Well again we live in a society of compromise. Right now the politically correct left have no fucking wish to compromise because its not about equality or the same rights--its about forcing this down the throats of the religious right. There are those on the left that absolutely despise the Christian views on this subject and they don't want to comrpromise. The are using the gay marriage argument as a platform to attack Chrisitanity, not to gain equal rights for gays because gays can have all the same benefits and rights without the need to call their union a marriage.
hmmm....i do have to wonder about that, fox....
it's not so much that i disagree entirely with your premise....we've both seen folks here and elsewhere that take as devout a stance against the religious right, as some on the religious right take against homosexuality.
it is a zealotry of verbage that i've come to discern because of posts from you fascist types :24:
but, while your own legal summary supports the validity of their pov, imo, you interpret the liberal stance to be an arguement for "everybody is equal"...hell, i'm not as well read as you -maybe the media talks about it as equality, as well...but i take it to mean freedom under the law....and by that i mean that a specific behavior that does no physical harm to another, nor inhibits another's social or economic opprotunities, is in keeping with the intent of the constitution.
the fact that one group finds another's freedom morally repugnant is their problem, not society's....leastways, not under the law
and the law, once it begins to adopt a moral view of behavior, should be considered unconstitutional, imo...and don't come back at me with "right and wrong" stuff.....that just your debating skills talking.....we both know what i'm talking about here.
i've witnessed debates about what the founding fathers "intended" for their baby country...they have always struck me as the attempt to second guess the document they hammered out.
imo, the only real issue for them was how big and powerful the central government should be, which is ultimately the issue of control...which, as i understand it, lead to the bill of rights becoming part of what is essentially a document establishing the rules of candidacy, a set of checks and balances, the separation of church and state, and a few economic necessities -all of which, it was hoped, would be enough to keep the states united.
so the central arguement behind those liberal "zealots" is basically about the separation of church and state, with the argument (rightfully, imo) being that political power used to push a moral agenda belonging to a specific religion is dangerous......
the fact that economically, that agenda doesn't inhibit on the basis of morality is not sufficient to allow it
and i may be wrong, but that is where you continue to tie your shoe laces together....i know you to be a social liberal (as being different from a "zealous" social liberal....more of a live and let live kinda guy

), but your arguements USUALLY approach topics from the pov of their impact on the economy......like here, where you've made the point several times that the benefits -primarily economic ones- that gay couples enjoy pretty much resolve the issue.