Yup yup! :clap
Also, not to point out the obvious, but when the Obamocrats had a real chance to redistribute wealth, they gave nearly a trillion to big rich corporations just like Bushicans did.
shhhh, don't bring facts and logic into this debate, it's not allowed.
For the record, while I provided examples of a few times the GOP attempted (or succeeded) in doing something for the benefit of the people, I don't particularly believe that's what congress should be doing anyway. Whether or not you believe in trickle-down economics, there's one very important thing to note here. It is in a company's best interests to preserve the value of the company and protect profit margins as best they can during economic downturns. I think that's something we can all agree is the case, whether or not you agree with the practice. The same goes for small business owners, they're trying to make a living and provide for their families and their employees while still keeping a profit margin to keep their business alive. Again, I don't think that's anything that anyone can dispute with any degree of success. The companies and small business owners are the ones that employ a vast number of the working and middle class that the democrats (and all the liberals here) claim to be trying to protect. So, when you raise taxes on small business, corporations, and the "rich", what happens? Companies lay off the same working and middle class that the bills were trying to "help". So the people that were having some issues financially before now don't have a job any longer because they got laid off because of the economy and raised taxes on their employer, and they're in worse shape than they were to begin with.
It's simple cause and effect here people.
I don't particularly understand the attitude that the "rich" are evil and bad and greedy and don't care about anyone but themselves. I don't understand why the attitude towards people that have made something of themselves is to punish them for their success and tax them far beyond what anyone else is being taxed (in terms of percentages). I'm firmly in the middle class right now, and will probably be in the upper middle class within the next 2-3 years, I have no college education, and have worked my ass off to get where I'm at in my life. However, even when my (now ex) wife and I were making combined what I make in a year now, I never once thought it anyone's responsibility but my own to take care of myself and my family. I was out of work for a good portion of 2004, and I was on unemployment because it was available, but I was working my ass off to get off of it and to find a job during that time. The tech industry wasn't doing a lot of hiring at that point, so I ended up applying for fast food, manual labor, clerical jobs... basically anything that would allow me to earn money. Unfortunately, I was told that I was overqualified for everything until I got a job selling computers at Best Buy. Contrast that with my brother and sister in law, who have been living off of the government, mooching money off of my family and her family, living way beyond their means, while she refuses to get a job of any sort, and he teaches piano while they both spend a small fortune on the University of Phoenix for school. They have an attitude of entitlement, that the government and everyone else owes them because they're poor and were irresponsible. That's the attitude that I see most prevalent in this country, and that is why I am so against social programs at their core.
People believe that the government exists to take care of them, and that flies straight in the face of everything the founding fathers tried to do with this country. The attitude of entitlement starts with these social programs, and it has now permeated our society to the point where we have people who don't do a damn thing, don't try to better themselves, and expect the government and other people to take care of them and their families. That is what is wrong with this country, and that is why I'm so totally and completely against the vast majority of principles, ideas, and legislation presented by Democrats.