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i believe its a real disorder. One of my roommates has slight add, and he has seen doctors and specialists about it, and has a prescription for adderall. From knowing him personally for years now, I can safely say I believe it is a real disorder, one he cannot help without the aid of medication. I do however believe alot of parents use it as an excuse to medicate and settle their kids down, which i believe is wrong.


I think its a possible disorder, however, the test for it is not 100% and most often observance is used as a diagnosis, which is wrong most of the time since that is left to interpretation.


New Member
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I have ADD, I wasn't diagnosed as a kid, even though mum was so at her wits end, she did take me to a child psychologist when I was 4. That was in the early 80's when ADD/ADHD was not as widely known as it is now. I have found ways of dealing with my symptoms now I understand more about the condition. Most people would never guess I do have it unless they know me very well.

It is true that the main diagnostic tool is observation, but this is over many years and by more than 1 person. Usually the parents, teachers and doctors to begin with, but people with ADD/ADHD don't grow out of it they take it with them into adult life. Most find ways of adapting to adult life but we are still left with many symptoms that can be traced right back to early childhood.

I do agree that many people including doctors can and do "jump on the bandwagon" so to speak, but this is always a minority. The actual fact of the matter is it damn hard, to get a diagnosis for any condition there is no physical test for. (including CFS, I might mention!!) Also if medication is given to children (or adults for that matter) who do not have the condition, it will become apparent quite quickly that it is not working, they will be more hyper not less.

You may be interested to know that there are some physical signs that have been associated withh ADD/ADHD. For instance there is a far higher instance of ear infections and allergies in people with ADD/ADHD than in the general population. As yet there is no reason why this is, but just goes to show that to make an accurate diagnosis there is a huge amount of factors that need to be considered.


Well-Known Member
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Yep, that about somes it up even more too^^^^^^^^:)

However, although it is tough just about every day - many challenges to get through before anything gets done, it is easier to go with it rather than trying to fight it (particularly the ADHD), especially if other med' conditions are present too.

I love my son and he means the world to me though, so everything is very worthwhile, that I do, with all that he has. :)


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Yep, that about somes it up even more too^^^^^^^^:)

However, although it is tough just about every day - many challenges to get through before anything gets done, it is easier to go with it rather than trying to fight it (particularly the ADHD), especially if other med' conditions are present too.

I love my son and he means the world to me though, so everything is very worthwhile, that I do, with all that he has. :)

How old was your son when he was diagnosed with it?


Well-Known Member
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How old was your son when he was diagnosed with it?

Well, he was about 8yrs old, but he showed signs of it and other things from around 5yrs of age. It took 2 years from GP referring him to a Consultant, to getting seen though, so although he had confirmed everything when my son was 6 yrs, it had to come from the Consultant, then a specialist.

Tough times, but he is so precious and having him and such real precious friends here and home, helps me get through each day. :) People are very important to me and him.

I wouldn't change him (cliche or not, it's true) for anything - we are happy, there's lots of love and that helps our heartaches we have had.

He and I are a team still, at the end of the day - others though, apart from our friends, are not happy to share what we would love to give. That gets me down occasionally, but that's how it is for us now I think.

I stay happy with what I do have though in my life and it seems to have helped my son to be that way too, because you can let things eat away at you if you wind yourself up too much because something isn't there and you want it to be.

What will be will be and anything unexpected, but good, is always a special added bonus. :)

Pudding Time

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I personally don't think ADD/ADHD is a real disorder. I do believe that kids (and some adults) act like fools. But this could be a number of things from their personality, to mental state, to reactions to the food we consume. Since the FDA will approve almost anything these days, we have so much crap in our processed foods like dyes that make my child have terrible tantrums.

My gf tells me she has ADHD. Though, she's hardly ever hyper, and the attention thing is just her being snobby.

her son also is supposedly to have ADD. The kid is exactly the same as me when I was his age, and I never got diagnosed with ADD.


DT3's Twinkie
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Here is my opinion on the ADHD ADD thing.

Wait...what was the topic again?

How many people with ADD does it take to change a lightbulb? You want to ride bikes


Well-Known Member
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I personally don't think ADD/ADHD is a real disorder. I do believe that kids (and some adults) act like fools. But this could be a number of things from their personality, to mental state, to reactions to the food we consume. Since the FDA will approve almost anything these days, we have so much crap in our processed foods like dyes that make my child have terrible tantrums.

My gf tells me she has ADHD. Though, she's hardly ever hyper, and the attention thing is just her being snobby.

her son also is supposedly to have ADD. The kid is exactly the same as me when I was his age, and I never got diagnosed with ADD.

Ok, did the diet thing, did the fish oil, they never worked. He has meds for it - guess what, the meds work and would not work, if he was just "acting a fool".

Not very nice of you really when you don't know anything about it.

It lessens as people get older, a lot of the time - that could explain why yr g/f is not being hyper, in yr opinion.

Just cos you didn't get an ADD diagnosis, doesn't mean you weren't missed - maybe you don't have it, but you seem to be very angst at children needing attention.

If it were personality or mental state, the meds would not help - they are not 100% but do take a chunk of it off.

I have more than enough knowledge on this and I live through it, I know what's what. You are not at all, so it would be kinder if you could have got an understanding about this first, before disrespecting kids through ignorance.

It is normally the males (i.e fathers or stepfathers at times even) who will deny these things exist funnily enough and who end up walking away because it's 'too much like hard work' for them, far more than women (mothers) do.

It's a shame you have such a closed mind on these things and are this way of thinking about children.

I just think the kids with these conditions, are just lucky they have us mums to love them for who and how they are.

You are entitled to an opinion, but debating with knowledge is the better way to go then you may have some valid info for people to take on board.:)


Well-Known Member
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i have add. and its been proven. blah blah blah.
ive always been a messy kid. room always a mess, my car would always have a bunch of crap in it. whatever.
i saw 2 different specialists and they both told me the same thing. then one prescribed me with progesterone cream. its a hormone cream that seriously makes you concentrate. my room is never a mess anymore, well my whole apartment is clean as hell and my car is always clean. i can actually focus and has actually helped curb my auditory-only learning ability. i can actually comprehend what i read now and not have my brain going 6 million different directions at once.

Kudos to you man.

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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i would imagine its the parents who are caring and intelligent enough who actually go thro all the shit to get a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

i have the utmost respect for any parent who lives day ,day out with this.
all power to you .

it so easy for a person who has not had to deal with any illness in their family to make sweeping comments.there are people out there who deal with things some of us can only imagine ,and deserve a bloody medal.


Well-Known Member
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i would imagine its the parents who are caring and intelligent enough who actually go thro all the shit to get a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

i have the utmost respect for any parent who lives day ,day out with this.
all power to you .

it so easy for a person who has not had to deal with any illness in their family to make sweeping comments.there are people out there who deal with things some of us can only imagine ,and deserve a bloody medal.

You are a kind person debbie - that was a nice post.

Just to add to that - even before I had to live through this with my son, i have always watched documentaries to enlighten myself and build up my knowledge of things like that and worse, to gain more of an understanding - it costs nothing doing that, to learn and be respectful to children or adults with needs. :)


Well-Known Member
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All interesting reading.

..........You are entitled to an opinion, but debating with knowledge is the better way to go then you may have some valid info for people to take on board.:)

Tru dat

i would imagine its the parents who are caring and intelligent enough who actually go thro all the shit to get a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

i have the utmost respect for any parent who lives day ,day out with this.
all power to you.

it so easy for a person who has not had to deal with any illness in their family to make sweeping comments.there are people out there who deal with things some of us can only imagine ,and deserve a bloody medal.

:homo: 100%....with special regard to bolded.

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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i think its fair to say that we all have special needs of some kind
and there are some people on this forum who have more needs are are more in need (yes this is sarcasm) than your average group of people.:mad

Pudding Time

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Ok, did the diet thing, did the fish oil, they never worked. He has meds for it - guess what, the meds work and would not work, if he was just "acting a fool".

Well it works for me.

Not very nice of you really when you don't know anything about it.

Not very nice of you really when you don't know if I know anything about it.

It lessens as people get older, a lot of the time - that could explain why yr g/f is not being hyper, in yr opinion.

I know what the symptoms are. I know what she's like. She doesn't act like she has ADD.

Just cos you didn't get an ADD diagnosis, doesn't mean you weren't missed - maybe you don't have it, but you seem to be very angst at children needing attention.

I'm against society pushing parents to medicate their children. I'm also against parents who blindly follow societies instructions because they can't be half-assed educating themselves on the matter further. Not that I think you are one of those, as I don't know you from a bar of soap.

If it were personality or mental state, the meds would not help - they are not 100% but do take a chunk of it off.

And a lot of meds approved by the FDA have been known to have worse side-effects than the condition they're intended to cure or relieve.

I have more than enough knowledge on this and I live through it, I know what's what. You are not at all, so it would be kinder if you could have got an understanding about this first, before disrespecting kids through ignorance.

Disrespecting kids through ignorance? LOL
I wouldn't quite call not believing ADD/ADHD, disrespectful. The only reason I believe this way is because I have looked into this and found nothing to support it. And the only reason I looked into it is because I care about children.

So next time you attempt to insult or belittle someone because you both differ in opinion, stop and think about whether you really know what's what. Things aren't always what they seem.

It is normally the males (i.e fathers or stepfathers at times even) who will deny these things exist funnily enough and who end up walking away because it's 'too much like hard work' for them, far more than women (mothers) do.

Do you have anything to back up that claim? Or was this just an attempt at belittling men this time?

It's a shame you have such a closed mind on these things and are this way of thinking about children.

It's a shame your closed mind makes conclusions this quickly.

I just think the kids with these conditions, are just lucky they have us mums to love them for who and how they are.

I'm assuming this is yet another attempt at belittling.

You are entitled to an opinion, but debating with knowledge is the better way to go then you may have some valid info for people to take on board.:)

And now for something different!!! Oh. No. It's just more belittling.

Wow. All this anger and hostility over a single opposing comment? Wait! Let me guess! You're Christian right?


Well-Known Member
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i think its fair to say that we all have special needs of some kind
and there are some people on this forum who have more needs are are more in need (yes this is sarcasm) than your average group of people.:mad

Yes, I agree with that Debbie, everyone does more or less at varying degrees, I think.

I think what it is at times here and I was talking to a very special friend about this last night, is that with people in their younger years, they are not fully developed mentally, to be equipped with knowing and understanding quite, at times, how to react or what to say to certain situations. Especially when it is ppl older going through different types of problems and such.

This isn't their fault, but it would be nice if they could maybe accept that all the older generation are trying to do, is say, "look, we have lived through that, that and that situation, we are just trying to be informative, that's all."

It's not their fault, it is at the rate their minds and bodies are still growing whereas ours are not anymore.

It's a shame, but there are those who do want to grow and learn to be wiser and be more informed from those who know, through having dealt wiith things so much. :)

I don't hold it against them, just hard to remember at times or harder to know here at times, the age of some ppl.

Still, it is Xmas week and apart from the last minute food buying etc and wrappping presents, it's got to be all good huh?

This is my time when I can really have fun with my son, cos he gets over excited and just loves this time of year - He is what counts at the end of the day and my amazing friends. :);)