Patriots In Exile Club

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Accidental Bastard
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I was a bitter person today, but I did not cling to my gun or religion.
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

:( think i better go to bed before i lose all my e-friends:(

Apologys to anyone who took offense from my postings...ignore me, im insignificant , im english,, female, and thick!!!

Please forgive me.

as always

wedz xxx


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

:( think i better go to bed before i lose all my e-friends:(

Apologys to anyone who took offense from my postings...ignore me, im insignificant , im english,, female, and thick!!!

Please forgive me.

as always

wedz xxx

all of my favorite things about you
sweetest dreams my lovely;)

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

:( think i better go to bed before i lose all my e-friends:(

Apologys to anyone who took offense from my postings...ignore me, im insignificant , im english,, female, and thick!!!

Please forgive me.

as always

wedz xxx
no problems with me :thumbup

wish you were closer so I could spank some sanity into that little ass of yours :D

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

...all those families who have no father, and no money..who have hardly any education..will take all your money...the bastards..and get health and education..from you!!! your own dare they!!

Yes--exactly--how dare they. I don't know where you grew up or what you've been taught, but I've been taught that you work and earn your own way through life. We already have far too many people on the "gravy train" -- I have my own family to support and pay for healthcare and education and a ton of other stuff which I working hard to do--I can't pay for the bitch who wants to watch Oprah and Larry Springer and eat bon bons.

This attitude of "I'm entitled and the government needs to take care of me" is largely a European model--something that we've kept out of the US. It hasn't worked in Europe (point to me the people who aren't poor and struggling in your country) so why the fuck do you think its going to work here? :confused

Bottom line is people voted for Obama thinking that he can steal from the rich and give to the poor--but that's a fucking fantasy--that doesn't work--I could go through the reasons with economic theory, but you wouldn't listen anyway--but socialism never has and never will work because one you decide to "give" people things, the number of people working grows smaller and smaller and smaller while the number of people living off the system grows larger and larger and larger until it collpases on itself.

If people want education and healthcare and money, get a fuckign job. If your job pays like shit, then get some fucking skills so you can make more money. That's the ONLY way anyone will ever achieve and get what they want--by working for it, not by getting from the government.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

But see, we don't have to give up our core conservative values. It's all about being open minded. The middle ground is where peace will be found, while hanging on to our values, as well as allowing others to hang on to theirs.

As it stands now, this country, as a whole is on board with change. We need to fix the economy, healthcare, energy and get the hell out of the war. So, if we all agree on that, is the way we go about accomplishing those things the issue? Nope. It's about fixing it. Disagreeing on the journey is ok, but it's the end result that matters.

The economy is the only thing that needs fixing. Health care is fine (the media just portrays that it's suddenly gone down the tubes for some reason). Energy is fine too. We have so much oil in this country that the radical left environmentalists haven't let us go after, that once we start tapping those sources we'll still have $3/gallon gas up until the day the last oil-based car is produced. If the government would just stay out of energy and let the free market do its job, everything would be fine.

Yes--exactly--how dare they. I don't know where you grew up or what you've been taught, but I've been taught that you work and earn your own way through life. We already have far too many people on the "gravy train" -- I have my own family to support and pay for healthcare and education and a ton of other stuff which I working hard to do--I can't pay for the bitch who wants to watch Oprah and Larry Springer and eat bon bons.

This attitude of "I'm entitled and the government needs to take care of me" is largely a European model--something that we've kept out of the US. It hasn't worked in Europe (point to me the people who aren't poor and struggling in your country) so why the fuck do you think its going to work here? :confused

Bottom line is people voted for Obama thinking that he can steal from the rich and give to the poor--but that's a fucking fantasy--that doesn't work--I could go through the reasons with economic theory, but you wouldn't listen anyway--but socialism never has and never will work because one you decide to "give" people things, the number of people working grows smaller and smaller and smaller while the number of people living off the system grows larger and larger and larger until it collpases on itself.

If people want education and healthcare and money, get a fuckign job. If your job pays like shit, then get some fucking skills so you can make more money. That's the ONLY way anyone will ever achieve and get what they want--by working for it, not by getting from the government.
THAT is exactly what everyone in this nation needs to hear! I'm only 22, going to college, and working full time for crying out loud, but I still managed to find myself a job that pays $15/hr + health care. If someone works hard and has half a brain about them, they can get health care coverage and good money. It's the tens of millions of people who just don't give a care who are going to be grabbing up the government handouts like crazy, and the rest of us who are actually working our rears off will be paying for it. :yuk

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

The economy is the only thing that needs fixing. Health care is fine (the media just portrays that it's suddenly gone down the tubes for some reason). Energy is fine too. We have so much oil in this country that the radical left environmentalists haven't let us go after, that once we start tapping those sources we'll still have $3/gallon gas up until the day the last oil-based car is produced. If the government would just stay out of energy and let the free market do its job, everything would be fine.

THAT is exactly what everyone in this nation needs to hear! I'm only 22, going to college, and working full time for crying out loud, but I still managed to find myself a job that pays $15/hr + health care. If someone works hard and has half a brain about them, they can get health care coverage and good money. It's the tens of millions of people who just don't give a care who are going to be grabbing up the government handouts like crazy, and the rest of us who are actually working our rears off will be paying for it. :yuk

I think I like this guy :thumbup

Just shows that there is hope for our youth :thumbup

Minor Axis

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

The economy is the only thing that needs fixing. Health care is fine (the media just portrays that it's suddenly gone down the tubes for some reason). Energy is fine too. We have so much oil in this country that the radical left environmentalists haven't let us go after, that once we start tapping those sources we'll still have $3/gallon gas up until the day the last oil-based car is produced. If the government would just stay out of energy and let the free market do its job, everything would be fine.

THAT is exactly what everyone in this nation needs to hear! I'm only 22, going to college, and working full time for crying out loud, but I still managed to find myself a job that pays $15/hr + health care. If someone works hard and has half a brain about them, they can get health care coverage and good money. It's the tens of millions of people who just don't give a care who are going to be grabbing up the government handouts like crazy, and the rest of us who are actually working our rears off will be paying for it. :yuk

Tell us about your health care- what does it cost per month, do you pay it, and what does it cover? Most people in $15 per hour jobs can't afford to buy the medical premiums required for the insurance unless maybe they are living at home with substantial parental subsidies. Medical costs in this country, if you've been to the Doctor and paid for it yourself recently have sky rocketed in the last 20 years. I know someone who just got their gall bladder removed and one night in the hospital was $16000, not counting surgeon fees for a 45 min operation. Sure that is swell.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Tell us about your health care- what does it cost per month, do you pay it, and what does it cover? Most people in $15 per hour jobs can't afford to buy the medical premiums required for the insurance unless maybe they are living at home with substantial parental subsidies. Medical costs in this country, if you've been to the Doctor and paid for it yourself recently have sky rocketed in the last 20 years. I know someone who just got their gall bladder removed and one night in the hospital was $16000, not counting surgeon fees for a 45 min operation. Sure that is swell.
Costs me nothing, and it covers all major problems, 90% dental & vision, etc. It's sufficient for everything I've dealt with thus far.

And I'm not saying people with $15/hr jobs should buy insurance premiums - they should work hard and get a job that gives them healthcare. It's really not that hard to find a good job if you're a good worker.

I agree that healthcare costs are ridiculous, but the only thing that capping them or having a universal healthcare system will do is increase wait times. Sure, everyone will get healthcare - they just might have to wait a few years for a surgery, and a few months for a physical checkup. Oh, and we'll start having a serious doctor shortage too. Maybe the government will start subsidizing doctors too, so that we won't have a shortage. And then, we'll be paying more for healthcare just like we already are - it won't get any better.

One thing that should be capped is litigations - people shouldn't be able to sue for $100's of million because a doctor made a mistake that cost them their arm. A few million, sure, but 100's is just ridiculous.

Just look at Canada, Sweden, any of the EU countries really - UH doesn't work!

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Tell us about your health care- what does it cost per month, do you pay it, and what does it cover? Most people in $15 per hour jobs can't afford to buy the medical premiums required for the insurance unless maybe they are living at home with substantial parental subsidies. Medical costs in this country, if you've been to the Doctor and paid for it yourself recently have sky rocketed in the last 20 years. I know someone who just got their gall bladder removed and one night in the hospital was $16000, not counting surgeon fees for a 45 min operation. Sure that is swell.

How much does it cost to feed a family of four for a year? How much does it cost to house them for a year? How much will they pay for entertainment? Hell, food and shelter are more of a necessity than healthcare (we all need it every year) and it costs more than healthcare does. So why don't we have free government housing and free food for everyone?

Millions of people choose not to have healthcare. This country was founded on choice--the right to choose where we live, what we eat, what we do for entertainment and what kind of healthcare we have. You liberals want to force everything down our throats--WE DON'T WANT IT. If you want government everything, move to Cuba where you'll get free everything.

Get this through your head Minor--there's no such thing as free anything--no free healthcare, no free food, no free homes. You're being played like a sucker by polticians that want to grow government and increase taxes to the point where you are completely and entirely dependent on poticians--that may be your idea of Utopia, but its my idea of hell.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Yes--exactly--how dare they. I don't know where you grew up or what you've been taught, but I've been taught that you work and earn your own way through life. We already have far too many people on the "gravy train" -- I have my own family to support and pay for healthcare and education and a ton of other stuff which I working hard to do--I can't pay for the bitch who wants to watch Oprah and Larry Springer and eat bon bons.

This attitude of "I'm entitled and the government needs to take care of me" is largely a European model--something that we've kept out of the US. It hasn't worked in Europe (point to me the people who aren't poor and struggling in your country) so why the fuck do you think its going to work here? :confused

Bottom line is people voted for Obama thinking that he can steal from the rich and give to the poor--but that's a fucking fantasy--that doesn't work--I could go through the reasons with economic theory, but you wouldn't listen anyway--but socialism never has and never will work because one you decide to "give" people things, the number of people working grows smaller and smaller and smaller while the number of people living off the system grows larger and larger and larger until it collpases on itself.

If people want education and healthcare and money, get a fuckign job. If your job pays like shit, then get some fucking skills so you can make more money. That's the ONLY way anyone will ever achieve and get what they want--by working for it, not by getting from the government.

Ok Mulder...7 years ago i was as you say "the goverment needs to take care of me job"....i had no work, 2 young husband had left me with a house and debts, i had no other way of coping......Without goverment help i would have been children taken into care and tax payers would still be paying for there up bringing:ninja

I have a'levels, gsces and good job experience....none of this was much help to me then,.
So your saying thats my fault?...and i needed to get of my ass n stop watching oprah?Instead of trying to sort my fucked up life traumatized children, who saw far much more than any child should have to witness...And find a way to work as well as raise my kids??

Wow you really are very shallow minded......But fair enough. I understand your view and the fact that why should you pay for others...:thumbup
But you really should stop labeling people mulder...we arent all the same....;) Try opening that one eye of yours sometimes....:thumbup


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Just a brief message to all, I appreciate the deabte, albeit it's interesting that a thread that was created half as a joke between conservatives, and half to seriously discuss the direction our party is going in, seems to somehow, in some mysterious way turned into a wholesale attack on our belief system.

That's fine, I encourage healthy debate....HOWEVER, I will be going through this thread and erasing whore posts, this isn't a thread for grab assing and boob comments.

I love all of you, and appreciate the participation but this isn't a P/W thread.



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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Dear Evan..i am not attacking anyones belief system.........but thankyou for making me out to be the bad guy here. I have already apologized if i have offended anyone by saying that i dont think all this necessary...the best solution is to carry on around me

Best wishes


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

And FYI, I will be working on what I am calling for now

"The Millenium Conservative Doctrine" The new age approach to conservatism

A new bold platform firmly rooted in the values of America, but putting aside "special interest" and focusing on "mass interest".

Essentially time for the conservative base to stop arguing with Dems about Guns, Religion and Abortion and focus on repairing the damage done by years of administrative excess, making our contry effective again at protecting and preserving its citizens, rather than citizens working for government.

Along those lines. Donnie, expect an email in the next couple of days, it's good stuff


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Dear Evan..i am not attacking anyones belief system.........but thankyou for making me out to be the bad guy here. I have already apologized if i have offended anyone by saying that i dont think all this necessary...the best solution is to carry on around me

Best wishes

What in Gods name are you talking about?


Back By Unpopular Demand
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

And FYI, I will be working on what I am calling for now

"The Millenium Conservative Doctrine" The new age approach to conservatism

A new bold platform firmly rooted in the values of America, but putting aside "special interest" and focusing on "mass interest".

Essentially time for the conservative base to stop arguing with Dems about Guns, Religion and Abortion and focus on repairing the damage done by years of administrative excess, making our contry effective again at protecting and preserving its citizens, rather than citizens working for government.

Along those lines. Donnie, expect an email in the next couple of days, it's good stuff
:unsure: You have my special interest :ninja


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

:unsure: You have my special interest :ninja

Basically what I pitched you on last night, I just took some time to think about it and expand on the verbage.

Simple ideology IMO:

Eliminate all special interest groups on Capitol Hill, they can do whatever they want, but they need to steer clear of DC politics and its employees, elected officials work for the citizens of the environs they represent.

By definition "Special Interest" indicates the representation of limited factions of the whole, simply put you cannot serve two masters, you either work for the people or you work for lobby, in which case you both need to be removed from congress and/or the chamber either by re-election or by banishment via Senate.

Streamline the IRS essentially based upon Consitutional rights protecting no taxation without representation:

It is an honor to pay taxes, there is no argument that am American citizen paying taxes to support thae various ventures we partake in all in the name of ever expanding our values, and collective destinies gives a citizen a feeling of personal ownership, and investment in the collective future of our nation, however the leveraged taxation system is badly flawed, combined with the heavily taxed private sector in our various industries and corporate enterprises we of the Millineum Party call for a flat taxation of its citizens, along with re-negotiated tax bases for industry and corporations.

The government can compensate for some loss in tax revenues by investigating and streamlining government contracts, searching for ways to improve purchasing processes, and investigating overcharges by contractors, simply put a $5 hammer is not going to cost the taxpayer $1000 without legal consequence.

There is some of what I'm working on Donnie


Accidental Bastard
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Basically what I pitched you on last night, I just took some time to think about it and expand on the verbage.

Simple ideology IMO:

Eliminate all special interest groups on Capitol Hill, they can do whatever they want, but they need to steer clear of DC politics and its employees, elected officials work for the citizens of the environs they represent.

By definition "Special Interest" indicates the representation of limited factions of the whole, simply put you cannot serve two masters, you either work for the people or you work for lobby, in which case you both need to be removed from congress and/or the chamber either by re-election or by banishment via Senate.

Streamline the IRS essentially based upon Consitutional rights protecting no taxation without representation:

It is an honor to pay taxes, there is no argument that am American citizen paying taxes to support thae various ventures we partake in all in the name of ever expanding our values, and collective destinies gives a citizen a feeling of personal ownership, and investment in the collective future of our nation, however the leveraged taxation system is badly flawed, combined with the heavily taxed private sector in our various industries and corporate enterprises we of the Millineum Party call for a flat taxation of its citizens, along with re-negotiated tax bases for industry and corporations.

The government can compensate for some loss in tax revenues by investigating and streamlining government contracts, searching for ways to improve purchasing processes, and investigating overcharges by contractors, simply put a $5 hammer is not going to cost the taxpayer $1000 without legal consequence.

There is some of what I'm working on Donnie

I'm Maulds and I approve this message :thumbup


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

I'm Maulds and I approve this message :thumbup

Why thank you.....I have been mentally hammering out details for a while now.

When I think of "Change We Need" I think about not giving people something for nothing, I think of developing a government environment that gets back in the business of working for the citizens, and essentially what's not constitutionally protected gets handed over to the states.

We can lessen the taxation burden simply by re-aligning the establishment and focusing on big issues at the federal level. The states can fine tune, the government just isn't efficient enough to do brain surgery, we'll have to let them amputate and that's all we'll allow them to do;)