A question for all conservatives...

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I can safely assume that every member on this board is part of the working class and not in the upper 2% of wealth. Yet we have quite a few conservatives/republicans. Can anyone tell me why?

This is what puzzles me, in this country the republican party is not looking out for you or your interests. Can anyone name one piece of legislation brought forth by a republican that benefits the working class in America? If you look over the legislation proposed and passed by the republicans over the past 60 years, it's all geared towards large corporations, millionaires and billionaires.

So can anyone name one piece of republican legislation proposed and passed into law that directly benefits us, the American working class?
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I'm a fiscal conservative/social liberal, I've never been a member of the Republican party, and I more than likely will never be a member (or join the Democratic party for that matter). The only way I would become a Republican would be if the GOP would shift to the leanings of Ron Paul or earlier, Barry Goldwater.

I am a firm believer in a small, fiscally responsible government... that is something that will never happen with democrats in charge, though there's only a slightly more likely chance it will happen with the GOP running things. People like myself "support" the GOP more than the dems generally because there's less likely a chance for more rampant social programs that expand the size and scope of government with them in charge. That being said, W was a big slap in the face as far as that goes... he used 9/11 to push his agenda to a sickening degree. But while W used 9/11, Obama has used the economy and health care; and that's no different in my mind. His administration has used the same scare tactics that the Bush administration did for 8 years, and yet those of you who threw a fit over Bush doing it don't bat an eye when dear leader does it.

As far as not being in the upper 2% of wealth... with the GOP in charge, I have a better chance of making my way to join that upper 2%. I also do not believe it to be fair (in any meaning of the word) to punish those of us who have made it to that level, so we can "take care" of the lower class. Yes, I do realize that not everyone in that 2% did anything to earn it, but generally members of their family did.

Democrats propose raising taxes on the so-called "rich" and businesses in order to "help" the working class. But what that does is provides an incentive for many companies to cut workers, raise prices, or take jobs elsewhere. So while the original intent was to help the working class, all it ends up doing in the end is hurting the very people it tried to help.

It seems as though most democrats believe that government should be the answer to everything. I strongly disagree with that view. Government should be limited by the scope provided to it by the Constitution.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
I am a firm supporter of State's rights; if a state would like to spend it's money on say, health insurance for everyone in the state, then by all means, go for it. So long as the people of the state are allowed to vote on it, and it doesn't cause that state to go into debt (which is a far worse crime against it's citizens than not providing health care to everyone).

I'd go into more detail, but I'm about ready to pass out from exhaustion at the moment, and my brain isn't working correctly anymore.

All Else Failed

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wait why do I have to agree with conservatives and republicans on the hill to call myself a conservative? Your question is flawed.


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Not even one piece of legislation?

Contract With America

H.R.728 - Local Government Law Enforcement Block Grants Act
H.R.1215 - The American Dream Restoration Act
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996

Those three bills were aimed towards helping the American people through more police officers on the streets, tax credits for children and the elimination of the marriage tax, and attempting to reform welfare and help get people out of poverty.


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that all being said... being conservative doesn't mean that you're a member of or agree with the GOP


In Memoriam - RIP
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I'm Swiss. I became Swiss when I realized both sides of the aisle had sold us all down the river to line their own personal portfolios......

So, as a former Republican (switched sides just to vote for Ron Paul in my primary) I have nothing constructive to add since all those "Yay America" GOP'er couldn't see the REAL 'For The People' candidate right in front of them.

Tho, I am proud to say it was nice to see so many Democrats jump the SoldOutStatusQuoShip onto Ron's WeThePeopleFirstPriorityShip. Too bad it did no good in the grand scheme of things........

Either side legislate FOR the people?:24::24::24::24: That's so last century.:D


Having way too much fun
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Contract With America

H.R.728 - Local Government Law Enforcement Block Grants Act
H.R.1215 - The American Dream Restoration Act
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996

Those three bills were aimed towards helping the American people through more police officers on the streets, tax credits for children and the elimination of the marriage tax, and attempting to reform welfare and help get people out of poverty.

This is the best you can come up with?

H.R.728 - Although putting more police on the streets and allocating more money is a noble cause, it does not help give the working class a "leg up" so to speak. What it does do is allocate resources for their protection, again, a very good cause.

H.R.1215 - Never even made it out of committee. Even though the Republicans had control of the House and Senate. So this one doesn't count.

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 - Really? This was what it was to accomplish

  • Ending welfare as an entitlement program;
  • Requiring recipients to begin working after two years of receiving benefits;
  • Placing a lifetime limit of five years on benefits paid by federal funds;
  • Aiming to encourage two-parent families and discouraging out-of-wedlock births.
Although I agree with the bill, it wasn't an attempt to make the working class any better, it was a way of getting rid of government entitlements. This would be equivalent to getting rid of SCHIP and forcing paents to get a job with health care to cover their children.


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over here the conservatives tend to be sneaky bastards.....when thatcher was in charge she made it possible for council tenants to buy they're houses,millions did so,then the realisation kicked in that they were screwed,no more fighting for better pay and conditions,no more strike action

and that falklands conflict was the biggest con of the lot,she knew the invasion was going to happen 3 months before it actually did....but the thought was that if you win a war you win a general election,which was less that a year after

Jumbo Shrimp

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I can safely assume that every member on this board is part of the working class and not in the upper 2% of wealth. Yet we have quite a few conservatives/republicans. Can anyone tell me why?

This is what puzzles me, in this country the republican party is not looking out for you or your interests. Can anyone name one piece of legislation brought forth by a republican that benefits the working class in America? If you look over the legislation proposed and passed by the republicans over the past 60 years, it's all geared towards large corporations, millionaires and billionaires.

So can anyone name one piece of republican legislation proposed and passed into law that directly benefits us, the American working class?
You can't assume that every member of this board is American though, or that all conservatives are republican either. If you think about it, Libertarians are the most conservative.

Minor Axis

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This is the best you can come up with?

Yes, that is the best he can come up with.

Conservatives, the ones that have clout want no part of any social program perceived as giving away something, particularly their hard earned money. They earned it, they deserve it, the last thing they want is a damned social program set up to 1)feed hungry kids 2)help with public education 3)help the working class (if they want more money let them start a company) 4)provide for general health, 5)anything that is not cost neutral.

As you've asked directly, they have convinced a group of people due to susceptibility/prejudices to wedge issues, that not only do they (the conservatives) support the wedge issue, but they actually care about them (the voters who believe in them) and what kind of lives they live. They really want you to think you are part of the club when all they care about is your vote.

I've said it before, in the history of this country, there has been no program put forward by conservatives to help working class people, period. At most, if there is a landslide against them, if their backs are against the political wall, you'll get possibly some begrudging acceptance out of them, while they tirelessly try to gut any such legislation behind the scenes as they publicly smile and talk about how they care about you.

As far as the Republican Party moving right, it is right off the scale. Back in the 60's when Social Security was established, there were bi-partisan Republicans who helped craft the social security bill. By today's Republican standard they were all traitors to the American way not that they would ever come right out and say it. Did you know Reagan, the hero of the present day Republican party used to brag he voted for Roosevelt several times? Most interesting.
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V.I.P User
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I can safely assume that every member on this board is part of the working class and not in the upper 2% of wealth. Yet we have quite a few conservatives/republicans. Can anyone tell me why?

Conservatives don't believe in certain policies because of their culture or their upbringing. Even if they were poor, some of them wouldn't even take public assistance. However I don't think that's always the case. Some are hypocrites.

They believe the conservative right has their best interest at heart because of issues like abortion and gun control.

This is what puzzles me, in this country the republican party is not looking out for you or your interests. Can anyone name one piece of legislation brought forth by a republican that benefits the working class in America? If you look over the legislation proposed and passed by the republicans over the past 60 years, it's all geared towards large corporations, millionaires and billionaires.

You have to think of republicans and conservatives as two different ideals, even though they are really the same thing these days. Even plain poor working people may begrudge their fellow strugglers tax money because they think you should only get what you earn. They have little room in their personal policy for empathy.

A lot of republican legislation is also aimed at keeping the money in the treasury by cutting social assistance programs and educational grants and foreign aid money, etc. This of course includes the exception of keeping their wealthy constituents happy. ;)

So can anyone name one piece of republican legislation proposed and passed into law that directly benefits us, the American working class?

here's a good article: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/15/opinion/15brooks.html

lol - it just so happens to say almost exactly what i said even though I didn't read this first...I guess my edumication paid off! :24:

and no - I can't think of any legislation - at least not major ones that actually helped the middle class

but that goes for conservative republican and liberal democrat legislation.


Slightly Acidic
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What I find quite amusing is that quite a large number of the "uber-rich" in this country are flaming public liberals... Hollywood, Pro Athletes, Politco-Celebs like Maher and Michael Moore ... and yet despite their perception that they are the ones who are all for the "working class" - we still see them living lavish, excessive celebrity lifestyles. When the President of a large bank gets a 2 million dollar bonus (for performing a job that keeps tens of thousands gainfully employed) we brand him as an evil "corporate mogul" and want him pilloried. Why does no one cry out about A-Rod making 20 million a YEAR to play baseball, or the fact the Hollywood's top stars make 10 TIMES THAT for a single film! Where's the public outrage? And why don't we demand to see THEIR tax returns to see just how much of their own cash is going to A) pay taxes and B) given away to help others?

The hypocracy in the whole "left vs right" argument is laughable. I believe that very, VERY few of the wealthiest people in our society have ever actually contributed much more than talk to the cause of truly helping others. Show me some examples of someone who has given half, 75%, or 95% of their vast millions away to make other's lives better - THEN I'll believe that one side is better than the other.
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What I find quite amusing is that quite a large number of the "uber-rich" in this country are flaming public liberals... Hollywood, Pro Athletes, Politco-Celebs like Maher and Michael Moore ... and yet despite their perception that they are the ones who are all for the "working class" - we still see them living lavish, excessive celebrity lifestyles. When the President of a large bank gets a 2 million dollar bonus (for performing a job that keeps tens of thousands gainfully employed) we brand him as an evil "corporate mogul" and want him pilloried. Why does no one cry out about A-Rob making 20 million a YEAR to play baseball, or the fact the Hollywood's top stars make 10 TIMES THAT for a single film! Where's the public outrage? And why don't we demand to see THEIR tax returns to see just how much of their own cash is going to A) pay taxes and B) given away to help others?

The hypocracy in the whole "left vs right" argument is laughable. I believe that very, VERY few of the wealthiest people in our society have ever actually contributed much more than talk to the cause of truly helping others. Show me some examples of someone who has given half, 75%, or 95% of their vast millions away to make other's lives better - THEN I'll believe that one side is better than the other.

Unfortunately, you, among others here, care more about labeling each other and other people as <whatever label you can dream up these days> or why (if not labeled as such) they are evil.

Here's an idea [that has been mentioned many times, guaranteed to not be just by me: FUCKING LET GO OF THE PAST! Drop the labels, get some work done.

Oh, sorry. Forgot! This is politics, not corporates.


Slightly Acidic
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Unfortunately, you, among others here, care more about labeling each other and other people as <whatever label you can dream up these days> or why (if not labeled as such) they are evil.

Here's an idea [that has been mentioned many times, guaranteed to not be just by me: FUCKING LET GO OF THE PAST! Drop the labels, get some work done.

Oh, sorry. Forgot! This is politics, not corporates.

How exactly do you get THAT from my post? It's exactly the opposite. I'm being critical of the whole idea of labelling one side or the other... because in the end, everyone acts the same, no matter how they position themselves.

You should be directing this diatribe at TIM.


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How exactly do you get THAT from my post? It's exactly the opposite. I'm being critical of the whole idea of labelling one side or the other... because in the end, everyone acts the same, no matter how they position themselves.

You should be directing this diatribe at TIM.

Sorry. I just hate labeling. One of the reasons why I probably lose shit over time.

You also completely avoided my points by changing the subject. Nicely done.

Why would one avoid a commonly shared opinion about the uber-rich??