the south.
Its not always a good thing , and this is one fine example .
I would have to say Obama is homophobic to slight degree , as are most "believers".
I disagree with Obama on this subject , as well as some others , but am happy & relieved to call him President .
BTW, hope your rich whiteboy mansion is out of way of fires out there, and your family are doing well. :)

You want to butt fuck Castro--why don't you just admit it!!! ;)


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Let me put this in terms that are more easily understood because the problem is people get lost in the emotional response and miss the legal issue.

Many municipalities make it unlawful for women to go out in public with no shirt. If a woman walks down main street in the summer with boobs exposed, there's a good chance she's going to get a ticket for indecent exposure (unless I happen to be the cop on duty!) :24:

Well in the 60s and early 70s recall there were all kinds of demontrations, women burning bras and going topless in public. Well, they did have a point--men get to walk around with no shirt so why shouldn't women. Who is it hurting for a woman to walk around bare breasted? Well society has the right to delineate the parameters of behavior.

Now you can be damn sure if it was politically correct to give women the right to walk around in public with no shirts, some douchebag liberal judge would have already decided it was a Constitutional right!! :rolleyes:

and he probably woulda been the first guy to ever grace the cover of playboy :nod:
i guess the arguements are similar, as both are about how and when to use body parts....sort of :p

but aren't you sidestepping the issue of separation of church and state to protect the validity of your point here? (the liberal douchebag point?)

i mean...i didn't even enter into this discussion until you acknowledged that the alleged black homophobia wasn't actually was an interpretation of religious beliefs, which basically calls for the sanctity of marriage as being between a man and a woman

i'm no biblical scholar, but the arguement is always put forth that this sancitiy needs to be preserved because homosexuality is an abomination, which is a moral judgement based on a specific set of religious criteria, and further presented as a pandoras box that will open up the floodgates, allowing someone to marry their sheep, parakeet, etc -an arguement, frankly, that extends the liberal zealotry of "everybody is equal" into the world of a sixteen year old's answer for any difficult question.....

i.e. "whatever"

and reveals, imo, how shallow the moral arguement is, as a preset for a society built around personal liberties....that being a different preset than the one adhered to by a specific religious viewpoint within that society, who have an equal right to believe whatever they want.

and, within the world of personal liberty -the one defined by constitutional law- it doesn't matter if 2/3 of this country agree with that specific religous viewpoint....if the religious viewpoint wrt to the definition of marriage becomes law, then the separation of church and state has been breeched, imo.....and that, to me, is a far more realistic slippery slope than whether or not some clown is gonna marry his gerbil.

what's most fascinating to me is the ramifications of this vis a vis the point you made earlier....we are a society of compromise and majority rule.

the "check and balance" here is the supreme court, i guess.....which can rule for the minority if it's pov protects the intent of the constitution.

Now--if you really want to understand these issues you have to look beyond your own determination of what's "fair" and ask yourself why does society have the right to tell women they must wear shirts in public yet tell men they don't have to. The answer is simple--because society can make any law it wants as long as it doesn't violate the Constitution. If it wants to define marriage as between a man and a woman it has that right. Marriage is NOT and SHOULD NOT be a constitutional right. The Constitution defines personal liberties. Marriage is a creation of society designed for various purposes--early on it was a means of passing property. More recently its is a means primarily to protect the rights of children and each spouse's property rights. However, that can be done without using the term "marriage." That is society can create family partnerships that protect property and children and they don't need to be called a "marriage".
ok....this confuses me....point out my emotional reasons for not understanding what's "fair" here.....if a law can define marriage anyway it wants, how does that NOT make marriage a constitutional right?

if you're a man and a woman, you have the right to get married.....if you're two men or two women, you don't.

Fox Mulder

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ok....this confuses me....point out my emotional reasons for not understanding what's "fair" here.....if a law can define marriage anyway it wants, how does that NOT make marriage a constitutional right?

if you're a man and a woman, you have the right to get married.....if you're two men or two women, you don't.

Because its not a basic fundamental right like the right to be free from unreasonable searches and siezures. Now liberal judges claim it is--I disagree because marriage is a privilege that is bestowed by the state--its an affirmative act by the state. Its not something each of is born with the right to do.


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Because its not a basic fundamental right like the right to be free from unreasonable searches and siezures. Now liberal judges claim it is--I disagree because marriage is a privilege that is bestowed by the state--its an affirmative act by the state. Its not something each of is born with the right to do.

ah...ok....i think i get it
your point, then, is that the voters in CA have the right to define marriage in their state anyway they is a state's right, not a constitutional guarantee.

unless it violates the separation of church and state.

that sound right?

Peter Parka

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Because its not a basic fundamental right like the right to be free from unreasonable searches and siezures. Now liberal judges claim it is--I disagree because marriage is a privilege that is bestowed by the state--its an affirmative act by the state. Its not something each of is born with the right to do.

Why do you have a problem with people having the right to be married? The state cant deny them the right to do everything involved with marriage so why the problem with a bit of paper that stops them taking the piss?

Fox Mulder

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Why do you have a problem with people having the right to be married? The state cant deny them the right to do everything involved with marriage so why the problem with a bit of paper that stops them taking the piss?

Who said people have a right to be married? The only way its legally binding is if a state or government entity sanctions it. That's my point--its not a Constitutional right.

And you keep missing the fucking point--I DON'T CARE WHO GETS MARRIED!!! What I care about is democracy and the rule of law and the will of the people whether I agree or not. If the people say they want marriage to be between man and woman, that's the way it should be--it the people say it can be between man and man or woman and woman or three women and a man, then I'm fine with that.

Fox Mulder

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ah...ok....i think i get it
your point, then, is that the voters in CA have the right to define marriage in their state anyway they is a state's right, not a constitutional guarantee.

unless it violates the separation of church and state.

that sound right?

Yes--that's exactly right. The state has the right to define marriage, not a fucking judge. This is not brain surgery -- I myself don't care ultimately whether gay marraige is allowed or not--what I do care about is who says its allowed.

Peter Parka

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You dont think people have a right to get married? Ok, we are on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay diffent levels here, who do you think should have approved your marriage then?

Fox Mulder

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The problem here is the proverbial tail wagging the dog. Everytime liberals want something they can't get at the voting booths, they attempt to get it by getting enough liberal judges appointed to legislate from the bench. In that manner, they are able to thwart democracy and the will of the people.

Lets not forget that this Gay marriage thing was decided already a few years back by an OVERWHELMING MAJORITY in California--it was like 2 out of 3 voters voted to define marriage as man and woman. That proposition was overturned by four douchebag judges who decided they knew better than 20 million people. That's why we got this new proposition for a Constitutiona Amendment and that's why the support was only 53 to 47 percent because many people don't want it part of the Constitution even though they support the marriage definition of man and woman (or just support the majority's definition whatever that is).

Fox Mulder

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You dont think people have a right to get married? Ok, we are on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay diffent levels here, who do you think should have approved your marriage then?

That's NOT WHAT I SAID. I said they don't have a Constitutional right. If the state says they have a right then they have a right. We are talking about state sanctioned marraige. People are free to go to a church and get married even if it were not sanctioned by the state. Fior example, men in Utah that are polygamists marry 5 or 6 different wives. The state doesn't sanction that--in fact, it expressly forbids it. They make the same argument you are making for gays--why the fuck should the state tell me I can marry 6 women if I want to.

Do you see the point now? I don't care how marriage is defined--I care WHO IS DEFINING IT. It should be the people, not judges.

Peter Parka

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I really dont see why it should be anyones business other than the people it involves. I couldn't give a shit if 99.9% of the population disaproves of something, if it dosent affect them, its none of their damn business!

Peter Parka

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That's NOT WHAT I SAID. I said they don't have a Constitutional right. If the state says they have a right then they have a right. We are talking about state sanctioned marraige. People are free to go to a church and get married even if it were not sanctioned by the state. Fior example, men in Utah that are polygamists marry 5 or 6 different wives. The state doesn't sanction that--in fact, it expressly forbids it. They make the same argument you are making for gays--why the fuck should the state tell me I can marry 6 women if I want to.

Do you see the point now? I don't care how marriage is defined--I care WHO IS DEFINING IT. It should be the people, not judges.

Not really, I personally couldnt give a shit if you want to marry 6 women and its no one elses business other than you and the said 6 women, think you're living in lala land though if you think 6 women would want to marry you!:D;)


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I don't know if it has been said, but.

Of all people, blacks shouldn't be saying no to this. Why?
Don't they remember the 100's of years of slavery, where white people could say what they could or could not do. It's the same situation pretty much.

Now blacks are saying to gay's they can't get married, puh lease.