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debbie t

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you see in english it would ...when one does something ,not when you do then we all get it staight and dont get upset

ooohh you lot really are overtired:jk
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Yeah, not all though - I don't like the saying "one this, one that...", which is why I said "you" as in people... :D


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Lets try to keep this on topic and not belittle each other. It is evident that he and freespeech disagree on the subject. He is entitled to his opinion and so are you a freebie. Neither one of you is going to convince the other that one of you is right or wrong, apparently.

Pudding Time: I ask that you don't bring religion into discussions that have nothing to do with religion. Attacking someone's religion is not cool and not tolerated here.

This is me speaking as a mod folks. I will be monitoring this thread closely.

Venom, I respect your authority and will abide with your wishes, however I just came back on and saw the posts following when last I posted and feel compelled to respond, following which I'm prepared to be done with it. I will deal with the topic at hand as it was being discussed.

Yes, I took umbrage with Pudding Time's multi-quoted response as I thought the way he came across was in poor taste.

To begin with, he can't even determine whether or not he has ADD or not. Perhaps he forgot. On the one hand he says, and I quote: "I never got diagnosed with ADD" and then on the other hand he says whatever food he was taking (with regard to ADD) "works for me". Credibility gone straight through the chute right there.

Went on to what I refer as "rambling" multi-quotes in an ignorant (look up the word) manner including, out of the blue some ignorant (yes ignorant) religious bashing toward the other poster....totally uncalled for. I have yet to see an apology for this neither do I expect to see one.

So if my response came across a bit strong, that was the intention. I actually held back a great deal.

The way I saw it on the one hand here was a poster coming off and making spurious and tainted remarks upon another, which I may add has the benefit of a much larger wealth of experience on said subject putting across her knowledge and experience in a respectable and logical manner, and being faced with such ignorance. Given the choice I'm going to go with the wealth of experience any day.

Dr Pudding Time may not believe, and I quote that "ADD/ADHD is a real disorder", but I would venture to guess that there are a lot more medical professionals, caregivers etc, that would disagree with him and that belief than not.

:ninja ==========

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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ive said it before and ill say it again,

live on the front line and deal with the anguish and the problems and then tell me what you think.

all carers and sufferers im with you lot


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Thanks for the understanding CB, re ADHD and in other areas too.

I am over the insults now. Some people are just not able to debate in the true sense of debate or talk things through calmly. I can and did, so if it didn't help in any way, I at least tried my best.

Thank you anyway. :smiley31:

I couldn't get here last night, as computer was down and just seen this thread, as woke early hours again, so came to look.


Well-Known Member
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ive said it before and ill say it again,

live on the front line and deal with the anguish and the problems and then tell me what you think.

all carers and sufferers im with you lot

Thanks Debbie. You are a great listener too. Things didn't need to get how they did, but hope that's the end of it now with all that went on before. :)

You have many views and they are all good. :)


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My son has ADHD and I can tell you .. the medicine helps. I don't care what anyone says.

The child was constantly in trouble at school .. for getting up and roaming around, talking without permission, and other things that weren't really "bad" but after a while the teacher had just had enough.

Sqeaky wheel gets the grease, kinda thing.

He's a fairly "sensitive" child to boot, so anytime you get onto him he gets really upset with himself. Then that makes it worse.

I would ask him why he got up in the middle of class and walked *whereever* and he would look me square in the eye and say .. "I just don't know, I just did."

The child was miserable. He wasn't hyper or overly active .. just had problems controlling some of the things he did when un-stimulated.

He takes Concerta now and his grades have improved, he still gets into trouble (I mean, he's an 11 yr old boy lol) but nothing like he was, he doesnt roam around, and his temper has improved.

He was >< close to being sent to "alternative" school because of his behaivor. Thing is, he doesn't really act all that bad at home .. during the summer we stop the medication all together. His brain needs extra stimulation in order to focus, and a teacher in today's school system just doesn't have the ability to focus on one single child like that. With 30 kids per room .. it's just not possible.


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My son has ADHD and I can tell you .. the medicine helps. I don't care what anyone says.

The child was constantly in trouble at school .. for getting up and roaming around, talking without permission, and other things that weren't really "bad" but after a while the teacher had just had enough.

Sqeaky wheel gets the grease, kinda thing.

He's a fairly "sensitive" child to boot, so anytime you get onto him he gets really upset with himself. Then that makes it worse.

I would ask him why he got up in the middle of class and walked *whereever* and he would look me square in the eye and say .. "I just don't know, I just did."

The child was miserable. He wasn't hyper or overly active .. just had problems controlling some of the things he did when un-stimulated.

He takes Concerta now and his grades have improved, he still gets into trouble (I mean, he's an 11 yr old boy lol) but nothing like he was, he doesnt roam around, and his temper has improved.

He was >< close to being sent to "alternative" school because of his behaivor. Thing is, he doesn't really act all that bad at home .. during the summer we stop the medication all together. His brain needs extra stimulation in order to focus, and a teacher in today's school system just doesn't have the ability to focus on one single child like that. With 30 kids per room .. it's just not possible.

You know what? That is practically word for word how I have been telling it to people here, where I live and how I have written it in letters to school.

You could almost be writing about my son, cos the school classroom things is exactly the same that my son is got at for.

It's disability discrimination, especailly when teachers are informed of the medical conditions my son has, so they have to be really careful.

It annoys me they say he had "bad behaviour". No, he doesn't have 'bad beahaviour', it is a condition that gives the impression of 'bad behavior', which is totally different as you and I both know that they need to get a grip on huh? I have had to repeat that time after time to school.

My son is on the same meds and is a bit older that your son, but schools just have no clue at all or the ability to stimulate our children as they should be.

No way is my son going to be left on the shelf - if he is wanting to further himself, I am right there behind him.

Good on you Jen - I am right there with you girl. :) *hug*


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:) .. I know we aren't alone .. many children suffer from this .. and their stubborn parents are holding them back. Whatever causes this affliction is deflected by the medication (which doens't dope them up at all .. Concerta doesn't make him act any differently .. activity wise) .. which allows them to better control themselves.

Adults have the ability to see their actions and control them (if they WANT to) .. it's hard to explain to a child how to "control" themselves. They don't fully understand #1. WTF you're talking about, and #2. how to go about it even if they get it.

It's got to be very frustrating for them.

ADD & ADHD are debilitating imo .. if you can't learn to control it or find a way to help monitor it .. your life is going to be very tough and frustrating, and it's my opinion that children have enough to be frustrated with in this world .. besides something this big too.


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:) .. I know we aren't alone .. many children suffer from this .. and their stubborn parents are holding them back. Whatever causes this affliction is deflected by the medication (which doens't dope them up at all .. Concerta doesn't make him act any differently .. activity wise) .. which allows them to better control themselves.

Adults have the ability to see their actions and control them (if they WANT to) .. it's hard to explain to a child how to "control" themselves. They don't fully understand #1. WTF you're talking about, and #2. how to go about it even if they get it.

It's got to be very frustrating for them.

ADD & ADHD are debilitating imo .. if you can't learn to control it or find a way to help monitor it .. your life is going to be very tough and frustrating, and it's my opinion that children have enough to be frustrated with in this world .. besides something this big too.

Exactly, there are many children with this as you say and what is good to lessen it for one, may not be good for another with the same condition, eh?. They are not 'text book' kids, none of them.

Yeah, that 'getting it' thing that they don't have is so frustrating for them as much as us parents, but it doesn't help them when they are hounded in school and those who don't even know them and make such snide comments - this makes them worse and feel so much more isolated.

Nope, the meds don't dope my son up either - he copes much better with them than without them. We have done it with, then without and he had to go back, he felt the difference without them and I saw the difference from him being on them, to not being on them.

He has no side-effects. I didn't ask for the meds lightly either - it took me about 4 months researching and weighing everything up and I discussed it with my son too, to see how he felt.

He said; "Mum, I hate feeling like I am going to explode, please can I try them cos if they make me feel better, it'll be worth it".

He still stands by that now. :)

"Adults have the ability to see their actions and control them (if they WANT to) .. it's hard to explain to a child how to "control" themselves. They don't fully understand #1. WTF you're talking about, and #2. how to go about it even if they get it".

The emboldened, is so true too. My son described how he feels with it, especially without the meds; he says it's like a firework waiting to explode inside him, that's how bad it is he told me.

What a way to feel, every day, let alone others' behaving so cold and irrational towards them. This just makes them worse.

They are very debilitating conditions and it is as hard for us parents too, in other ways. Our job is never ever done, we can't just say, "right, it's 5.30pm, let's pack up now".

I am on call with the school for my son and it has happened a few times where I have had to go and pick him up because he can't cope.

Jen, remember, any time, like I said the other day (even though that was a different reason), just pm me if we can't chat on phone - always there for ya hun. :)

debbie t

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although political correctness in this country has gone glad to say that a teacher as a professional does not have the right to say any child has "bad behaviour" and would get a bollocking from the head teacher for making such a sweeping value statement.
children often exhibit behaviours and perhaps experience behavioural difficulties.this indicates that the child needs assessment , aplan of action ,and the implementation of that plan...this may be medication or behavioural therapy etc

that is not a bad child.that is a child who may have

food intolerance
frontal lobe epilespsy_resulting in behaviour not seizure
feels like shit that day
is anxious
as dylexia
is cross lateral(my husband)
has autism in one of its many forms

and the list goes on

that teacher was a knobend

and my spelling is fucking awful;)