92 yr. old WWII vet kills home invader

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Joe the meek

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The old man per this story had PLENTY of time.
How much is plenty?

man hears noise in basement
Grabs rifle
Sits down with eye on door
Invaders kick in door.
Do you think they were down there having a party and strolled up later?

I mean how fast can the cops get there?
The invaders were already in the basement right...then kicked in the door to upstairs right?

Now what happens if they get on the phone to call their friends to come help them/ then yell out to the cops that they are armed?
Really isnt time to call is there...and it wouldnt be wise to tell the intruders {cops in this case lol} that you are armed

Its a home invasion right...its just by the police.

I believe I had mentioned 20 minutes.

Ultimately, if the man had enough time to grab a rifle, set up a shooting position, he had time.

As I've said, kicking you way through a door when you know someone on the other side has a gun would be stupid. However, the people doing the kicking didn't know a gun was waiting on the other side.

Added the fact that the man stated he wasn't in fear for his life when he set up his shooting lane.
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The Man

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I believe I had mentioned 20 minutes.

Ultimately, if the man had enough time to grab a rifle, set up a shooting position, he had time.

As I've said, kicking you way through a door when you know someone on the other side has a gun would be stupid. However, the people doing the kicking didn't know a gun was waiting on the other side.

Added the fact that the man stated he wasn't in fear for his life when he set up his shooting lane.

Do you have a source that he waited 20 minutes?.........No because it is your own figure
Do you really think it takes 20 minutes to get to the upstairs door and kick it in once you are in the basement ?
Come on Joe.....

And yes kicking in the door when you know someone has a gun is stupid....but these are stupid people.

Again..do not let them know your location as they gain advantage.
Do not tell them your level of protection...as now they may be out to kill rather than simply tie you up....Or put down that club the originally planned on using and grab the pistol.
AND IT GIVES UP YOUR LOCATION.....I can not stress this enough.

Joe the meek

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I had mentioned that the break in was on video because the home had been broken into previously. I don't take one news source and run with it.

The 20 minutes WAS NOT my figure.

I said nothing about telling anyone about what kind of firepower you have, only that you're armed.

Anyone who has practiced a forced entry into a defended position within a structure knows the disadvantage they are in.

The Man

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Where is the source for the 20 minutes.
What do people think when one says they are armed Joe?
Old shoe...Old pillow...No Joe Armed ..basically means a firearm.
And why would you want to give up your loaction by telling them you are armed?
And why would you want to tell them you are armed?....Now they know where you are at and need to kill your ass.
Why would we do this Joe?

Joe the meek

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You don't look very good for new source information do you?

What people think when they hear you're armed is that you have the ability to use deadly force.

I don't care if you know what my location is. Superior firepower, including the advantage of knowing the shooting lane where as the intruder has no clue what their shooting lane is.

I tell the intruder I'm armed to give them the chance to get out of the home. Police have been called and I doubt that they will want to run the risk of being shot and not knowing when the police will show up. If I don't have to shoot, I don't want to. Besides that, the only thing I have of value other than human life is firearms, and unless you bring a plasma cutter and have some time, you can forget about getting them.

As I've stated, nothing is worth your life. You be quite and say nothing, you run the risk of people staying in your home. You tell them your armed (as long as you have a well defended position) they are not getting to you.

Ok The Man?

I've got to ask. You ever have had any CQC training?
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The Man

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You don't look very good for new source information do you?

What people think when they hear you're armed is that you have the ability to use deadly force.

I don't care if you know what my location is. Superior firepower, including the advantage of knowing the shooting lane where as the intruder has no clue what their shooting lane is.

I tell the intruder I'm armed to give them the chance to get out of the home. Police have been called and I doubt that they will want to run the risk of being shot and not knowing when the police will show up. If I don't have to shoot, I don't want to. Besides that, the only thing I have of value other than human life is firearms, and unless you bring a plasma cutter and have some time, you can forget about getting them.

As I've stated, nothing is worth your life. You be quite and say nothing, you run the risk of people staying in your home. You tell them your armed (as long as you have a well defended position) they are not getting to you.
You don't look very good for new source information do you?
Where is the source for 20 minutes?
Other than you using your own mention as source Joe?

What people think when they hear you're armed is that you have the ability to use deadly force.
You are damaging your argument again joe....as you have been constantly specifying that you dont tell them what you are armed with....So now that is "ability" to use deadly force.

If you want to use "armed"{as a deterrent} as your argument has been,,,then why not tell you have a gun joe....If you are going to scare em away then scare em away joe.

But back to the main point..and I now ask this question specifically ..why would you give up your location by yelling out.

I don't care if you know what my location is. Superior firepower, including the advantage of knowing the shooting lane where as the intruder has no clue what their shooting lane is.
Not wise joe,,,by yelling out and giving up your location they know where you are...your superior firepower means nothing when they are shooting through your walls of the room that you gave up your loaction,
In addition they can now go to windows and cap your ass...set ablaze the exterior of that room.
There is not one single thing for you to gain by giving up your location...it gives the advantage to the enemy.

I tell the intruder I'm armed to give them the chance to get out of the home.
Thats assuming they will joe...they give less than a fuck about you being armed...drug fights go down all the time for instance...people packing go to a house that is packing and its war time.

Police have been called and I doubt that they will want to run the risk of being shot and not knowing when the police will show up

Get real joe...the police are for after the fact...Example bank robberies ...go in staff hit silent hit alarm..the robbers still conduct their business and leave...Police are not going to show up in 10 seconds joe.
As a matter of fact you will be on the phone a rather long time with the police...responding to many questions...its a prank call for all they know...You cant not say " This is Joe intruders in house at 1234 main street hurry please goodbye"...they will call you back joe
They will be busy asking your name...if its your house lol, whether you know the intruders,when were you first aware of the intruders,do you know where they are parked ,which room are they in,which room are you in,how many people in the house,what are their ages,are they related ....after about 3 minutes of questions joe,,,they will ask you to stay on the line and keep talking to you anyway...and will call back if you hang up lol.....But more important they will tell you to not shoot em joe...so you kinda fucked yourself if you do have to shoot em hey joe..you will be doing time.

You just as well be singing joe{as long as you will be on the phone} so your intruders can hear you joe....then when the police do come joe...they arent going to dive in and pick off the bad guys joe in a blind fury...Too much TV joe.
What Joe needs to do is get his rifle..and go to a good spot and wait...hopefully you dont encounter them...but if you do joe says..."You move you die" ...then call the police joe.

If joe is crafty ...he can sneak out back and watch them while slicing the tires of the burglars vehicle...or perhaps walk up like a stranger and actually help carry joes stuff to their car {after calling the police where they cant hear your voice ofcourse}..you know like across the street as we dont want to give up out location joe.

Stall em as long as you can joe..ask em where they are moving to...hell offer to buy some of your stuff from em joe.


Having way too much fun
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I found this very interesting and telling at the same time.

Jones claims his only regret is that he didn't shoot the other two intruders with Maxwell.

Jones told the Enquirer: "These people aren’t worth any more to me than a groundhog. They have our country in havoc. We got so many damned crooked people walking around today. I was hoping another one would come up. I aimed right for his heart. These people aren’t worth any more to me than a groundhog."
Jones said that around 2 a.m., on Monday morning, he heard a noise coming from the basement and got his .22 caliber rifle.

Holding his gun, Jones sat in his living room with clear view, and shot, of the basement door.
After Maxwell kicked open basement door, 15 minutes later, Jones fixed his aim on Maxwell's chest and fired:


The Man

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I found this very interesting and telling at the same time.


Nice try tim...we have many things quoted as the man saying...but he never mentioned 15 minutes
The 15 minutes is by someone else.
Do you really think it takes 15 minutes to walk up the steps once you are in the basement Tim?

Joe the meek

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You have no clue how to defend a position.

You never did answer the question about if you have taken CQC training. Most likely because you never had. If you actually had, you would realize the pitfalls of trying to take a "closed" defended position in a structure, by civilian robbers no less. You also have no clue about firing lanes.

It is easier to defend a position than take a position being equal firepower on both aggressor and defender. That is true in the civilian world as it is in the military world.

As mentioned, which you can't seem to comprehend, most robbers would rather leave a home and get away with nothing than risk a shoot out where they are at a disadvantage. That's assuming people actually have a SOP in a case of a break in, but since most people who have a gun would rather just grab their gun and go after the source of noise, well, enough said.


Having way too much fun
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Nice try tim...we have many things quoted as the man saying...but he never mentioned 15 minutes
The 15 minutes is by someone else.
Do you really think it takes 15 minutes to walk up the steps once you are in the basement Tim?

Dude, don't take issue with me, I'm just quoting an article. Take it up with the author of the article in question

The Man

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You have no clue how to defend a position.

You never did answer the question about if you have taken CQC training. Most likely because you never had. If you actually had, you would realize the pitfalls of trying to take a "closed" defended position in a structure, by civilian robbers no less. You also have no clue about firing lanes.

It is easier to defend a position than take a position being equal firepower on both aggressor and defender. That is true in the civilian world as it is in the military world.

As mentioned, which you can't seem to comprehend, most robbers would rather leave a home and get away with nothing than risk a shoot out where they are at a disadvantage. That's assuming people actually have a SOP in a case of a break in, but since most people who have a gun would rather just grab their gun and go after the source of noise, well, enough said.

No one said about going after the source of the noise.
I have stated...arm yourself
Stay quiet.
Hope paths dont cross
If they do, you are prepared.

You have your way I have mine.
If it came to it in real life I expect you would do it my way.
When real danger is lurking Joe...you do everything you can to your advantage.
Your system is based on a bluff...why may work granted...but it may not.
My method gives one the best advantage as the intruder knows nothing about your location nor if you are armed.
He he may look in the most obvious places and think you are not home{which is the best scenario} hell who knows.
I cant stress enough do not give up your location {which you do by telling him you are armed}
And do not tell them you are armed...as they know what to expect upon meeting
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The Man

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Dude, don't take issue with me, I'm just quoting an article. Take it up with the author of the article in question

You stated the story is telling and even bolded the 15 minutes to bring it to attention.
I merely pointed out there is nothing telling about the article and what appears to be a statement from the old man is not from the old man
You selected your snippets from the article for your presentation...your presentation is misleading as it projects a statement from the old man that does not exist as you combined the statements from the old man with that of the author.

If you read your source it actually tracks back to the Enquirer...you know the people that tell us about aliens and stuff.


Having way too much fun
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You haven't addressed the part where he sees these "people" as nothing more than groundhogs. That he wanted to shoot them all. That doesn't sound like someone that feared for their life, it sounds like someone out for a pound of flesh

The Man

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You haven't addressed the part where he sees these "people" as nothing more than groundhogs. That he wanted to shoot them all. That doesn't sound like someone that feared for their life, it sounds like someone out for a pound of flesh
Who cares how he saw them....hell they kicked in his door for a home invasion.
Groundhog is everyday terminology in KY..he is 92...it would be the same as me or you saying thugs, scumbags,shit asses etc.
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The Man

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Dont get me wrong your way would work best in merely scaring off the intruder in most cases I willing to go as to say 90 percent plus.
But I am not risking my life with that other remaining percentage..death is final..you dont get to learn from the mistake...Anyone who kicks in your door for a home invasion is off in the head anyway joe.
Then in the event you told them you were armed and did scare em off ...they may very well say to each other once back in the car...."Old man thinks he is tough we will show him later"...Maybe cap your ass somewhere else...Or already be in your house when you come home one day waiting
Using a gun is a last resort...its not meant to scare or intimidate.
Its meant to even the odds when a deadly encounter begins...avoid that encounter if at all possible by staying quiet and having a the best position possible for defense....which is no longer the best if you give up your location.
And as said..when the fucker comes into view you state you move you die ...and do it if he comes forward or reaches for something as he dont care about your gun and is calling your bluff....there is no second chance to get it right..it is literary do or die


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Jones has lived alone since his wife died in 2006.
So sad.