This site would never have been started by a Republican...
It's not perfect by any means, but it's a big step in the right direction.
that's circular reasoning... we also wouldn't have this sham of a "stimulus" if a republican were in office, so we wouldn't have need of a website like that. We weren't supposed to have earmarks, and yet the "stimulus" is full of them. We weren't supposed to have lobbyists in the Obama administration, but there are because they're "special" cases. We have tax cheats as part of the cabinet, and other tax cheats that were nominated and had to pull out because their past was discovered. We weren't supposed to have earmarks in the budget, but this year's was okay because it was developed last year, so there wasn't a need to eliminate them this time around.
Government spending is even further out of control than it was under Bush, and that's saying something. Hell, at this point I think I'd rather have Clinton in office than Obama. At least he *tried* to balance the budget and decrease the national debt... even if he stole from medicare and social security in order to claim surpluses.
The way I see it, we're mortgaging our children's future... hell, we're spending money that my grandchildren will probably be trying to pay off by the time I die.